Club 600


Active Member
DST you are so right and that's the way it should be looked at. Not as an open invitation for casting stones. The radio station this morning where just saying such inappropriate things like " oh what he do lol" Ive never felt so offended in my life. Nor did I know I felt so strongly about my religion and believes until this morning. It's as if religion is taken as a joke and you will be too if you believe. Too many ppl are forgetting our history because they're too wrapped up in the future. But well said, to each their own...


Well-Known Member
I hope yer Tahoe came from a different source than mine.
Decent high, poor taste smell...after a few hits the taste is shitty.
Could be my fault...but I never had any otger strains come out with that lousy taste b4
It's from cali connection seeds from a cloner up in the hills by me run it in few months or so once it's bigger and can take clones any strain I get gets turned into a mom that way if it's good I have the mom
focusing on my blue pits and a cut of GSC right now


Well-Known Member
DST you are so right and that's the way it should be looked at. Not as an open invitation for casting stones. The radio station this morning where just saying such inappropriate things like " oh what he do lol" Ive never felt so offended in my life. Nor did I know I felt so strongly about my religion and believes until this morning. It's as if religion is taken as a joke and you will be too if you believe. Too many ppl are forgetting our history because they're too wrapped up in the future. But well said, to each their own...
Religion is a joke in my opinion. Having been raised in a church where all my great and grandparents are the bishop/mothers. religion is quite funny n contradictive. i find aliens way more believable.


Well-Known Member
It's from cali connection seeds from a cloner up in the hills by me run it in few months or so once it's bigger and can take clones any strain I get gets turned into a mom that way if it's good I have the mom
focusing on my blue pits and a cut of GSC right now
We still need to trade seeds/clones/buds sometime.
I am curious to see what your Tahoe turns into,
and I still need a "REAL" cut of GSC to see what the hype is all about.


Well-Known Member
So here is my current fukked up Electricity situation.

Each year we get a meter reader who comes round the house and takes down the lecky meter reading. Then a whilke later we get an end of year bill which runs to November for some reason. Since we have moved into the house the bills have been roughly the same (even with me switching lights around). This year the guy came and took the reading and then we got the usual bill. This time however they said, we are going to pay you 3700 euro and your new monthly will be 35% of what it is just now.

Well, I guess we should have just kept the money as we called them, the money was sent back, and we gave them a reading and they sent a new bill.

All well and good, NO! The new bill we have to now pay them 2grand!! And that's on top of the nigh on 2grand we paid them in monthly payment last year. They basically have taken the readin gave them in January and used that to assess our bill....they couldn't quite understand why I was pissed off. I told them they are giving us a bill that includes our usage for this year already......fukkin dime bar from the other end of the phone!

Needless to say, we still have to pay them 2 grand. Just unbelievable.....
What fucking cunts they are!!! Uh oh I feel my blood boiling ~~~~woosah~~~woosah~~~~woosah~~~~ ok...
Props to the both of you for doing the right thing, shame on them SHAME! I dont know what to tell you bro :-(
The area I live in has a fairly windy microclimate, I was thinking about putting a few turbines up, solar panels would be nice but after reading about the toxic waste put out from their manufacturing and the amount of petroleum it takes to make them Im thinking twice... It would work sooooo well out here though! Id have the electric company paying ME ffs! I may do it, there are some great grants and subsidies available but the gov is the last thing I want to deal with for good reasons lol.

Each to their own Spectator.

I gleended this from it. He's one of the first Popes to actually take a look at what needs to be done in his job and say, well I am not up for the task anymore. And that is a courageous thing to do.
The task of hiding sex abuse cases and being held accountable..... I wouldn't want to do it either.

Quick! Everone grab your foil hats!!!!

Does anyone know our out on your own in public today/escaped???
No need for all that BS, be an adult.

Great av choices!
What would u choose for me?



Well-Known Member
Sometimes you gotta go all out when your The King, you can't help it, you know?
Because there's only one man that's The King.
God picks him, hand plucks him.
God looked down on all the millions & millions & millions of people and decided which one was the best.
And it was me.
And he plucked me from all those millions & millions & millions of people, man.
Listen to this, right now.
There are only two things you need to know: I'm The King, and number two is LOOK OUT MAN!
Look at that, comin' at you, you see that?
It's called: "Karate", and only two kinds of people know it: Chinese, and The King.
And one of them is me.



Well-Known Member
Walk hard Boobs, walk hard bongsmilie <<< typo, it happens more than Id like to admit ;-)

I think I just smelled your avatar :shock: Yeah Im loosing my mind.


Well-Known Member
Que up your favorite 3-minute song on Winamp, and play this vid muted (if you don't dig the tunes that come with it):



Well-Known Member
Que up your favorite 3-minute song on Winamp, and play this vid muted (if you don't dig the tunes that come with it):

Oh fuck yeah thats what Im talkin about!

I didnt mind the tune either, I was a bit focused on other stuff :rolleyes: One of the sexiest music vids Iv seen for sure.


Well-Known Member
We still need to trade seeds/clones/buds sometime.
I am curious to see what your Tahoe turns into,
and I still need a "REAL" cut of GSC to see what the hype is all about.
Ime still looking for real gsc well not looking but when I go drop.stuff of a collectives I will pick one up when they have them