
Well-Known Member
Well Twisty , I was born in 1949 and so I remember all this stuff. The first song I learned to play on guitar was "House Of The Rising Sun" , it was on the radio at the time. I literally grew up with Rock 'n' Roll, it's warped my life, well that ,Mad Magazine, and science fiction,,,oh yeah about the same time I discovered the sacred herb,,,



Well-Known Member
I'm listening to a cool rockabilly station from England right now,,
"Betty Lou's Getting Out Tonight"!!
sounds like Bobby Keys on sax too, it is Buddy Knox,,


Well-Known Member
Dog Commandments

1. Thou shalt not sniff the crotch of everyone thy encountereth.
2. Thou shalt not sneak up on me and lick me in the mouth while I am sleeping.
3. Thou shalt not pass gas in my presence and then walk away as if thou hast been offended by me!
4. Thou shalt not lie down next to me and commence making licking and popping noises.
5. Thou shalt not act half starved whenever thou watchest me eat.
6. Thou shalt refrain from coughing and gagging while we have company.
7. Thou shalt not WATCHEST the cat while she is in her litterbox. (she liketh her privacy)
8. Thou shalt refrain with becoming overly friendly with my mother-in-law's leg.
9. Thou shalt not harmonize with the cat at 3 a.m.
10. Thou shalt not run away in pursuit of a good time. (thou hast been neutered)
11. Thou shalt keep thy nose out of the cat's litter box.
12. Thou shalt not drink out of the toilet.
13. Thou shalt not roll in any smelly stuff thy findeth in the yard.
14. Thou shalt not treat my shoes as if they were thy chew toy.
15. Thou shalt not hide thy bones under my pillow.
16. Thou shalt not lift thy leg to water the Christmas tree.
17. Thou shalt not dig up my favorite pot plant.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: It's not me............
I was just watching CNN and they said the cops were looking for the Smiley Face Killer.............................................................................mea culpa.....
just kidding....