Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas


Well-Known Member
Just watered my ladies with Nettle, Comfrey, and neem tea. Bitches are singing!!!

Edit: added Aloe and coconut water standard ;)

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Good herbs, good people.

If anyone wants some Comfrey root cuttings to grow out, after this summer I'll have plenty to give away. Just ask!

Some of the roots I potted up last fall are growing nicely in an east facing window, and as soon as spring gets going, I'm fixing to make up a proper comfrey bed once and for all! (I've been just letting some grow in the shade next to the compost pile for a year or two)

An old farmer I know told me to chop my roots up pretty good, and bury the chunks where I want them. They should completly fill the bed I give them in a summer or two.


Well-Known Member
Hey headtreep What is the ratio on the tea I know its in this thread somewhere but am not having any luck with finding it.


Well-Known Member
Aloe and coconut are basically 15:1 and the others 2 handfuls of each in 4 gal RO and bubble. I don't measure anything just eyeball. I like to make shit simple that's why I went to organics :)


Well-Known Member
I would have bought them just now but the nettle wouldn't be shipped till April. But it gives me some time to find it locally.


Well-Known Member
How fast do you go thru it? Or better yet, how long does the 1lb bag last you?
Since I make light teas and always I'm switching ingredients, I would say that would last you awhile depending on your garden size.

I'm always mixing ingredients or running straight ewc/compost and RO to help with diversity. I will tell you that almost all my teas have kelp meal as a base.


Well-Known Member
Natural soil, simple teas, some of your own VermiCompost... No simple and so natural.