is it poss to poll just a few buds of a plant, without the whole plant getting seeded?.
any help on how to just poll a few small parts of a bottom of a plant?."female".
Very nice work, stunning actually.
It is actually quite simple to pollinate one or more buds on a plant. First, make sure that the male is isolated and ALWAYS downwind from the females. I like to use film cannisters to capture/store male pollen and would suggest that you move that male indoors and collect the pollen there.
To collect the pollen, hold the container under the pollen sac/blossom and tap it gently with a pencil, chopstick, etc. You'll be amazed at the quantity of pollen that comes from each bloom. I got an entire film cannister FULL from only some of the flowers on a male shrub I grew in my flat some years (20+) back. At this point, I'd gather any other pollen you might want from that plant and strip the leaves - you can make potent oil/butter from them using recipes/procedures here or you can waste them as compost. My (Mex. sativa) male's leaves were quite potent and, as such, they could be dried and smoked - 2 ro 3 hits would set your ears ringing.
For the pollination, get an artist's brush (size 0 or 1, very fine tip) - I prefer sable - and dip the TIP into the cannister and touch it to each pistil that you want to fertilize. You may refresh the brush TIP as desired, but it is probably not necessary as you'll find that some pollen is transferred even when the tip appears to be almost devoid of same. When you've gotten all of the pistils on each bud (cluster) you want to fertilize, you're done. The pros will cover the fertilized buds with fine mesh (ladies stocking/tights material) to minimize the likelihood of other pollen reaching the, now fertilized, pistils - but you won't need this as there are probably no other males in range. It is, however, important for the sterility of your remaining buds that you do get rid of that male - a stray breeze could turn all your efforts into a seed-growing operation.
Very nice pictures of some absolutely beautiful plants - I wish I were living in your neighborhood. I love the smell of cannabis in the morning (through the kitchen window) - it smells like vic... er nirvana. And I'd love to try some of those seeds - they sound incredible.
Best of luck to you on that grow.
The Names Bud, James Bud