What if I was a Budtender at your dispensary?

Craigslist, a dispensaries presence on Craigslist is a MUST. People DO use Craigslist, especially in a city like Denver. But no matter where you are, it doesn't hurt to put something on Craigslist, at least every day that you have deals.
Catpoop hash on Craigslist...how'd that work out for you last time? LOL
Man I don't know what the fuck happened while I was gone this site used to have real growers, and people that supported each other. Now it seems like it has a bunch of people interested in trolling, and building web presence.

You just have to wait till the end of this grow :) Everything will correct itself once I start making hash :)
Every dispensary needs AT LEAST a tour video. Videos of grows, and updates on strains and products are a bonus that will let your customers know what you have, and what you have had. Post in the comments that "If we ever stop supplying this item ask us why, and maybe we will stock it for you again" just in case one day your video is "Out of date" with your inventory. But the more videos you have, the more people will feel comfortable coming in to get what they saw & meet who showed it to them.
Every dispensary needs AT LEAST a tour video. Videos of grows, and updates on strains and products are a bonus that will let your customers know what you have, and what you have had. Post in the comments that "If we ever stop supplying this item ask us why, and maybe we will stock it for you again" just in case one day your video is "Out of date" with your inventory. But the more videos you have, the more people will feel comfortable coming in to get what they saw & meet who showed it to them.

u could film it the camera would shake everywhere and nobody would hear a dam thing u say.............get the dick out your mouth
Not just a page, or a group. An account, add random people on it that you've never met, and join as many groups as you can that are in your area, and that are involved in cannabis activity. This way you can make events, or pages to share with those people, and it will always list the name of your dispensary as well as a logo or photo of your choice.
So far, this is what we've got. Weed Maps (A Must)
Now for some dispensary advice. Since I feel like there is about to be much berating, I am going to post some advice now. But I am saving most of my posting for until tomorrow. That is when this thread will "Really get started"... But, my first piece of advice to all dispensaries, YOU NEED A WEEDMAPS SIGN AND DISCOUNT. Even if you make it yourself on Microsoft Word... You need a sign that says "Post a good review about us on Weed Maps and receive X% off your next purchase." Weed Maps is THE primary place to find a dispensary, at least in Colorado. If you don't have LOTS and GOOD reviews on Weed Maps, you can expect the online audience to turn away from your store. Display your "poster" in a place where EVERY customer will see it on their way in, out, or both. The more reviews, the better your business will be.

Craigslist, a dispensaries presence on Craigslist is a MUST. People DO use Craigslist, especially in a city like Denver. But no matter where you are, it doesn't hurt to put something on Craigslist, at least every day that you have deals.

Every dispensary needs AT LEAST a tour video. Videos of grows, and updates on strains and products are a bonus that will let your customers know what you have, and what you have had. Post in the comments that "If we ever stop supplying this item ask us why, and maybe we will stock it for you again" just in case one day your video is "Out of date" with your inventory. But the more videos you have, the more people will feel comfortable coming in to get what they saw & meet who showed it to them.

Not just a page, or a group. An account, add random people on it that you've never met, and join as many groups as you can that are in your area, and that are involved in cannabis activity. This way you can make events, or pages to share with those people, and it will always list the name of your dispensary as well as a logo or photo of your choice.​

Do you throw away trim? DON'T, you can sell your sugar leaf. And in Colorado dispensaries must sell at least 70% of their own home grown product, meaning they can buy 30% from dispensaries and caregivers. And trim counts towards that weight, so if you sell 3oz of trim that you DID grow, you can then turn around and sell 1oz of Buds that you did not grow.
Do you throw away trim? DON'T, you can sell your sugar leaf. And in Colorado dispensaries must sell at least 70% of their own home grown product, meaning they can buy 30% from dispensaries and caregivers. And trim counts towards that weight, so if you sell 3oz of trim that you DID grow, you can then turn around and sell 1oz of Buds that you did not grow.

that doesnt make sense
Fin can I ask you an honest question?

Why do you bother here? And don't give me the troll I find it amusing response, like seriously everyone here dislikes you and finds you to be a nuisance but you continue anyway. Is it because you weren't loved enough as a child so you seek validation from strangers online?
Fin can I ask you an honest question?

Why do you bother here? And don't give me the troll I find it amusing response, like seriously everyone here dislikes you and finds you to be a nuisance but you continue anyway. Is it because you weren't loved enough as a child so you seek validation from strangers online?

Not everyone here dislikes me, it's just the overwhelming number of times the people that DON'T like me posting, hides the friendly faces. And I post here because people bump my stuff so much, when I make a thread, it gets automatic replies. Not many people on ANY website can say that. And I'm not looking for validation, most of my threads are educational, and are meant to be found later in the search engines by people who were similar to me when they were younger (because when I was 14 most of the things I share now were hard to find for myself), and when they are the age that I am now.
He is trying to teach 14yr olds about growing weed.
Most of my posts aren't about growing weed, most of my ridicule from trolls, comes from the fact that some of them thought I didn't even grow weed before I started the beansprouts thread. But that's just becaue I wasn't in Colorado for like 5 months.