American Education System


Well-Known Member
You speak as if you graduated hs yesterday. When was the last time you spent an entire day at an elementary/intermediate school, I would bet along time with the answers you are bringing to the table. If you could watch how the teachers act towards these children and how much personal attention they receive, you would be one angry father or should be anyway. Now on to the meat and potatoes. They place so much emphasis on these tests that it is almost unreal. They have removed many stories from the history books and only keep the ones that coincide with the agenda. Social studies will be a blast from the past in just a few short years, it is going away right along with writing and civics. Almost all of the 4H and AG classes are gone from grade schools now, soon they will leave the high schools as well. They are teaching the children that anything and everything the government does is okay and really should not be questioned. The propaganda on the walls is enough to make you sick. I will take my little chicken scratch camera with me to work and bring some pics of the signs and slogans they have plastered all over the walls in these schools, then we will continue on with the discussion. The damage is being done in the classroom by teachers who are told what to teach and how to teach it, very little personal interaction. I blame the parents as much as the education system, because most parents look at school like a daycare and nothing more. I think it is time for a few bong rips. Peace Asmallvoice
In fairness, I think it should be noted Buck's not allowed within 1000 feet of a school.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that there aren't bad EEs out there, sure there definitely are. But EEs education inherently makes the concept of being an electrician in the sense of setting up operation circuits a more basic subject. I hope for everyone that an EE can do simple V=IR and figure out his circuits, but as you stated, and as is what happens, sometimes they fuck up or suck ass. I'm also a ME that designs and fabricates UAVs; I use my hands. I can use everything from a hand tool to a HAAS 6 axis CNC mill. I can also wire a house, which I have done myself after adding dedicated circuits... It's not hard, trust me.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't believe Haas makes a 6 axis mill.
Just buy a RO system and stop crying about fluoride then...

You little bitch.[/QUOTE

hahahahahahahahahaaaha you angry little internet people are the best entertainment.... keep bein you harre... because its obviously working for ya... ( 5 posts a day on average) I laughed and laughed.... more flouride for you :D


The education system in America is just as corrupt as the healthcare system...All they teach you how to do is memorize text and regurgitate it back onto a piece of paper aka "test". True history is suppressed from the textbooks and you are taught how to be an obedient slave to the system. Notice how most college graduates never end up working for themselves...That's because they taught you how to work for somebody else not for yourself...A college graduate in a specific field usually expects a predetermined salary. For instance a engineer would expect a starting salary of 50k to maybe 120k a year? That engineer, even at his best performance probably wont ever surpass 250k a year. But if he started his own buisness, he could potentially makes millions every single year. Not to mention the costs of education in America is way too high...Back in the day you could go to Harvard for 5k a year. Now, students in foreign countries such as China end up getting hired by big American corporations because they are smarter. Yet we probably pay 5 or 6x the amount they do for our education.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The American "education system" is modeled after the one used in Prussia, it came over in the mid 1800s. This system was designed to make good factory workers and obedient citizens and willing soldiers. In other words cannon fodder and sheep.

It appears to be meeting the goal.


Well-Known Member
The education system in America is just as corrupt as the healthcare system...All they teach you how to do is memorize text and regurgitate it back onto a piece of paper aka "test". True history is suppressed from the textbooks and you are taught how to be an obedient slave to the system. Notice how most college graduates never end up working for themselves...That's because they taught you how to work for somebody else not for yourself...A village graduate in a specific field usually expects a predetermined salary. For instance a engineer would expect a starting salary of 50k to maybe 120k a year? That engineer, even at his best performance probably wont ever surpass 250k a year. But if he started his own buisness, he could potentially makes millions every single year. Not to mention the costs of education in America is way too high...Back in the day you could go to Harvard for 5k a year. Now, students in foreign countries such as China end up getting hired by big American corporations because they are smarter. Yet we probably pay 5 or 6x the amount they do for our education.

It would be fucking awesome if everyone was self employed. Imagine how our economy would be.