What if I was a Budtender at your dispensary?


Well-Known Member
Wow 10 $ an hour may be even more? that would be radical...
Is what I said when I was 8yrs old.
By the way still waiting for the "real" post
Stay high
:lol: It's not "maybe more" I already make money because you guys bump my stuff and get it such good rankings, a job that paid 10$ an our would be extra, not the primary payment. So it's not "maybe more than ten dollars an hour", it's "my guaranteed check, plus $10 an hour, plus a boost in my check because dispensary stuff will get a bunch of views".


Well-Known Member
I think this is how it would go down!
Thinbaggy-What can I help you with?
Me-i need something for pain relief!
T.B-Here's the dank dank!
Me-What is dank dank?
T.B--You know, I M not too sure I have never smoked any!
Me- Jesus, how are you my budtender?
T.B-- i did some things I am not proud of to land this job!
Me-like what?
T.B ---first, let me say I am really starting to like hot dogs!
Me---Cool story, you have something on your beard!
the end
I really thought that was going to have something funny in it. Why are you so disappointing as a troll? :( I need more Buck's (Like how SamWell is a Buck :lol: )


Well-Known Member
If you do not offer some form of pre-roll already, it is important to do so. People will buy a pre-roll for $5 no matter the weight, do be sure to try to stuff them full though, but not too full because I have gotten pre-rolls where it was too stuffed to even draw a hit through. But the dispensary guaranteed a gram in every pre-roll. Another tip, if you already have pre-rolls, a way to sell more, faster, is to make sure that you list the strain name on your pre-rolls, and set them out in a mason jar on the shelf in front of the register, or ontop of your bud showcase. So that it is one of the first things the person see's, and make sure the can also see that they are strain specific. If a person sees that when they are walking in, they will say something like "I want an 8th of Blue-Dream, 2g of the Purple Urkle and do you have a j of Space-Queen?"


Well-Known Member
Lets also not forget who labeled you Thinbaggy! Most accurate handle created for you!!! Tell me I am not funny! I can go into depth with your sister and mom if you'd like! Also I can expand on making jokes about them..


Well-Known Member
Lets also not forget who labeled you Thinbaggy! Most accurate handle created for you!!! Tell me I am not funny!
I made like 20 funnier and more insulting names for myself than that, and it only took me like 5 minutes. :lol: You are not funny :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I wish i could find those stupid handles you created.why dont you repost them..they sucked and had no significance..
It is not my fault you cant understand my humor because you are brainless...
Also, if you didn't interperet my last post, It implied i would be fucking your mommy and sissy deep, while i made jokes about them...to clear it up for you simpleton...


Well-Known Member
I keep waiting for expectations and reality to clash with this guy. Thing is, he will never have that clash because his sense of reality is so far off.

His ideas are laughable in that he thinks they are original. He still hasn't figured out the most important marketing tool in Denver for dispensaries. It is pretty funny.

Oh, marijuana should be vegged with MH and flowered with HPS?
Wow, brilliant stuff therte.

His whole attitude points to some sort of serious personality defect.

I could help him out with his delusional pre roll philosophy. There is one thing I have yet to see any dispenary do with pre rolls.
Maybe if he asks nicely I will offer my expertise.