There was a mob at Spannabis?


So this buddy of mine was telling me that there was a kind of mob thing at Spannabis like yesterday or something. He said that so many people were trying to get in on the give-away promo thing that Advanced Nutrients was doing that their whole booth just kind got overrun. I don't think anyone got hurt but there isn't a lot of information I can find about this here in the States.

Anyone know what's up?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't seem to be anything too crazy. Me, I would have went for the head :).


BARCELONA, Feb. 16, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Mayhem ensues when promo went badly in Barcelona Spain causing mob riot. The main Advanced Nutrients Booth #32 was Mobbed at Spannabis 2013- Crowd overtakes security to get Advanced Nutrients Products! Social Proof in Mob Fashion as thousands of dollars of product flee with the mob from the Advanced Nutrients Booth 32 while presenting the greatest hydroponics show on Earth.
Growers go berserk in Barcelona Spain and gate crash at the biggest cannabis event in the world, mayhem and panic ensued as the crowd of cannabis enthusiasts went berserk and charged through security lines to get their hands on the products being displayed at Spannabis.
The crowd somehow left the booth undamaged, and no one was injured during the booth riot. The event was organized as a promotional event in the ongoing cannabis fair in Barcelona. Advanced Nutrients, which is also one of the biggest sponsors of the event, brought in their two newest products to launch from their new CoCo product line.

See the mob video and follow all the action wherever you are as Advanced Nutrients live streams Spannabis 2013 Event action here:

SOURCE Advanced Nutrients


Well-Known Member
^^^Agreed. Hopefully this will be a lesson to future Cups all over. Don't let greedy companies plan their security and promoters shouldn't bow to the wishes of these company's promotion departments. You gonna give shit away like that, organize it, not treat it like a UNICEF grain handout in Ethiopia. Gonna put on a show? Get a stage. This shit could have been much worse. Mob mentality is a natural phenomenon. You get normal people that will start doing some weird shit in a crowd, including going with the flow. They better learn this shit before the 201* L.A. Cannabis Cup where it probably won't end so peacefully. Well that's my .02.


Well-Known Member
^^^Agreed. Hopefully this will be a lesson to future Cups all over. Don't let greedy companies plan their security and promoters shouldn't bow to the wishes of these company's promotion departments. You gonna give shit away like that, organize it, not treat it like a UNICEF grain handout in Ethiopia. Gonna put on a show? Get a stage. This shit could have been much worse. Mob mentality is a natural phenomenon. You get normal people that will start doing some weird shit in a crowd, including going with the flow. They better learn this shit before the 201* L.A. Cannabis Cup where it probably won't end so peacefully. Well that's my .02.

Haha, cant wait for the LA mob...
^^^Agreed. Hopefully this will be a lesson to future Cups all over. Don't let greedy companies plan their security and promoters shouldn't bow to the wishes of these company's promotion departments. You gonna give shit away like that, organize it, not treat it like a UNICEF grain handout in Ethiopia. Gonna put on a show? Get a stage. This shit could have been much worse. Mob mentality is a natural phenomenon. You get normal people that will start doing some weird shit in a crowd, including going with the flow. They better learn this shit before the 201* L.A. Cannabis Cup where it probably won't end so peacefully. Well that's my .02.
I know, right?

Greedy bastards have the nerve to GIVE AWAY a crapload of free stuff not even two months after they spent god-knows how much money bringing gifts and Christmas dinner to over a thousand less fortunate people. I can't stand greedy bastards like that.

I'm sure each and every one of us has not only done more charity in the last year but we've never made any mistakes at all so we're perfectly qualified to start throwing rocks at AN. In fact, let's just line them up and shoot the greedy bastards.

Seriously though, I think those of us in the U.S. should stop and think exactly what it means that this kind of mistake would go two completely different directions at Spannabis compared to the LA Cannabis Cup. Does that say anything at all about the company or everything about the attendees.

Look at this video. The crowd was pushing. Not much, but everyone pushing just a little bit creates way more force than security could hold back. What do the people in the booth do? Step back and just let the crowd have the stuff. No need to argue. No need to get defensive. And no one gets hurt. No one gets pushed down. The crowd is not exactly a picture of manners, but for a mob they're damn polite.

How many punches would get thrown in LA, exact same situation? Members of the crowd would be fighting over who touched which box first, or simply that "I'm stronger than you so what's yours is mine" and crap like that.

It's got nothing to do with the company and even less to do with trumped-up charges of "greed" at a give-away. It has everything to do with culture. Spain's is apparently more civilized. That's not something to swell up our chests and and puff out words like "I'd like to see them try that in L.A. We'd riot!" That's nothing to be proud of.


Well-Known Member
I think its the fault of the nutrient companies and they should do something about it before someone gets seriously injured. I went to a maximum yield show last year and CYCO was giving away whole starter kits, needlesstosay people got pushed and jacked around to get what is a valuable thing to a lot of newbs.

If you are going to give away free samples of high value at these shows, do the right thing, set up a freaking line and lets have some organized civility.


Active Member
Anyone with half a brain can see what the problem was there. Do we all really need to distract ourselves with other people's problems that are out of our hands?

The LA cannabis cup went smooth with no issues other than location being changed a few times. We got out there and got setup and saw nothing but friendly faces in our booths.


Well-Known Member
It's the responsibilities of the show organizers and the nutrient companies to make sure the people are well-behaved.

We can't start expecting people to take responsibility for their own actions and behavior. That's what enormous Orwellian bureaucracies are for!