How much water to give transplanted seedling in 2g pot


Okay so here is another newb question from me. Just transplanted seedlings 2 days ago from 16 oz cups into 2 gal pots. I moistened all the soil in the pot and then transplanted and gave a bit more water mixed with super thrive once the seedling was in the 2 gallon pot. Now my question is should I water the whole pot and let some drain off or just water enough for the newly transplanted 16 oz of water????? Seedlings are just over two weeks old
Thanks in advance


I'm a new grower but I would say just pour a little bit so the roots don't get overwhelmed on day one in there new home So yeah i'd say about 12 ozs...that's what I did to my little babies then water a little bit more each time I just made sure they dried out before I gave them water and they are growing fine so You should be good !


Active Member
i always give my plants a good water when i transplant them into new pots depending on how much perlite you have in your soil depends how much you can water them but id give them a liter of water


I'd say 2-4 cups of water with something like superthrive to help with the transplant. I'd do 4cups in 2gallons just to completely soak all the soil. Even though roots arent getting there yet, it'll lessen the amount of times you have to water in-between feeds. Once you're flowering you'll be watering more frequently because all the roots.


Ok gotcha so I did completely soak the soil when I did the transplant. So are you guys saying it would be okay to continue with that kind of watering amount even though they are still small. So continue to water and completely soak all the soil ???? or just small amounts.... ????? Just wanna make sure I don't over water them
Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Okay so here is another newb question from me. Just transplanted seedlings 2 days ago from 16 oz cups into 2 gal pots. I moistened all the soil in the pot and then transplanted and gave a bit more water mixed with super thrive once the seedling was in the 2 gallon pot. Now my question is should I water the whole pot and let some drain off or just water enough for the newly transplanted 16 oz of water????? Seedlings are just over two weeks old
Thanks in advance
When the plant droops and stays drooped is a sign of needing water. Lifting up your planter to see its weight is another good way to determine the time to water. Don't make the mistake of "Water every X days" like many do. Go by reading the plant, lifting the container or both.


New Member
how big is she? is she in the seedling stage, or in veg stage?

in seedling stage i would use 4oz for now till its bigger and if in veg i would use 8oz.

when they get bigger, they drink more and you should keep note of it.


Well-Known Member
With a container that large and a plant that small, best way IMO is the lift/ weigh method as said by Harley.
Just a guess, but depending on your temps, fan and RH, I wouldn't be surprised if you had 5-6 days between waterings if you soak the pot.


Well-Known Member
When the plant droops and stays drooped is a sign of needing water. Lifting up your planter to see its weight is another good way to determine the time to water. Don't make the mistake of "Water every X days" like many do. Go by reading the plant, lifting the container or both.

^^^^^Use this tip.. It's 100% correct.


Ok gotcha so I did completely soak the soil when I did the transplant. So are you guys saying it would be okay to continue with that kind of watering amount even though they are still small. So continue to water and completely soak all the soil ???? or just small amounts.... ????? Just wanna make sure I don't over water them
Thanks again
Let them dry now and note how long it takes for your soil to dry since you watered. How was the run off? You want very small amount to come out, no puddles unless you're trying to pH test the run off. If the there was no run off or just a small amount, that amount of watering will do. Make sure to water the entire surface of the soil, not just straight down the stem. This will cause root development to branch to the sides early on in the soil lessen chance of being root bound. Now, you can't OVERwater at once but over time you can over water if you don't let your soil dry, roots need oxygen.

Depending upon your light, air flow and humidity the soil can either dry in couple days or week. If it takes OVER a week for you soil to be dry on the top and a little beneath, then cut back on the amount of water. (You'll want to be able to Feed once a week in soil) If it's dry and ready to be watered in less than a week, note the amount of days from watering till it's dry. You can wait for signs of dehydration, where the leaves will shrivel and droop straight down or just check the soil and weight of the pot compared to when first watered. Over time you'll learn your soil and set up more, stay with a continuous watering/feeding schedule to promote stability in the environment and less stress.

For instance, start a schedule where you water your plants with nutes every Monday, this is their Feed Day. Preferably when the lights kick on for them, at night the humidity can raise to unwanted %'s, causing molds. Then, let the soil dry out for however long it takes, before signs of dehydration...then water. Try to make that watering an amount that will make it last till your Feed Day. So if you're Feeding on monday with 4cups and the soil doesnt need to be water till Friday, only water with 2 cups so it'll stay moist and make it through sat and sun. Then Monday, start your next nute schedule with the watering. Note, once the plant becomes larger and has a larger root development, it'll take less to get that small (20%) run off and you'll need to water more frequently, just try to keep your Feed Day the same as always.


Well-Known Member
You should have thoroughly watered the soil before transplant, give it 10-15 minutes for excess water to drain, then transplant. At that point you wouldn't need any water because your soil was already watered. In a two gallon pot, you shouldnt need to water the seedling again for a week or so.


ok I understand what you guys are saying now ..... I will be doing the lift pot method since that is what I did when watering them in the 16oz cups and it worked worked so I will continue that in the 2 gallon pots now. I just wanted to make sure that watering the whole pot wouldn't cause any problems or stress.. thanks ppl


I did the transplant Monday afternoon, thoroughly watered all soil in 2 gal pot. push fingers in the soil today and lifted the pot. Still moist 2 inchs down and the pot still felt some weight. The top layer is drying but 1"-2"underneath is still moist. I will keep an eye and hopefully dry out by Monday.
Thanks again everyone


Well-Known Member
I did the transplant Monday afternoon, thoroughly watered all soil in 2 gal pot. push fingers in the soil today and lifted the pot. Still moist 2 inchs down and the pot still felt some weight. The top layer is drying but 1"-2"underneath is still moist. I will keep an eye and hopefully dry out by Monday.
Thanks again everyone

Good job dude you dont need to keep the soil wet 24/7 you want your plants roots to search for water if you water too much they wont grow as well because they wont be looking for water to drink..