Need help wiring fan and variable switch


Well-Known Member
Ok so I started getting into the fan and variable speed switch and think I'm in over my head a lil bit... I understand very basic wiring scamattics and this is a lil out of my scope. I'm going to attach some thumbnails of what info I have and hope that some one can help me out.. thanks in advance!



Active Member
Cant tell anything from your pics but the usuall way to vary an ac motor speed is with a triac circuit.
Whats in it and how it works:
Wire it in series with the motor in the hot leg.. Also dims incandescent lamps.


Well-Known Member
thanks, I just checked out the link... pretty much Greek to me! I'm gonna check it out again tomorrow when I am not so high and see if it makes more since then! thanks again.


Active Member
When I wired mine I used a passthrough plug with plug and socket on one connector. I plug it into the powerbar and the fan into the pass through. (looked like except with wires rather then that single plug.

Green to Green
Red to Back
Red to White

And as ZKT said,
Wire it in series with the motor.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I started getting into the fan and variable speed switch and think I'm in over my head a lil bit... I understand very basic wiring scamattics and this is a lil out of my scope. I'm going to attach some thumbnails of what info I have and hope that some one can help me out.. thanks in advance!

Can you not buy a ready made speed controller for that type of fan? The type you plug the fan into directly? Sometimes we tend to out think the situation.


Well-Known Member
Can you not buy a ready made speed controller for that type of fan? The type you plug the fan into directly? Sometimes we tend to out think the situation.
yea I looked at them but Im not sure they are rated the amprage or whatever its called..... but I think I am going to try one anyone. today I wired the whole deal up and the switch through a lill spark and then never worked~ lol... good news though is that it didnt seem to hurt the fan at all....


Well-Known Member
yea I looked at them but Im not sure they are rated the amprage or whatever its called..... but I think I am going to try one anyone. today I wired the whole deal up and the switch through a lill spark and then never worked~ lol... good news though is that it didnt seem to hurt the fan at all....

The one I got is rated for 15 amps I think. I am a firm believer that Fire in the grow room is bad....

Heavy Duty Fan Speed Controller*-*Hydrotech Hydroponics Ltd.


Well-Known Member
I dont think that fan controller is worth it.

I have 3 Speedster fan controller and think they are rated for more amps and are more compact. It also has an outlet you just plug the fan into. Think they were like 20-25 bucks. Google - Speedster fan controller


Well-Known Member
I dont think that fan controller is worth it.

I have 3 Speedster fan controller and think they are rated for more amps and are more compact. It also has an outlet you just plug the fan into. Think they were like 20-25 bucks. Google - Speedster fan controller
Nice! I google and now I have one on its way from bgh! BTW I tried wiring up the other one and got a nice lil pop sound from it and from that point on it never worked! blew it up I guess... ripped it off and the fan still works so IM cool there... I have it running now at full speed but will need to lower it when the temps drop again. Right now it is keeping up great with the heat and where I am it is hot as hell now and getting worse... thanks for the heads up FullMetal!


Well-Known Member
I dont think that fan controller is worth it.

I have 3 Speedster fan controller and think they are rated for more amps and are more compact. It also has an outlet you just plug the fan into. Think they were like 20-25 bucks. Google - Speedster fan controller
That is the one I have also. I was just lazy and didnt want to spend more time looking for it...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
That is the one I have also. I was just lazy and didnt want to spend more time looking for it...:blsmoke:
I honestly didn't know if it was rated hight for my fan so I was nervous about it and just got the high amperage one.. but that fucker kicked my ass... I'm definitely going with the idiot proof like I should have to start!


Well-Known Member
That is the one I have also. I was just lazy and didnt want to spend more time looking for it...:blsmoke:

np , good luck with the fan...

nice fatsalad, so he asked for help and you sent him a direct link to a controller that only handles 5 amp, cost 40 dollars, and looks like it is from 1960?

im sure you had good intentions but goofy man goofy...


Well-Known Member
nice fatsalad, so he asked for help and you sent him a direct link to a controller that only handles 5 amp, cost 40 dollars, and looks like it is from 1960?
Don't knock it, I suspect that it is an artifact from one of the NASA Gemini missions. Could very well be worth some money as an antique.


Well-Known Member
Don't knock it, I suspect that it is an artifact from one of the NASA Gemini missions. Could very well be worth some money as an antique.

LOL.. Yea that is what we need around here some themed cabs/growrooms to add a little spice.

Who would want a throwback Jersey or Jordans when you cab have a throwback cab?


Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't you try a speedster speed controller on e-bay less than 20 bucks. Just look under router speed control. There sold for routers but work on any brush powered motor. And anything less than 15 amps. I'm getting 2.