Small grow smell


Just started my first grow a week ago. The seedlings are doing! My question will be directed towards anyone who has had a similar grow. O have two plants going in a small box that is not sealed. It is not a stealth grow but smell would be a problem. It is in the basement that is pretty large I am the only person that goes down there and its in the furthest corner. What type of smell can I expect with this small of a grow. Will my house reek of weed. Share some similar grow stories


Active Member
All depends, strain has a lot to do with the smell.

My first grow (Chemdog), in veg the plant could be smelled through the whole house, let alone when it was flowering (FYI no carbon filter or anything). My second grow (Sweet Purple), again no carbon filter, couldn't smell a thing until week 7 of flowering.

What strain are you growing, might help others tell you what to expect.

- SB -


Well-Known Member
My first grow was also random bagseed, it was in a closet 4x4x6. It was a skunky little plant, had a boxfan blowing on her and kept the door open for fresh air until lights out. She stunk up the whole house, and even down the driveway on certain breezy days, the breeze would suck out the smell from the windows, LOL. Second grow was bagseed again, smelled like licorice, but wasn't as strong as the skunky plant until her buds started to swell, then she smelled like a cross between cat piss and licorice. Again same closet for the grow, I moved her outside then finished her inside, still stunk when I brought her inside. So, I would say carbon filters, ona gel or ona block are usually needed indoors if you want to be stealth.


Active Member
I'm not sure the strain, my first grow I'm using random bag seed.
Hey twarner, best I can tell you then is MJ will smell at some point and difficult to hide without a carbon filter and ventilation. One of my problems with my house smelling of MJ was I too was growing in the basement. The furnace would kick in and sucking in, supposedly fresh, air from the basement and blow it throughout the whole house. And that is why my wife was pissed :cuss:and had no visitors over for 3 months.

- SB -


Active Member
Hey twarner, best I can tell you then is MJ will smell at some point and difficult to hide without a carbon filter and ventilation. One of my problems with my house smelling of MJ was I too was growing in the basement. The furnace would kick in and sucking in, supposedly fresh, air from the basement and blow it throughout the whole house. And that is why my wife was pissed :cuss:and had no visitors over for 3 months.

- SB -

Id love for my house to reek of the marijuana odor. lol

O, it does. haha but i dont have a wife to complain about it lol


Well-Known Member
lots of vids and info on diy carbon filters they will work alright for a small grow like yours. I ran 2 plant in a small box last grow and it stunk pretty bad could smell it downstairs of my house


Well-Known Member
its weed its gonna smell i usually keep my grow to 2 plants and i can tell you even a small budding plant can skunk up a place but get a carbon filter or make your own ..not a big deal.


Active Member
Have my first grow going now in a grow tent in a spare room. On warmer days I run the ducting out the window to vent the room. When it's cold I have to keep it shut tight and even with the tent and room closed up I can still smell them down the hall. Consequently I just ordered a carbon filter online as I am afraid to have any one come over.


Well-Known Member
Have my first grow going now in a grow tent in a spare room. On warmer days I run the ducting out the window to vent the room. When it's cold I have to keep it shut tight and even with the tent and room closed up I can still smell them down the hall. Consequently I just ordered a carbon filter online as I am afraid to have any one come over.
the guy that lives next to me came over the other day and asked if he could buy a joint off me I was like how did you know I smoked he said I can smell it on my front porch glad my carbon filter is set up now 100% odor free


Active Member
its weed its gonna smell i usually keep my grow to 2 plants and i can tell you even a small budding plant can skunk up a place but get a carbon filter or make your own ..not a big deal.
Kronic, love your sig. Reminds me of the song "Pure Morning" by Placebo.

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
But I like the next two lines too :bigjoint:

A friend with breasts and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather


- SB -