

Well-Known Member
3rd pic looks like a calyx. others i couldnt say for sure. the sign every one is told to look for is pistils, but the calyx is just as important to recognize, because there are gonna be times you have a calyx present with no pistils. this can cause confusion for some. Calyxs are a tear drop like shape, or pear shape as someone stated, and they come to a point. which is a good distinguishable characteristic


Well-Known Member
Pretty Sure it is True ~ I post link Later ~
last Summer orded from Attitude ~ 100+ Femnized seed From Attitude
Vars. Breed & strains
Over Half were Hermi ~ A Femanize Seed is Going to be More Likely a HERMI!
Maybe I just had a Bad Summer ~ But Im Almost Certian The Hermi Rate in fem Seed Are typically Higher.
Either Way It produces BUDS
Just Sometimes they have Seeds!

The case would be that they are not 100% bred correctly or you growing conditions.
Hermaphrodite tendency is largely a matter of genetics. Either your strain has that tendency, or it doesn't. Stress/shock just makes plants otherwise susceptible to doing this actually do it.


The case would be that they are not 100% bred correctly or you growing conditions.
Hermaphrodite tendency is largely a matter of genetics. Either your strain has that tendency, or it doesn't. Stress/shock just makes plants otherwise susceptible to doing this actually do it.
Ive Made Plenty OF Hermies Before! I know It also Can be Stress / Light Cycle Related.
But Thats How they make A Femanized Seed is Hermi Breeding ~ So if Its a Femannized Seed IT COMES FROM A HERMI Program ~ Take a LOOK

Heres a Link to good Forum That goes into Detail ~

I Still Use Femanized Seed From Time To Time ( Freebies) ~ They Also Can Prduce Some Great Bud. For Sure!
If I was Gonna Pay Money tho ~ Id Buy Regular Seeds
In a 12 pack ur gonna get a Some Females~ Clone all 12 2x Once rooted & 15 days grow 24 or 18/6 light cycle
I Throw 24 rooted clones into bud 12/12 for Sexing on the 12 Pack in Grow ~ Usally Around 60% is what I get For Females ~ Sometimes higher
Cull out males Bud out 2 clones of Each Female ~ I usally Keep the Plant from Seed as My Mother.
So I try & not bud out Seeded Plant Until I know Which one I wanna Keep for mothers ~ If That Makes Sense?

This Takes A long time To do~ If your IN a Hurry Just Buy Female Seeds ~
but If your Into Growing Strong Gentics & having A Great Mother that u know is gonna Be a Great Plant to take clones from Time after time I Suggest Growing a 12 Pack of The Strain & Finding Her Best Genes

One Seed Isnt Gonna Even Show you What That Strain Can Throw Trait Wise
U have to Grow out At least 6-12 from seed to See Diffrent Gentics of that Breed
but Some Strains Will Takes 100's Seed To See All the Traits.

Hope this Helps ~


Well-Known Member
regular seeds are made from crossing a male (xy) and female (xx) cannabis plant. therefore the offspring can be either xx or xy...correct? yes.


feminized beans are generally made in a few different ways but lets use the colloidal silver method. say one female plant is sprayed with the CS and bananas grow. pollen sacs burst...either get itself preggo (S1 seeds would result btw) or the pollen from one female treated with CS is used to get another female preggo.

even though the CS was used the plants are still both female (xx) xx + xx can't equal xy (male)...

thats not to say you can't have bad genetics that will go hermie. regular beans DO have hermies...not just feminized seeds. generally seeds from a reputable breeder will stay female no matter how much you stress them. generally if you get a hermie from a fem bean its because of a fault in the genetics.


Revised MY Post Up ~I Agree to disagree ~ & Leave it that ~ not much more i can Say....

I dont have the Highest Rating on here ~ fairly New
But I Happen to Breed lots of plant & flowers~ also Been An Alpaca Breeder For 20+ Years (Llamma Type Animal)
Are Farm Produces Some of the World BEST fiber On the Earth! 14-20 micron ~ IF that Means Anythign to you. Are Genentic Breeding IS 90% of Alpacas outside of South America.
But This is From Knowledge OF Breeding & how to pull Gentic Traits.
Just Cause it dosnt show dosnt mean its not there
If you Ever breed W/ Fem Seed Your Only Increasing your Likely Hood Of Hermi gentics
But You will Also Have More Seed that Will BE Feamale to Male ratio Usally

I understand all Seed can Have Hermi Traits Im Not Stating that ~ all Im saying is Your More Likely to Get a Hermi From a Femanized Seed


well i started to see small new white hairs, microscopic even, on the other i think i see balls :( so i think 1 female, 1 male, but i am satisfied with just 1, i will clone it and keep on going :)

balls? IMG_1530.jpg



Active Member
I thought plants from seeds dont show pre-flowering? I thought they only showed pre-flowering when clones or re-vegged? Thats not correct?