The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
have you all heard of the band "we were promised jet packs"?
no but the band name is cool...

plants are comeing down tonight, done a quick dry on a small bud last night and the stone was good enough so seeing as they haven`t used any of the water they got since friday and they only got a small amount each, theres no point in wasteing time i might as well just crack on with the next lot and save some money on the leccey for the next few weeks...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

anyone into moonshiners will appriciate this....


Active Member
no but the band name is cool...

plants are comeing down tonight, done a quick dry on a small bud last night and the stone was good enough so seeing as they haven`t used any of the water they got since friday and they only got a small amount each, theres no point in wasteing time i might as well just crack on with the next lot and save some money on the leccey for the next few weeks...
pics or it didn happen...hahaha only jokein 86 at least you will have a bit ta smoke....go on carl frampton what a knockout last night,brilliant boxer.


Well-Known Member
@marley: actually that set up is my friends that help and he shows me new shit all the time and its the "small small" co-op grow.

@ae: we were promised jetpacks are scottish I believe see if you can pick up the accent, I'm pretty sure its scottish



Well-Known Member
one more great scottish band and one of my favorite songs they are called Frightened Rabbit:



Active Member

anyone into moonshiners will appriciate this....
poor ol popcorn he ended up killin himself in the end rather than stay in prison....that bagseed i planted has sprouted allready.anyone ever have any success with bagseed before?it was a lone seed in an ounce so hope shes lucky.

another big haul got yesterday 700 grands worth in cavan.dont think theyd waste there time on the small growers when there gettin hauls like that.....


Well-Known Member
My good friend i'm helping with the co-op grow is germing some GreenCrack as I write this. Here are some pics of his last greencrack run a few years ago, this strain is potent as hell and is one of my favorites.


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
cheers md but you have me sorted for the next three grows at least ;)

tap root is out on the bubba so we nearly have a grow going, and the few i had growing are down and hanging in the hot press, won`t see them for a week or so now, and at a guess theres about 4 oz in total on them, could be more we`lll have to wait and see, no matter at least it`ll be good smoke....

may dig out my cfl`s now there in a box somewhere round here, found the homemade reflectors today so sorted for power etc just no bulbs hahahaha sods law as usual...


Well-Known Member
Youll be glad to see a smoke ae after everything getting slowed down with the cold, my run off was 3.5ec so i flushed them with 5 liters of water with canna flush and then fed them the micro and bloom at an ec of 1.7 and that adjusted the run off to 0.8EC so i just need to wait for the medium to dry out and i should be back to ok at least i hope lol got no weed this last while i could bite the head off a snake at times hehe i am about 4 weeks away at least


Well-Known Member
What were ya growing again AE?? Howd she turn out for you? Did you chop very early?

Anybody watch THE WALKING DEAD?? ALways hear people going on about it?????

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah the walking dead is good billy, bit slow in season three i think when there at the farm but this last season is cracking again, and its back friday on fox...

on the other hand i think breaking bad must be comeing to an end, i did enjoy the last episode where we got a look at gus`s past a little....

growing the last few lemmon haze for this year, as kang said with the cold and condensation problems i`ve had with the old shed it held them back at least two weeks so they came down just as they went cloudy, this should do for the head buzz, means the house will be spotless come the weekend hahahahaha always go like a mad man when there like that....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Youll be glad to see a smoke ae after everything getting slowed down with the cold, my run off was 3.5ec so i flushed them with 5 liters of water with canna flush and then fed them the micro and bloom at an ec of 1.7 and that adjusted the run off to 0.8EC so i just need to wait for the medium to dry out and i should be back to ok at least i hope lol got no weed this last while i could bite the head off a snake at times hehe i am about 4 weeks away at least

won`t see much dude, after all they are haze`s, but non the less its a lot more than i got right now hahahahaha.....

not really that pushed to be honest, kinda lost intrest in them when the cold was so persistant so really looking forward to getting these bubba`s going and maybe a scrog aswell,`we`ll have to see what way the shed works out once the powers out there...


Well-Known Member
Season 2 was poor of walking dead nothing happened and i allmost gave up on it but season 3 has got better, ill tell you what has got really really fucking good and advise you download them right away is Spartacus the first two seasons were very good but now theres 3 episodes out of season 3 and its somehow gotten even better! all action for a full hour in every episode in season 3 so far its really good