Need a check (2Weeks 3 Days old) Vegging


Active Member
How are they doing? I'm thinking a bigger pot is needed, these are 5-6in pots i think. All about 3in. Black pot is the oldest, other ones are a few days younger.

6x 23w CFLs, (1x 2300k and 5x 5500k)

Grow room changed to the board hanging with Y connectors now.




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Active Member
lookin ok so far, in another week or two you might want to get alittle bigger pots. but all looks well, other than that :joint::hump:


Active Member
I used that pot 2 grow 2 germinated seeds, 1 died from being transplanted (from the plastic box) so I left it on the side since I was going to buy bigger pots soon.


Active Member
makes sence, well like i said the little ones are lookin healthy, keep on babyin thouse little thing.:peace: