Going for my first grow with LEDs in a 4x4x8 space. My intention is using as much light as possible for better and tighter bud production, without overdoing it and burn my babies. Right now I have 2 panels rated 240w (160w consumption) going with a few chilis, just to test out the light a little.
I see no problems with those plants at all. Id like to order a third panel for my babies which would be 480w in a 4x4x8. Spectrum of panels are red(660nm)/red(630nm)/blue(455nm)/orange(610nm)/yellow(585nm)/white(7000k) in a 6:1:1:1:1:1 ratio.
Any thoughts?
Going for my first grow with LEDs in a 4x4x8 space. My intention is using as much light as possible for better and tighter bud production, without overdoing it and burn my babies. Right now I have 2 panels rated 240w (160w consumption) going with a few chilis, just to test out the light a little.
I see no problems with those plants at all. Id like to order a third panel for my babies which would be 480w in a 4x4x8. Spectrum of panels are red(660nm)/red(630nm)/blue(455nm)/orange(610nm)/yellow(585nm)/white(7000k) in a 6:1:1:1:1:1 ratio.
Any thoughts?