canada bucks


Active Member
ok thats like saying a lincoln head or an indian head or evan a wheat penny is called simply an american 1 cent, that is a general description...ive never heard it called anything but a loonie for the buck coin or a twoonie for the 2 buck coin....and i was in my teens i believe when they scrapped the paper money call it watever u want....really doesny matter

match box

Well-Known Member
About 10 years ago you didn't need a pass port to go from the US to Can. The border guards would check your drivers license and ask what you were going to do there. I told the border guard Can is the US back yard. When she gave my license back she said the next time you come to Can. you will have to have a pass port and made a note on her computer. I had to get a pass port to go back. So ya want to make sure to tell them your going to see your back yard. I think if the border guard had a gun she would have shot me. Can. paper money is very cool colorful.


Well-Known Member
Canadian toonies = Rush!!
Lets fuck the Americans up real good and start talking about Canadian Tire money. A true Canadian institution

M Dogg

Active Member
Canadian toonies = Rush!!
Lets fuck the Americans up real good and start talking about Canadian Tire money. A true Canadian institution
How about the liquor stores in E-town that will take up to $20 bucks in Crappy Tire money! Do they still do that?