hmmm, do I throw them or can I keep them?


Hey all

I would like to start by stating that I am not a dealer, I dont have much cannabis related items around my flat ( 1 bong, 1 grinder, 1 stash pot). I am pretty sure that there is a dealer living in my apartment building. I have digital scales in the flat - As i stated I do not deal and only use them to make sure I am not getting ripped off. My worry is the police coming to my door for some reason linked to this other person. I dont want to be implicated in anything that he is doing.

I have a feeling that it is probably best to chuck my digital scales out, and then there is no way I can be implicated in anything.

Would it be best to chuck them or keep them, wrapped up, taped up and in the back of a cupboard - this should indicate that they are barely used?

Opinions please people

Oh and I live in the UK


so what's the problem? If they do not find "drug" they can not break you ur least in my country...but i think this is everywhere


ok. I should have stated I usually have cannabis in my flat. No more than 1/2Oz and usually only an 1/8. I realize it is a tiny amount to find with scales but I am just planning to err on the side of caution


Well-Known Member
Watch that dealer isnt hiding the stash in your room all bagged up. I lived with someone once who did this, a customer came to the door and he had to go into my room to get the acid trips he was hiding in there.


Well-Known Member
Your worried that the police can search your apartment cause there might be a dealer in your building in a different apartment?....Lay off the paranoia dude


LOL, I thought I was being a little paranoid. I just dont want to be implicated in anything he does. As stated in my first post all my cannabis related items in the house point to a smoker. I was thinking with the scales added in it may be a different mix.

I am only worried as there are 6 apartments in our building and from outside there is alot of traffic coming and going. if someone was watching they wouldnt nessacearly know which apartment out of the six these people are visiting.


Well-Known Member
Listen man. Here's the most solid advice you're gonna get on the subject. Keep your scales in the kitchen with your spices, flour, baking soda, other shit of that nature. If you don't have stuff like that.......learn to cook. :D
Seriously though. Invest in a bag of flour, a bag of sugar, some basil, oregano, cumin, stuff like that. Cheap as hell and if you dust your scales with a bit of the flour then they can never accuse you of anything other than being a home "baker".


Well-Known Member
Nnth said it alright, I keep mine in a box in the kitchen full of envelopes and mailing stuff with a pack of stamps right under the scale cover (right next to my baking stuff too)


Yes I do keep playing cards laying around.

At the moment I have put them in my cupboard with dry dog food, flour and all my spices. Thanks for the replies people! think I just over thought it yestereday


Ive seen that quiz before! thanks for linking though incase I hadnt!

Erdnase was a naughty man - but he is a legend at the same time! HAHA