FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
I understand the genetics argument, which is another big point in this. The one that can do the best, in the worst conditions, should be the one to continue to the next generation. This is the BEST way to see which plant is best. I don't want to breed plants that can grow well in perfect conditions, I want to make plants plants that will grow well when you throw the seeds in a ditch. And I know that because the plants may be different genetically that they will produce different results than if I cloned one plant and used 12 versions of it to test on, but that does not mean that the results are worthless. It just means they were not gathered in Textbook conditions, but that is because I plan on using them in the future, not as the "end result". When I have my PERFECT strain (in like 15 years) I will have PLENTY of clones of that plant, but until I find it. I'm just testing out seeds.
I would say it is worthless in finding out if severe stress like you are doing significantly increases THC which was your original theory and the point of this. Not only the control group but instead of doing one stress technique per plant and recording the results(which you would still need a proper control for) you are doing everything you can think/read about not knowing what is truly beneficial. Some things your doing might hurt more than help and some things might help more than hurt. You have no idea.

It wouldnt be worthless in seeing how much a plant can handle I guess but unless you are planning on cloning these the test stops once you harvest. You might be planning on cloning during flower but you dont have much to clone right now and if you did you wouldnt have much plant left to bud at harvest for people to rep at the rally. Thats why people call bulshit on most that you say cause you seem to try to run before you can walk. Finish whatever your doing and then try to grow some real healthy plants normally. Try to increase your yields because that is a good determining factor in how well you are doing. Dont tell me you have mastered the art of growing already. We have seen your other grows and they were far from optimal. I know you have seen all the other grows on here that make your first ones look like schwag.

By the way what strain are these or are they just random bagseed?


Well-Known Member
I would say it is worthless in finding out if severe stress like you are doing significantly increases THC which was your original theory and the point of this. Not only the control group but instead of doing one stress technique per plant and recording the results(which you would still need a proper control for) you are doing everything you can think/read about not knowing what is truly beneficial. Some things your doing might hurt more than help and some things might help more than hurt. You have no idea.
I'm pretty sure you've been ignoring everything I've said (based on your underlined statement) so I will stop replying to you after this. I am only going to e piercing 3 plants. And using RC's on only 2 pierced plants, and in the water of 2 non-pierced plants. I am not doing "anything I can think and read of" and I am not doing ANYTHING to EVERY plant. You are completely confused about what is going on. It almost seems like you decided what you thought was going on here without actually ever reading anything I said. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you've been ignoring everything I've said (based on your underlined statement) so I will stop replying to you after this. I am only going to e piercing 3 plants. And using RC's on only 2 pierced plants, and in the water of 2 non-pierced plants. I am not doing "anything I can think and read of" and I am not doing ANYTHING to EVERY plant. You are completely confused about what is going on. It almost seems like you decided what you thought was going on here without actually ever reading anything I said. :lol:
How ignorant of me. I thought you overwatered all of them. I thought you nuted all of them way too early with strong doses of nutes. I thought you planted them all together and then cut the roots up to transplant them. I thought you kept the lights too far from all of them depriving them of energy. Just for the sake of saying it you still wont know the benefit of piercing them without a control.

You should be a politician Fin. When someone asks you straight forward questions like are you going to clone these so you can continue this experiment or what strain are these you quote half a post and say I just dont understand lol. Ask you no questions and you tell us no lies defense. Nice!!

I actually read everything you post cause its entertaining. Like remembering you telling Dede that she hasnt seen your 6 clones that were your control. I am not confused.. You should have said everyone else that knows about weed or science is confused.. Whatever though.. We will keep bumping your thread making you more infamous like that retarded chinese guy on American Idol:)


Well-Known Member
i be thinking of you ;)..............................
Hey, yesterday was day 55 for me as well! And I also put them into the dark period, but I do 3 days of dark before chop. This is why:
"The Stichting Institute of Medical marijuana (SIMM), the first company to sell marijuana through the pharmacies of Holland, has been investigating the medical possibilities of cannabis, together with TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden.

One of their discoveries has been that to keep the ripe plants in the dark before harvesting could increase their potency.SIMM’s growers separated a crop of mature plants, harvested half of them and kept the other half in absolute darkness for 72 hours before cutting and drying. Analysis of the resulting dried buds showed that some varieties had seen an increase of THC of up to 30%, while CBD and CBN remained the same."



Well-Known Member
My dad was not abusive, that quote is from an example for a made up word on UrbanDictionary. All you are doing when you talk about that is advertising the word I invented :lol:
but you told us that your dad was an angry drunk that left you. why you lie so often, spammy?


Well-Known Member
but you told us that your dad was an angry drunk that left you. why you lie so often, spammy?
I never said he left us. :lol: You are definitely confused. We wanted to live with our mom, my parents shared custody (eve after divorce) until WE decided to change that ourselves.


Well-Known Member
I never said he left us. :lol: You are definitely confused. We wanted to live with our mom, my parents shared custody (eve after divorce) until WE decided to change that ourselves.
oh, forgot.

you claim to have left your drunk, abusive father. not the other way around.

woops, my bad.


Well-Known Member
Shirts and stickers? Do you have a book about bad ideas you are implementing into your life? Lets see another downdate!


Active Member
Dude, my puter has been in the shop for 2 weeks. Are those things you call plants still alive? Ive got to see them...Update!
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