What if I was a Budtender at your dispensary?

There should be some kind of physical structure into which the customers enter in order to conduct their transaction. This will be better than buying it in the rain. Ideally, climate controls should be employed within the structure to ensure customer comfort.

The physical structure should be separated from other physical structures.
There should be employees there to help conduct the transactions. Some sort of arrangement should be made to compensate the employees for their time and labor. This would be more ideal than simply having the customers help themselves.
Noun, Adj 1. Finsense - An idea or ideas that one thinks are ground-breaking yet in actuality are just common sense.

Did you give it water? No! Wow thanks, now that's using some Finsense!
Don't forget to pay your taxes! You'll want some type of device where you can keep track of money coming in and money going out....
You should acquire electricity, possibly from a company that sells electricity, in order to power the lights and climate controls. This way, the customer will not have to muddle around in a cold, dark room in order to complete their transaction.