World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
That's going to be fairly warm. If money is an issue you could prob use it. For about 70 dollars you can but a 150 GPS that would be more effective. For about 300 you could get a dimmable 600 watt with hood.
I'm not in the U.S ... but I had a look at (U.S) because that seems a tad expensive. Although for Lumatek, that would be a starting price.

You can get.
A 600W dimmable ballast (Apollo)
600W HPS bulb
Air-cooled hood
rope ratchet
3 year warranty and free delivery - $205

That was the first result. I suspect they could go lower in Auction.


Well-Known Member
You can't use this Hempy sister.

It's too dangerous. ... The equipment we use is designed to be used indoors in the case of fire. .. Technically that'll work but the risk makes it a definite 'NO'.

Agreed, would pass on it if at all possible.


Well-Known Member
75798_166768150010665_1763325_n.jpgIve seen a grow room with about 15 of those security lights in use. If you are vigilant and know how to wire properly they can be used safely. I wouldnt suggest their use to someone though. Trust me when i say safety is important to me....this used to be my bedroom...


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2528562Ive seen a grow room with about 15 of those security lights in use. If you are vigilant and know how to wire properly they can be used safely. I wouldnt suggest their use to someone though. Trust me when i say safety is important to me....this used to be my bedroom...

That looks like my place after the first of the year, only it wasn't a lighting issue that caused it. Ignorant neighbor lighting a BBQ grill just outside the door to his apartment. Damn near got pinched for that stupid stunt, well at least I don't have stupid neighbors anymore.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2528562Ive seen a grow room with about 15 of those security lights in use. If you are vigilant and know how to wire properly they can be used safely. I wouldnt suggest their use to someone though. Trust me when i say safety is important to me....this used to be my bedroom...
Oh Boy, that would have been traumatic. ... that would completely screw me up.


Well-Known Member
My whole house burnt to the ground. Everything i owned (except what i was wearing) burnt in that fire. My pets as well. A family Bible from 1843. Every picture i had of my father and grandparents who are all passed away. About 11000 in cash. 14 ounces of herb. All my grow gear. et cetera. Yes it fucked me up good. That was just over 2 years ago. I met a woman that i love though and am back in a bigger house. I OWN things again.

You know what though? Possessions are just a bunch of shit. They arent who you are and they can disappear in the spark of an outlet. Treasure the stuff that isnt material.

Anyway it wasnt my grow that caused it i was very careful with that....what i didnt think about was having heating and lights set up for my bearded dragon on a two prong ungrounded outlet with no GFCI protection...


Well-Known Member
You know what though? Possessions are just a bunch of shit. They arent who you are and they can disappear in the spark of an outlet. Treasure the stuff that isnt material.
I think it's the Buddhists who say ... 'Whatever you own; ends up owning you'.

Ive always saw wisdom in that.


Well-Known Member
I had my house burn down when I was a kid. We lived in a neighbors garage (7 of us) while the insurance and demo of the lot was done. About 2 months, and then they put a single wide trailer on the property that we lived in (barely) for another 6 months while they built a new house.

We watched it burn. Certainly not a fun year.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Chaka i was called at work and raced home to find 20 firefighters standing around on my lawn. They had dumped all the water in their truck...but when they hooked to nearest hydrant didnt work. So i basically sat there and watched it burn too. I guess good part was my growroom burnt completely so no charges. Its a shitty feeling. I cant imagine it happening to a child. Must have been rough.

The wall you see in picture from deck was the only one standing. I have to ammend my statement in that bathroom was a Movado watch that somehow made still smells like fire but i keep it in that condition on purpos 75709_166768096677337_6622168_n.jpg73414_166768110010669_6809505_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
Anyway back to topic at hand...has anyone tried rooting clones in a room on 12/12? Its the perfect temp in there and right now i dont have my veg area functional.


Well-Known Member
Anyway back to topic at hand...has anyone tried rooting clones in a room on 12/12? Its the perfect temp in there and right now i dont have my veg area functional.
I personally wouldn't risk it, I read the other day about a dude running 18/6 for his aero. Me, its 24/0.

It may work, I just don't know.

that reminds me, I need to go and take another 20 clones :cuss:I'm too rested. :eyesmoke:

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
60 or so GDP clones just put in. Ive re-upped the cloner so I'll add more in 2 weeks or so.

Nice I'm so jealous as my GDP are only little hatchlings. What medium are you using because it doesn't look like perm/verm? Are all your GDP from rooted clones to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
I'm a survivor of a fire myself, on my 20th b-day in room mate's kid turned on a "hot plate" to heat some water and shoved it up against a paneled wall while he sat there and ate oatmeal at the kitchen table. He left for school and the place went up in flames. I woke up choking and blinded on a couch 3 rooms away. When I rolled off the couch and hit the floor I saw 6" of air space left above the floor. I took a deep breath and raced to the front door holding my breath with eyes closed. Fuck, the door was locked and so hot I couldn't grip it without melting the skin on my hands. I ran back in, grabbed a soft pillow off the couch and used it to grab the door knob and twist the deadbolt open. When I burst outside, the black plumes of smoke rolled out behind me and cars passing by called the fire dept.. To me it's a miracle I woke up and escaped. My blonde hair was dark gray for weeks and I had a permanent headache for a month. Nothing remained that I owned, but I didn't have much to lose back then. To this day, when I set my exhaust fan timer separate from my light's timer, I go over it twice and make sure I'm there the next time they cycle on. I worry sometimes about it failing...letting my lights get too hot and catching my "Chinese made" grow tent on fire. I lost a friend in a fire too over electric powered model airplanes....lithium ion batteries exploded and he did not escape the garage where his shop was. Do be careful out there...don't break the electrical code. It's a nose hit you don't want to take.


Well-Known Member
Nice I'm so jealous as my GDP are only little hatchlings. What medium are you using because it doesn't look like perm/verm? Are all your GDP from rooted clones to 12/12?
Its Mapito*; but I cover the top with CoCo coir.

*(Essentially its Rockwool)

Yep, all bar one or two went in as 12/12 from rooted clone* as per usual.

*(The one or two were weak rooted clones so I gave them 2 days as Hempy in the veg chamber )


Well-Known Member
Trying to root clones 12/12 isn't advisable, tried it and failed. However I have done clones at 18/6, 20/4 and 24/0 with the best reult coming from 20/4. The attempt at clonning 12/12 caused them to try and do two things at once, go in to flower and root. Some of them took to rooting while the rest tried to flower, the ones that did root took forever to reveg.


Well-Known Member
I'm a survivor of a fire myself, on my 20th b-day in room mate's kid turned on a "hot plate" to heat some water and shoved it up against a paneled wall while he sat there and ate oatmeal at the kitchen table. He left for school and the place went up in flames. I woke up choking and blinded on a couch 3 rooms away. When I rolled off the couch and hit the floor I saw 6" of air space left above the floor. I took a deep breath and raced to the front door holding my breath with eyes closed. Fuck, the door was locked and so hot I couldn't grip it without melting the skin on my hands. I ran back in, grabbed a soft pillow off the couch and used it to grab the door knob and twist the deadbolt open. When I burst outside, the black plumes of smoke rolled out behind me and cars passing by called the fire dept.. To me it's a miracle I woke up and escaped. My blonde hair was dark gray for weeks and I had a permanent headache for a month. Nothing remained that I owned, but I didn't have much to lose back then. To this day, when I set my exhaust fan timer separate from my light's timer, I go over it twice and make sure I'm there the next time they cycle on. I worry sometimes about it failing...letting my lights get too hot and catching my "Chinese made" grow tent on fire. I lost a friend in a fire too over electric powered model airplanes....lithium ion batteries exploded and he did not escape the garage where his shop was. Do be careful out there...don't break the electrical code. It's a nose hit you don't want to take.
Damn Jela, talk about lucky escape. phew.

Recently, dozens of kids in Brazil perished in some shitty nightclub with walled-up exits. Absolutely terrible. When I think back to some of the underground illegal parties and clubs I used to frequent, they were like underground rat mazes with 6ft high ceilings and hundreds of sweaty people. Seems like a lot of fun, whilst in a drug haze but so friggin dangerous.


Well-Known Member
This is one hell of a fantastic setup, nice clean and roomy!
Thanks. Its only 3'9" high though. The lights are connected directly to the ceiling.

tbh ... I'm not having the problems I had when i started, it all about knowing the limitations. and the small height means its really easy to control my ventilation.