PROBLEM on 12/12 flip please help!!

OK so i got a week of veg on 18/6 from seed they r 25 days old and i am look to switch them now my whole problem is when i do the switch do i do it after there dark period such as 18 hours on then 12 off then 12 on so on and so forth or do i do 18 on then 12 on then 12 off then 12 on so on and so forth.... or any other way???


Active Member
Hi there, this is what I like to do.. which comes from advice from here naturally, but the day I want to have the girls go 12/12 then that day I reduce the time on the timer and they go to bed 6 hours early the first night.. then 12/12 from there! good luck!


Set your timer so that at the end of your 18hr lights on cycle they go into darkness for 12 then the next light cycle will be 12 on...


Active Member
Honestly it doesnt really matter. You are just starting flowering, you are not in the middle of it. As soon as your lights turn on, change your timer to shut off in 12 hours. Easiest way.....


New Member
it doesnt matter..just make sure the plants get 90%+ of darkness during the dark hours so they can secreate the necessary hormones.


New Member
yeah..the more darkness the better, but in the wild the moon is always reflecting the light off the sun onto the plants


Active Member
yeah..the more darkness the better, but in the wild the moon is always reflecting the light off the sun onto the plants
Your proportions are way off due to improper perspective here.. a full moon will cast anywhere from 0.27 - 1.0 lux, that is not a lot... so 90% of 130,000 lux (brightest direct sunlight) = 117,000 lux leaving 13,000 lux... you will hermi for sure! You know when you are driving into 'city lights' at night? 3+ lux right there.. so kind of gives you better perspective and there for throws your 'but in the wild the moon.....' argument out the window!


New Member
Your proportions are way off due to improper perspective here.. a full moon will cast anywhere from 0.27 - 1.0 lux, that is not a lot... so 90% of 130,000 lux (brightest direct sunlight) = 117,000 lux leaving 13,000 lux... you will hermi for sure! You know when you are driving into 'city lights' at night? 3+ lux right there.. so kind of gives you better perspective and there for throws your 'but in the wild the moon.....' argument out the window!
your proportions are way off, becuase the light that escapes into the room is usually from incandesant bulbs, which have even lower lumens than hids or fluors, let alone the god damn sun.


Active Member
Bmeat - Stop yammering on about things you clearly don't know jack about. Your "advice" is horrible. It's shockingly bad.

To the OP, just flip to 12/12 you'll be fine. No need to over think it. You'll do just fine.

Good luck on your grow!


Well-Known Member
moon light does not produce the radiation needed for photosyntesis. artificial light does. do not let light get into your plants durign the dark cycle, even a small amount of light will make them think its still evening or early morning not night time. if you do need to check your plants int he dark use a green only led head lamp (u can buy these places) as it produces light only in spectrums not used for photosynthesis


New Member
yeah..dont bring a lamp in there..but artifical aint too bad.

the worst are sun light and candle light..but luckily candle light is only 1 lumen..thats how we measure lumen.

idk..i guess the safe bet would to be light sealed..but my closet aint


Active Member
No he doesn't realize this because he has the attention span of a gnat.

The question was about flipping to 12/12 and not about light leaks.

Wow. Just wow. I give up.


Active Member
The op has already said hes switching his light from 18 to 12 when the lights kick on. Lets not hi jack another thread cause we all dont agree with Bmeat.....Yea, navyfighter is saying this. But this is how it starts and ruins peoples threads. I get pissed when my threads get hijacked from him too. So i try not to hijack others anymore...