should i chop or leave for a few days? day65


Active Member
stupid question, but whats the the type of high for the trich colors? like amber would be wat sort of high?

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Amber would be a heavey stone. where as milky would be a more head high.
But most of the high is from the strain, the trich colour just pushes it a little bit in one direction of the other.

The look great. Can we have some pics of the whole plants. How much you thinking you are going to get?

From the pics I think it's looking pretty cloes. Could do with a close up of the trichs to be sure. Leave it a couple more days if you are not sure but deffinatly getting there. I havested my AK47 at day 65, But I could have let it go anouther few days without hurting it.


Well-Known Member
what do the trichs say?
Yeah, get a scope. It could live a few more weeks, IMHO. I was all geeked to chop my girl down and then I talked to the homies here at RIO and was convinced to let her live. I gave her a dose of nutes and she is going strong two weeks later. I am killing this bitch tomorrow though.:cry:


Well-Known Member
well the way i see it is ak48 is meant to finnish in 48 days ideallly, however im using cfl so add 3 weeks to that i reckon.

so im on 65 another 4 days

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Not sure about that.
Where did you get that info from.

I was under the emprsion that it was Nirvana version of AK47, but they had to call it something diffent.

Of course I just read that somewhere, or maybe I got my wires crossed. at the end of the day it's all down to the trichs.


Well-Known Member
the 1st plant which was harvested at day 53, im smokin that now after dryin it, its so nice, so im hoping that the ones above will get me even more baked since i left em longer


Well-Known Member
let her go....your fans will start to yellow as the plant pulls the nitrogen in the last stage. a couple of weeks makes a huuuuuge difference in your weed. I also was ready to pull my babies but like you, posted and everyone here at riu told me to wait. I did and couldn;t believe the difference 2 weeks made.


New Member
I think that 48 day thing is a myth.Ak48 is just ak47 f2's ar'ent they?Are these from nirvana?I just read a 7 page thread about ak47 va ak48,thats what people say.


Well-Known Member
yeah man.....i thought i has done something wrong when mine started turning.....just natures way of saying "pick me". Have always heard about the "done " look a plant gets at the end and now i know. Just the plant taking up everything available to stay alive....just like the fake seed it will produce towards the end. Your babies are b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.....enjoy my friend


Well-Known Member
# Plant height: Medium- Indica/Sativa mix
# Stoned or high?: Sativa High- Cereberal Buzz
# Flowering Weeks: 7/8