What if I was a Budtender at your dispensary?

The pictures in my last post (besides hash) also include THC laced: Cookie Cake, Jello, Brownies, Canola Oil and Olive Oil. :D
yep more green garbage with contaminants and plant matter...not hash...smashed adulterated bud that knowing of your skills you probably rinsed all the triches into alcohol and threw that away

Most of this is tan, nearly blonde. And all these pics are hash made last year. Watch what I do with this harvest :lol: :lol: :lol:
Look at them nasty long claws... ew

And the dispensary I go to might start selling trim soon, if that happens, ya'll are gonna be seeing lots of hash in the near future. :D :p
I recognise a couple of those.

You used a couple of those on your Craigslist ad. LOL!
No, I let someone else use them. As Buck proved with pictures of my sister's ass on the beach, I was in Cali when that post was put onto Craigslist. :lol:
sincere question...

if there are people who have had their rep ability taken away and their pm ability taken away because they abuse these features, why the fuck hasn't fin had his ability to use emoticons taken away?


sincere question...

if there are people who have had their rep ability taken away and their pm ability taken away because they abuse these features, why the fuck hasn't fin had his ability to use emoticons taken away?


Sincere answer: I never abused them, I got them taken away simply for having my own marijuana website. They were afraid I would steal members.
I'm not going to show you my name :dunce: And I have pictures of the inside of 2 dispensaries :lol: :lol: I'll post those tomorrow too :dunce:

You couldn't just cover your name up with a piece of paper or something so we could see the whole thing.

ZOMG!!!1! pictures of the inside dispensarrieseseses nobody could get those, you must be legit.

inside-marijuana-dispensary.jpg 7_refrigeration.jpgweed_on_shelves_640.jpg
15 posts since I asked you to tell us your 'big news', a couple with extensive amounts of pictures. You're still trying to tell me you don't have time and need to wait until tomorrow to tell us something that will prob only be a paragraph, maybe two, worth of bs? When will this thread be locked like every other one of your threads?

In other news the dentist hit my gum with that pointy thing and it kinda hurts, but of course all the teeth are great. They're trying to get me to have my wisdom teeth taken out, guess I need to do that soon. See how no one cares about the random shit going on in my life? The same rule applies to you and if I do have something to say that random..and possibly in the category of jibber jabber, we have a thread for that. why not just tell us your big news, in the RANDOM JIBBER JABBER THREAD when you actually have the time. You know, one post, instead of an entire thread who's sole purpose seems to be trolling and is bound to be locked, probably before tomorrow and we'll never hear your 'big/good news'...dang... :(
Sincere answer: I never abused them, I got them taken away simply for having my own marijuana website. They were afraid I would steal members.

It seems like you've never been to a big town :lol: When there are 50+ dispensaries in the same st as you, you have to advertise.

It seems like you do not know how to comprehend what you read.
I did not say you do not have to advertize. I said the way you want to do it is pretty lame. You are also missing the most important part. Maybe you will figure it out sometime.

Why are you so proud of an $8 an hour job you don't have?
It seems like you do not know how to comprehend what you read.
I did not say you do not have to advertize. I said the way you want to do it is pretty lame. You are also missing the most important part. Maybe you will figure it out sometime.

These aren't the good posts, as I've been saying since page one. The good posts will come tomorrow around mid day/after noon. :lol:
I will get deeper into the specifics later, but to be a successful dispensary there needs to be a CLEAR line between your members benefits, and non-members benefits. Most dispensaries offer a lower price for members, but this simply isn't enough. You need to make people WANT to be members. Cheaper EVERYTHING, special days, and a signing or monthly "bonus" (such as a cheap 8th or free preroll), will make membership to your dispensary A LOT more appealing.
If you are in Colorado, your dispensary will NEED to be not only AT the rally, but will need to stand out at the rally. People come not only from all over Colorado, but all over the country. So if you can get a cool sticker, t-shirt or coupon in the right persons hand, you may have just found not only a customer, but someone to advertise for you by word of mouth. And if you engage in discussion with people, they will be more likely to want to drive the distance to visit you, if they live far from the town your dispensary is located in.