it's not really the pa's fault. he follows orders from the AG, his boss. we had a chance to elect mike cox, who is a repub for Medical marijuana, but instead we picked the chairman of the anti Medical marijuana club in MI. how in the fuck did that happen? we dropped the ball bigtime on that.(i voted for cox).
secondly, it is our responsibility to literally SPAM our legislature into doing something about this. locally, health rates in my area are quite the anomaly. strokes , heartattack, cancers, are off the charts. with the fact that our new health care law doesn't probably address this anomaly, and in fact forces every patient(regardless of infliction) to pay more, something must be done. one thing to do is transfer as many patients from hydrocarbon based opium and ssru meds, to medical marijuana. its risks are minimal compared to ALL others, and patients indicate real relief. friends and relatives are becoming comfortable with the fact cannabis does not make one into a thoughtless zombie, but rather the opposite, inciting feelings of health and vibrancy.
the time to act is now congressperson, and i am requiring you to uphold my will. TODAY. tkae action on this. if i am unable to be successful in my venture to make medical marijuana, into a patient and farmer cooperative(as i feel the law intends) then i will spearhead the efforts to have your position revoked.