I've got a mass of hair. It takes over 2 hours to dry and it's not even that long. My Gran had a full head of hair at 91 so it is genetic.

I once heard that ur hair follicles are most weak when ur hungry which is why breakfast is so important. I've always ate my breakfast !! Just my 2 centimos ! :)

I will shed.. lol.. (hair joke.. come on meow) some doubt on this breakfast theory.. I am up by 4am daily (not a choice) and dont eat anything normally till way past 1.. and I get mistaken for a yeti all the time...
have not been to the barbers since I was about 24.. I let it grow out.. till it bugs the crap outta me.. (about 4 mo's ) then shave it.. the beard gets pretty much the same treatment
I'm going for the Ben Franklin look. Just kidding, been shaving my head since '86 (1/4" spacer). It was a punk thing back then, now it's just easy and cheap to maintain. btw- what's up suckas?
View attachment 2519255I use to chase my niece all the time doing my Cousin it routine, she would scream and run...here she is all grown up. This is one of my proudest moments. She had a baby at 16 complements of the boy next door after my brother had to work night shifts. She kept the baby and still managed to graduate, is a wonderful mother and an amazing person.
View attachment 2519255I use to chase my niece all the time doing my Cousin it routine, she would scream and run...here she is all grown up. This is one of my proudest moments. She had a baby at 16 complements of the boy next door after my brother had to work night shifts. She kept the baby and still managed to graduate, is a wonderful mother and an amazing person.
how old are you if you dont mind me asking haha

I've got a mass of hair. It takes over 2 hours to dry and it's not even that long. My Gran had a full head of hair at 91 so it is genetic.

I once heard that ur hair follicles are most weak when ur hungry which is why breakfast is so important. I've always ate my breakfast !! Just my 2 centimos ! :)

not true lol
for anyone whos thinning out or balding try nioxin it works WONDERS!!! , its honestly one of the only products out there that actually work.
that's her neice on the right with hereshe on the left, am i right?
hereshegrows is a milf! .. if you have any children of course
I got to think its genetic, and I hear you get your hair from your mothers parents and it skips a generation ...me,bro,three sisters all havefull head of hair...dad is bald.
To answer Sunni's question, I am out of Puma and full on Cougar age,lol. and yes 2TimEr I have two children. I'm very happy with this stage of my life and really don't miss my twenties. I was always broke and had way too many struggles. I believe as long as you have a smile and a good attitude, you can be an attractive person to someone.
To answer Sunni's question, I am out of Puma and full on Cougar age,lol. and yes 2TimEr I have two children. I'm very happy with this stage of my life and really don't miss my twenties. I was always broke and had way too many struggles. I believe as long as you have a smile and a good attitude, you can be an attractive person to someone.

im 27 and ur atleast 10 years older then me.. and id run all up in ya.. ooops i ment i find u attractive
View attachment 2519255I use to chase my niece all the time doing my Cousin it routine, she would scream and run...here she is all grown up. This is one of my proudest moments. She had a baby at 16 complements of the boy next door after my brother had to work night shifts. She kept the baby and still managed to graduate, is a wonderful mother and an amazing person.

I'd hit that.