And while you slept another illegal entered the country.i took a nap.
good thing, i'm outta vegetables.And while you slept another illegal entered the country.
They would mind more if you didn't use the official crossing but the smaller narrower one behind it. cni think you guys are very ingrate full for your ansesters, and i am too, i migrate into all kinds of women in my time all natinalities they didnt mind, well if i was illegal as you say you must be realy illegal as well... but i wont fight for the earth or this land, i cant keep it and i wont take it with me... do as you wish.. with whats left of it.. if you worked together with all humans you probley get more done if you shared what the native american or indians of this land did probley get closer to discovering more answers to pathogens, diseases, viruses end world hunger, and mabe travle space and time but you suppress other humans and your greed realy dose nothing your hate helps nothing yet you are more foreighn than any of us. we been hear before your ansesters ever got hear... but like i sead its just a mater of time before its just one race and one country world domanance mabe not in my time but we will soon be related again.. devide or combine?? ant colonies work best together... its to complicated for your minds to understand problems you just like to contribute to them instead of understanding them and working things out properly this land is so contravershal.. but it realy doesnt belong to anyone of us life is but a blink of an eye. read the very post illegal imigration when is it legal to migrate, lolz pilgrams migrated big time... this is to funny
i think you guys are very ingrate full for your ansesters, and i am too, i migrate into all kinds of women in my time all natinalities they didnt mind, well if i was illegal as you say you must be realy illegal as well... but i wont fight for the earth or this land, i cant keep it and i wont take it with me... do as you wish.. with whats left of it.. if you worked together with all humans you probley get more done if you shared what the native american or indians of this land did probley get closer to discovering more answers to pathogens, diseases, viruses end world hunger, and mabe travle space and time but you suppress other humans and your greed realy dose nothing your hate helps nothing yet you are more foreighn than any of us. we been hear before your ansesters ever got hear... but like i sead its just a mater of time before its just one race and one country world domanance mabe not in my time but we will soon be related again.. devide or combine?? ant colonies work best together... its to complicated for your minds to understand problems you just like to contribute to them instead of understanding them and working things out properly this land is so contravershal.. but it realy doesnt belong to anyone of us life is but a blink of an eye. read the very post illegal imigration when is it legal to migrate, lolz pilgrams migrated big time... this is to funny