• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Do you feel sorry for Hitler and Stalin??


Well-Known Member
Hitler and other dictators are simply God's means of ethnic cleansing.

>>>Did I get your attention?.

If people focused more on cannabis production, and less on history...the world would be a much better place.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hitler and other dictators are simply God's means of ethnic cleansing.

>>>Did I get your attention?.

If people focused more on cannabis production, and less on history...the world would be a much better place.:mrgreen:
The first recorded use of cannabis as medicine was way back in 2737 BC by the Chinese Emperor Shen Neng. History, cannabis, and I am very focused on production! (By waiting patiently for my first harvest.)


Global Moderator
Staff member
Hitler and other dictators are simply God's means of ethnic cleansing.

>>>Did I get your attention?.

If people focused more on cannabis production, and less on history...the world would be a much better place.:mrgreen:
Then again, George Santayana put it most succinctly with "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".

There are lots of history I hope won't repeat itself, but knowing mankind - we're just dumb enough to do stupid shit more than once.
~I'll bet that will never make it to Wikkiquote's~


Well-Known Member
You all can feel sorry for me if you want I was beat by my step-dad, which I think is worse than being beat by my real dad (whom I never met)...
so now what???
I know I'll take over the world

stay high

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I feel sad for the children that they were once for being treated so poorly... But as an Adult you don't get a free pass to be a dick just because you had a less than ideal childhood...


Global Moderator
Staff member
In Taiwan there is 12,000 year old pottery with cannabis pressed into it :D
I was going to ask you for a link & decided to heed my own (newb) advice & google. Nice factoid my friend. :-o

Medical Marijuana Research
From the first recorded use of cannabis found in ancient Taiwanese pottery in 10,000 B.C. to the 21st century medicinal marijuana use, the cannabis plant has been used as an integral part of people's lives for many centuries.


Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I like to think that people sometimes do a little bit of research before deciding to trust whatever someone posts on a stoner forum...


New Member
Just because you feel sorry for them, doesn't mean you accept their poor childhood as a justification for their actions. So yeah, it's reasonable to feel bad for them, but they're still complete assholes.
This ^

There's been a bunch of kids who get beat and even worse thru their childhood and end up making something positive out of it. Same with good people who grew up in a near perfect childhood and still grow up murderers.

I thought Hitler wanted revenge from WW1 or something.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin were both beaten by their fathers when they were children? In fact, both of them ended up in the hospital in a coma, after being beaten up very badly by their father. Both Hitler's and Stalin's mothers were also beaten by their fathers. Both Hitler and Stalin hated their fathers with a passion, as you can imagine. Both were incredibly heartbroken when their mothers died fairly early in their lives. They both had incredibly horrible childhoods.

I "almost" felt sorry for them when I learned about this. Notice I put "almost" in quotes, because I believe that no matter how hard your childhood was, that just does NOT justify killing millions of people, literally, in some kind of twisted revenge against the world. I was lucky that I had loving parents, and there is no way I can ever know exactly what it is like to be abused by one's parents. But I just cannot condone them for what they did, no matter how hard their childhood was. I think most people would feel the same, I think.

Having said that....if I didn't have loving parents, if I had a horrible abusive father like Hitler and Stalin had, would I have come out the same as them?? If you had a father like Hitler and Stalin had, would you end up like them?

What do you guys think?
If you believe these men personaly are responsible for all those deaths, you are a victim of social engineering and the dumbing down of education.
These guys (ok I don't know that much about stalin), merely were the voice of the majority in their communities and countries. Nor do I believe they had any kind of final say and probably more ikely were at the beck and call of some financier somewhere. That being said, I have no time for these gentlemen, as they always had the option of declining.

However it will happen again, the more austere the world becomes, the more communities will gang up on outsiders.
When the americans feel they are seriously outnumbered by mexicans or brits by pakistanis, these wounds will fester.
Hell in my own country it is happening blacks vs whites (doesn't matter where they are from). Utterances by politicians are made explicitly with the aim of dehumanising a sector of society, maybe calling them dogs or cockroches or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Even if you were abused as a child,You still have a choice to be a good person and to do good in the world.No way do i feel sorry for Stalin or Hitler,,,,I have no sympathy for them.


Active Member
Both Hitler and Stalin dont deserve sympathy for the people they became. The two little children beatin, abused, lost their mothers are the ones I feel sorry for. Neither one should have been so horribly treated, their fathers set the mould for who they became. What would have happened if someone intervened and took both children out of the situations, got them help and taught them to cope with it. Sadly that was not the case and both men choose the wrong path and became the horrible monsters we seem them as today. I never knew either background of Stalin or Hitler and after finding slightly out about it I can sort of understand why they became the way they did. If only someone had saved either child, maybe things would be different.
I'm glad someone got the point of my original post, you got the exact point I was trying to make.
For people who didn't get the point, hypothetically, imagine if you were living back then, in the very early 1900s and you saw Stalin as a young child or Hitler as a toddler getting beat up by their father, wouldn't you feel sorry for them, unless you condone child abuse......or maybe you would have even tried to intervene and do something....
For those of you that had abusive father's and still turned out fine, my hat's off to you--you're awesome, but social workers will tell you that for many people, father/son child abuse creates an endless cycle of violence. I really am not sure how I would turn out if that happened to me.....
The History Channel had a program that was devoted to the similarities of Hitler and Stalin's childhoods, which is where I learned about this. Maybe some of you should watch it.....


Active Member
On the BBC World Service the other night, they said that in Stalin's home country of Georgia, Georgians today still view Stalin as a hero figure....


Ursus marijanus
On the BBC World Service the other night, they said that in Stalin's home country of Georgia, Georgians today still view Stalin as a hero figure....
The Austrians don't extend their native son the same courtesy. I wonder how much of it is simple disgust with a loser. cn


Active Member
Poor excuse. Does self responsibility come into it at all? I think you need a history lesson and I know just the person for it!!

Btw, my Father and I were cool!
But I’m not so self-righteous to think that I couldn't turn into a monster like those two.
I learned something new as I just finished watching the Tom Hanks/Steven Speilberg series “The Pacific,” actually the special features DVD--‘the making of The Pacific.” Steven Speilberg said that the Japanese soldiers were beaten by their own officers. And wouldn’t you know it, the Japanese soldiers were the most brutal soldiers of World War 2. And I mean ALL of them were bad. If you do research, you can’t find anything kind/good that the Japanese soldiers did, it was ALL brutality. Why do you think that until this day, many Koreans, Chinese and Filipinos hate the Japanese? It’s because of the atrocities the Japanese committed.

Sure, there are some awesome people that were abused by their father and ended up good people, but they're in the extreme minority. Again, look at the example of the Japanese soldiers. They all turned out bad, unless you’re racist and think the Japanese are worse than other races/ethnic groups.

And what the Japanese did to the Chinese was WORSE than what the Nazis did to the Jewish people. How could it be worse?? Well, I created a thread a couple of months ago about cruelty, where I talked about the atrocities that the japanese soldiers commited against the Chinese in the Nanjing Massacre/Rape of Nanking in 1937. Some of the things they did: Japanese soldiers pouring sulfuric acid on a man's head to see what happens, raping 80 year old ladies and 1 year old babies, decapitation contests with a katana, slicing open pregnant women and putting the fetus on the tip of the bayonet and parading it around the street. The Japanese soldiers would force sons to rape their mothers and fathers forced to rape their daughters, and if they refused, they were shot. They dropped biological weapons on Chinese villages to see what the effects were. They performed vivisection on live Chinese citizens. And after the war, these soldiers had no remorse. I remember reading about a japanese lady who in the 1950s remembers overhearing in a bar a couple of former japanese soldiers bragging about killing chinese in Nanjing and talking about how far they could stick their arm inside a woman's genitals. The japanese soldiers were the WORST on the planet, and they were ALL beaten. See my point?

After I found out about the Nanjing Massacre, a part of me wanted to disown my Japanese heritage (my maternal grandfather was Japanese)
You know, even the Nazis themselves were appalled by the violence. There were a few Nazi officials residing in the diplomatic safe zone in Nanjing who witnessed what happened and chronicled it....

But as I said, I had loving parents, maybe if I had a father like Hitler or Stalin did, I could have turned out the same way. After all, I am part Japanese, maybe I would have turned out like those Japanese soldiers who were beaten.

Maybe if more people could think outside the box like me (as I write songs and make music videos, I have to think outside the box like in my music video in my signature), situations like Stalin’s and Hitler’s childhoods could have been avoided.

After what I said about what the Japanese did to the Chinese, maybe you should cut Hitler some slack….maybe if someone had intervened during his childhood, he might have never turned out the way he did….

And one more time, please explain the Japanese soldiers--how all of them were beaten, and all of the turned out bad. ALL of them…..
And Hitler’s case was even worse, because he was a small child when it happened.

And Hitler and Stalin were in unique positions of power, where they controlled the government and army. I’m certain that if more people who were abused as children had access to that kind of power, there would probably be more genocide.


Sector 5 Moderator
My dad beat the fuck out of me when I was a kid. He even used a piece of garden hose one time. He would beat me and get into a frenzy so bad that my mother would have to take hits to get him to stop. I'm not a fucking lunatic that wants to kill millions of people. I'm glad those two pieces of shit are roasting in hell.