Can I overdo the LEDs?


Going for my first grow with LEDs in a 4x4x8 space. My intention is using as much light as possible for better and tighter bud production, without overdoing it and burn my babies. Right now I have 2 panels rated 240w (160w consumption) going with a few chilis, just to test out the light a little.
I see no problems with those plants at all. Id like to order a third panel for my babies which would be 480w in a 4x4x8. Spectrum of panels are red(660nm)/red(630nm)/blue(455nm)/orange(610nm)/yellow(585nm)/white(7000k) in a 6:1:1:1:1:1 ratio.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
You don't need more than 40-50 umols/s^m

New leds output 100+ lumens per watt

Also monochrome leds are old tech that is still being sold. New tech is WHITE diodes/chips, specifically NW & WW


Well-Known Member
I think you'll need at least 2x what you got if you're going to be using the whole 4x4 space and wanting to get those tight buds you were talking about.. Good luck tho


Ok, thank you all for the advice. I am a little disappointed that my LEDs might even be considered old and inefficient already. For half the money I need to upgrade with LEDs, I can get me a full 600w hps digital cooltube setup and combining that with the current leds. Seems like I have some more researching and saving up money to do.. :)


Active Member
Just to be clear, the dimensions of the floor are 4x4? If so, I would shoot for around 700 watts, a little more would be perfect. Play around with the height of your LED lights to make sure you're getting good penetration and footprint. I like 20" for flower, and my buds are pretty solid.


Yes, 4x4. Will do some more investing for sure and will also take all of the good advise into consideration. Thank you for your time all.