The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

Do you use a wetting agent with that or is it in the formula?
I do use a wetting agent that is by Dutch Masters called Saturator/Penetrator along with Liquid light at 1/2 strength. Anytime I am spraying with the lights on I use this otherwise there are more affordable options. The formula does not include a wetting agent. The price is high but the results....WOW!!!
I may be a numb-skull, but to deny someones well-intentioned advice without experiencing it for themselves is foolish. I never claimed it was fact, the opposite but you will never know so I wish you the best.
and I also use the DM Penetrator and Reverse. They seemed to help a little as well, but I just use them to prevent herms. Seems my pogk has a tendency to do so
People, you can buy a gallon of the typical non-ionic surfactant from a feed store for about $15 or less. Use at a rate of 1 tsp./gal. If you want the best, use something like Surf-King Plus. If your Penetrator is a quality product, it will contain at least 90% solids. What are the solids in your surfactant (such as nonylphenol polyethylene glycol ether, free fatty acids, organic phosphatic acids, dimethylpolysiloxane)? If they are not listed, then they are hiding something.

Stop feeding these snake oil shysters! Just the name "Liquid Light" makes me feel dirty. :)

BTW, and my plants "explode" on their own, without any foliar sprays. "Naturally" grown, no flushing, plenty of N until harvest. See these pix:

So, correct me if I am wrong but, almost every-thing is snake oil or a rip-off? The standard you set seems a bit unrealistic UB. I am lucky to have access to almost any hydroponic product around for free essentially. With this, I agree that the pricing of most specialized nutrients are overpriced ,however, my concern is function. You don't know shit.....except how to be a smug self-righteous blowhard. Take it down a peg....I have the feeling you think that the essence of horticulture is yours and you are the master of all you survey. Before you go off on another combative dismissal, learn to just listen. Or better yet, write a fucking book with 3 chapters. Easy tiger, I get exceptional products for nothing and can see through all your bullshit snakeoil routine. Expense is not a variable if something works or it doesn't.
So, correct me if I am wrong but, almost every-thing is snake oil or a rip-off? The standard you set seems a bit unrealistic UB. I am lucky to have access to almost any hydroponic product around for free essentially. With this, I agree that the pricing of most specialized nutrients are overpriced ,however, my concern is function. You don't know shit.....except how to be a smug self-righteous blowhard. Take it down a peg....I have the feeling you think that the essence of horticulture is yours and you are the master of all you survey. Before you go off on another combative dismissal, learn to just listen. Or better yet, write a fucking book with 3 chapters. Easy tiger, I get exceptional products for nothing and can see through all your bullshit snakeoil routine. Expense is not a variable if something works or it doesn't.

Let's put it this way...I refuse to do business with a hydroponic dealer or buy ANY cannabis specific product. If you can't see through this cannabis racket then you're a fuckin' retard.

Enjoy your snake oils,
BTW, and my plants "explode" on their own, without any foliar sprays. "Naturally" grown, no flushing, plenty of N until harvest. See these pix:


So are you saying that the Dutch Master Penetrator and Reverse are junk? I've read many reviews, many saying it works, some saying it makes you have more f to m (I'm not here to dispute whether that is possible, just stating that was their experience), and others saying it's garbage (these people make the most noise and typically have not used it). Idk what snake oil even is, but I know that I got both the DM P and R on the clearance rack for $13 each so even if they don't work, it was worth a shot to prevent herms as I anticipate putting undue stress on the ladies being a newb.
If you are referring to the Jack's veg and flower not the DM, definitely let me know what you think would be such a great option that I should throw them away and get something new. The Jacks was cheap and I know has been around for many years (another name), and after a little research I thought it would do just fine as my first nute purchase.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
So are you saying that the Dutch Master Penetrator and Reverse are junk? I've read many reviews, many saying it works, some saying it makes you have more f to m (I'm not here to dispute whether that is possible, just stating that was their experience), and others saying it's garbage (these people make the most noise and typically have not used it). Idk what snake oil even is, but I know that I got both the DM P and R on the clearance rack for $13 each so even if they don't work, it was worth a shot to prevent herms as I anticipate putting undue stress on the ladies being a newb.
If you are referring to the Jack's veg and flower not the DM, definitely let me know what you think would be such a great option that I should throw them away and get something new. The Jacks was cheap and I know has been around for many years (another name), and after a little research I thought it would do just fine as my first nute purchase.
Thanks, I appreciate it!

Do your homework, learn what makes a plant tick, learn plant nutrition. The cannabis industry, the hydroponics shysters, are out to rip you a new asshole.
Why don't you put your teeth in, beat your wife, and hate yourself as much as we do. How does it feel to see your audience lose respect for you? to become a joke? to negate all you have ever done because you cant speak without your forked tounge slithering out. Just die already.
Why don't you put your teeth in, beat your wife, and hate yourself as much as we do. How does it feel to see your audience lose respect for you? to become a joke? to negate all you have ever done because you cant speak without your forked tounge slithering out. Just die already.
I know Ben can handle himself but I feel like making a point. He is just trying to stress to whoever that will listen that people need to learn what makes a plant tick before they can be a truly successful grower - basic botany is something we neglect when we jump into this hobby. Buying a line of cannabis specific nutrients is just a scam to make those companies 2-3x the value of the goods sold. But like I said, Uncle Ben can speak for himself.

I, for one, am interested in what he has to say and hope to learn more from him.
The bottom line is there is a way to make a point without bullying anyone. It is an issue of undermining and insulting any contrary perspective. Contrary to his reputation the "UB" can and is wrong sometimes and I don't want to see people called retarded for any reason. Assumptions and self-righteous language indicate his poor character and show his intent. He is here, making his point, because he likes to feel important by mistreating others. This is a special type of asshole we are dealing with here. The fact is, his point is not law and he does not know everything. I can shave weeks off the entire process and to many that is valuable, the attacks are getting in the way and by and large he is dead wrong here. He is an arrogant prick getting in the way of discourse and I am just telling it like it is.
People, you can buy a gallon of the typical non-ionic surfactant from a feed store for about $15 or less. Use at a rate of 1 tsp./gal. If you want the best, use something like Surf-King Plus. If your Penetrator is a quality product, it will contain at least 90% solids. What are the solids in your surfactant (such as nonylphenol polyethylene glycol ether, free fatty acids, organic phosphatic acids, dimethylpolysiloxane)? If they are not listed, then they are hiding something.

Stop feeding these snake oil shysters! Just the name "Liquid Light" makes me feel dirty. :)

BTW, and my plants "explode" on their own, without any foliar sprays. "Naturally" grown, no flushing, plenty of N until harvest. See these pix:


If your planning to make's the man to talk too. Obviously this little boy has a hardon for over the counter products and just can't get a handle of it? He is correct in saying there is a lot of products on the market to get your dollars but if you have half a brain you can figure it out.

He is just jealous that newbs are comming on here and already have a better grasp of indoor growing and get better results, this is why he trys to push his weight around and all the name calling.
I explained to him that I get my nutrients for nearly free and he called me retarded. A Snake Oil supporter of Shysters ripping everyone off....just another idiotic newb I am. It is so hard to get good info and this guy has a lot of people going down a road to 1981. I am going to go make actual popcorn.....brilliant.
1981...more like 1951...have you read some of his theroies? My background is farming and the science of botany, This is the reason I go off so badly on this dude. He speaks from a knowledge base of good solid info from an era long gone.

He know it but refuses to listen to reason and do some modern day schooling. His so called followers are basically just as lazy as he is and now are also stuck in the fifties, sadly they don't even know what they could accomplish.

Uncle popcorn brings skills to the table but causes more problems than its worth.

The Mods should be riening him in or shutting him down.
Why don't you put your teeth in, beat your wife, and hate yourself as much as we do. How does it feel to see your audience lose respect for you? to become a joke? to negate all you have ever done because you cant speak without your forked tounge slithering out. Just die already.

I've read a list from quite a few showing they bought into say....12 of the watered down snake oils with cute labels and bullshit claims, and EVERYONE of them didn't know shit about horticulture.....nor about responsible financial management.
I know Ben can handle himself but I feel like making a point. He is just trying to stress to whoever that will listen that people need to learn what makes a plant tick before they can be a truly successful grower - basic botany is something we neglect when we jump into this hobby. Buying a line of cannabis specific nutrients is just a scam to make those companies 2-3x the value of the goods sold. But like I said, Uncle Ben can speak for himself.

I, for one, am interested in what he has to say and hope to learn more from him.

Another wise one. See, some of us get it. ;)

I shared some solid choices regarding a cheap, effective, industry accepted surfactant and not ONE comment from these dimwits. They'll suck up to someone that is selling them a bag of rocks every time and hang onto every slobbering word.

Now, if folks can't put their hands on a gallon of non-ionic surfactant from a "normal" vendor for $15 or less, you haven't done your homework. There are 100's available, at least here in the states. It's the Europeans and UK growers that seem to get ripped off by this large (unregulated) supplement business the most.

Uncle Ben
I have heard a lot of what he hammers at people, a lot of which just infuriate me. I could see a newbie bieng muscled into following his word as gospel, he comes off confident but has no idea who he is talking to or what their knowledge base is. I am here to help and be helped but in a way that does not involve a complete dismissal of modern science. The pictures I saw were nothing crazy, is his angle that it only cost him 38 cents to produce?