Amazon knows I grow


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how, after 1 purchase of CalMag+, Amazon is now firmly convinced that I grow. The scary thing is, they're right...
I have a marketing company and setup websites for my sales peeps across the US. I run reports from my web servers that provides all the clicks, who came to the site (ip #), where they came FROM, how long they stayed on. Scary how much info is available out there.

I use a VPN (blocks my activity from ISP and prying eyes ) and do not link my google acct to youtube. No facebook or google+ either. Not paranoid, just taking a couple of extra steps to stay ahead of the man. Besides, I don't want some high school sweetheart looking me up on facebook, life's complicated enough already!


Active Member
If The Man really wants to find you they don't need the Internet to do it.

I run a site and can see everything about the visitor; OS, screen resolution, device type, IP, place of origin, what search terms were used, etc, etc. It's not hard. Having worked for Amazon I am completely unconcerned with any of it. Amazon could care less about you buying some nutes, a light or whatever. It's all just dollars to them.

I would be more concerned about posting here.


Well-Known Member
If The Man really wants to find you they don't need the Internet to do it.

I would be more concerned about posting here.
Yes, I agree. Retailers could care less and simply use the information to create more sales. I'd at least run a VPN when cruising & posting weed sites. Mentioned a thousand times, but worth repeating... growers are more likely to get busted for talking too much about their hobby to friends. What's the rule? NO SMELL, NO TELL, NO SELL ...something like that.


Well-Known Member
If The Man really wants to find you they don't need the Internet to do it.

I run a site and can see everything about the visitor; OS, screen resolution, device type, IP, place of origin, what search terms were used, etc, etc. It's not hard. Having worked for Amazon I am completely unconcerned with any of it. Amazon could care less about you buying some nutes, a light or whatever. It's all just dollars to them.

I would be more concerned about posting here.
I agree that amazon are not concerned at all about your purchase.They don't sell anything illegal so why would they care? All the grow equipment they sell is sold under the pretence of legal gardening.They can't go about giving the police tip offs on who bought a grow light ,as there a shitload of people who actually do grow fruits and veg indoors.

What i don't really agree with ,is why would you be concerned about posting here? Unless of course your connecting with your own ip adress which i would never do.If they can tell all that stuff ,how come people aren't getting busted left right and center? I think as long as you don't conect with your ip adress your good.Yes they can probably crack it if they want but is it worth their time when they can just go out on the street dressed as crack heads and trap some poor sucker into buying them some crack.


Well-Known Member
I use Google Chrome for my browser, and any time I am searching anything weed/grow/drug related, I do it with the "incognito" tab. Which means this....

"You've gone incognito. Pages you view in this window won't appear in your browser history or search history, and they won't leave other traces, like cookies, on your computer after you close all open incognito windows. Any files you download or bookmarks you create will be preserved, however. "

It helps a lot, I have no issues with ads now.


Well-Known Member
oh chesus the virus that locks your pc and says you owe money to the fbi.. yeah i have had it before.I wasn't dumb enough to believe it.Real pain in the ass getting rid of it to

Thing really pisses me off about youtube/google .they have just become more and more big brothers tool every damn month.Use to be you could watch vids on youtube all night and have a great time.Now every fucker has a 30 second advert you have to wait 5 sec and then skip..pain in the balls ,then sometimes you actually have to watch it.I'm like no,chance and just click another video.Not only this ,but they're spying on me so they can bombard me with pop up ads.Not only that they keep asking for me to update my account with my mobile phone number and name! Fuck no ..lost count the amount of times i've clicked "ask me later" for that shit.Fuck you youtube and google
download adblock, it stops all ads and popups. you can download it for googlechrome and firefox.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean to come across a paranoid -- I'm not at all worried about Amazon's tracking. I just think it's funny that a single purchase can instantly transform what products they show you. For those who wish to hide more of their browsing habits, I strongly recommend Ghostery.


Well-Known Member
Yup, we are all on the grid just a little bit, except for the severely paranoid, they're on Zyprexa or Abilify. ;-)

Thing is, the referring product suggestions on most websites must work, otherwise they would be using some other tool to motivate purchasing.