How long until your not considered a NEWBIE?

Papa Toke

Active Member
newb is a fake word made up by people in recent years. you have privates then captains and then and then vets..thats all there is to it

oh and as we all know, fuck the chief!! :bigjoint:
when did they start putting fake words in dictionaries?

Papa Toke

Active Member
idk, why dont you tell me when it got added to the dictionary for a change?
But your so good at telling everyone the information, I think it should come from you. We will wait while you copy and paste it. Go on chop chop!


Well-Known Member
AimAim your the first to get a spot in my sig, good one. Your not a newb anymore once you can grow your own without having to ask others for help opinions every few days. You need to be able to "read" your girls and listen to what they tell you. Once you can understand what they need with no middleman you are no longer a newb. At that point its time to start really learning


Well-Known Member
They've been adding all sorts of rediculous shit to the dictionary. Fucking LOL is in the dictionary now. All sorts of Internet jargon gets added.


Well-Known Member
Once you have grown soil, coco, deep water, sativa, indica, vertical, in a crawl space, in a shed, horizontal, with CFL, with HID, gram per watt, organic, inorganic, males, hermies, and accidentally knocked yourself out for 36 hours with edibles, you are no longer a noob.


We all start out as newbs at one point, everyone, but we are always a student. People are always coming out with new grow techniques and equipment so learning and paying attention to this is the key to not becoming a newb again, which I believe is possible. I think the way to truly determine whether someone is a newb or not would have to be through some sort of testing.

For instance, the newb will be given two tests one would be his entry Hand Test. It would consist of question that are essential to plant growth, the environment, nutes, pH levels and what they mean, temps. lighting, venting and so forth. This could be done in a large portion of multiple choices question and short answers, which would be graded by growers already deemed knowledgeable. If passing this hand test then on to the second test, the Grow Test. This test will be graded on one out of three grows, so if failure of grow or not meeting set standers did occur then a second maybe third attempt could be possible. You could then base this on say overall yield, potency of the particular strain and whether the grower self created problems in their grow or fixed natural occurring problems (or problems the director purposely implanted) properly and promptly. That would be a cool school to start for growers of course teach them first...just a Highdea =)


Well-Known Member

Sitting around, drinking coffee, wake n bake it's Saturday...
I pull up the picture...
I ask GF sitting across from me, take a look at this, and tell me what it is [she's worked at a nursery, gardened her whole life]

"That's an ugly BASIL plant"

After I stopped laughing, I told her.... we laughed and laughed some more... it fukkn hurts....

Although, I never thought I'd say this:

Thanks bmeat for you bringing me some joy...


Well-Known Member
I am a newb, and from what I have read, will be one until I quit growing, which is like, right after they plant me.

There are so many avenues in this plant alone, depending on what level of ocd you deploy upon it. It can go far deeper than anything that has been revealed thus far. They keep making this shit any more potent, and it might get reclassified as a

My .02

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
Newbie/Noobie question...
I'll always feel like a noob...
I don't care about green bars, or likes... Rep... whatever...

Noobie story:
5 or 6 years ago...
After work, always went to gym, two bowls on way home fm work... two bowls before work out/cardio mainly...
Normally this hi....
Night before I had made brownies for first time...
Ate, one... no effect...
ate another, fukk... I'm hungry...
ate another...
Now 40 minutes later on the eliptical machine, I had to hold on...
I just had no clue about edible's... wow...
I stopped, and walked/staggered over to some one I knew [inside gym]
I told her what I did... and asked-
Just incase, I fall over, and can't get up, please help me....

Not a Noobie= knows what his edible limit is, and can take a proper dose....

Me always a Newbie...
even though this is my life, I am ever a noob...
Every week,
1) I take two to eight clones...
2) Transplant 4-6 clones
3) care for the little girls in various stages
4) Take four 7-9 week old plants from 18/6 place them into 12/12
5) Take 4-6 plants from 12/12 done, and start the dry them for three days and start the cure three days later

I learn something about my plants every day...
I watch buds form... I watch the grass grow...
I know what day the hairs start to receed...
I smoke my sheiot...
I am happy....
But still a noob!
And yes Hi right now...


Active Member
Once you have grown soil, coco, deep water, sativa, indica, vertical, in a crawl space, in a shed, horizontal, with CFL, with HID, gram per watt, organic, inorganic, males, hermies, and accidentally knocked yourself out for 36 hours with edibles, you are no longer a noob.
that's just TOO MUCH! i'll stay a noob! but might try the edible accident! :bigjoint: