Well-Known Member
Umm super trap??? no not yet... but I do like the black snap traps better than the wooden ones. much easier to set, just push the back down and it clicks in place and it's set.That's alot of rats, are these old school traps still the most efficient way? I don't know much about the business but it seems like someone would have come up with a "super trap" by now.
and most efficient? no only kills one at a time...
I really don't like store bought rodenticides especially for rats... the thing with rats is they are neophobic (the don't like new things and stick with what they trust) when setting out bait rats will take an eventual liking to them, the problem? they grow an immunity to the bait and eventually eat the bait like a snack.i got mice/rats in my feed room in my barn, i use rat/mice bait, but still they get into my feed bin. whats the best rat poison you recommend? i do keep a barn cat around but its not killing them all.
rats unlike mice need liquid more often (mice can go several weeks without water) so if you can find a really strong liquid bait that would be best. (don't know any store bought stuff)
You need to be very careful with your cat and bait. I have lost 2 cats (one just a few weeks ago) to rat/mouse poison. (stupid neighbors, come talk to me I'll hook you up for free... fuckers)
your best bet... stick with snap traps baited with peanut butter right along wall lines. if they are tired of the grain the will flock to the peanut butter.
Mice are much more curios than rats and are more likely to get caught at first.
Altough cruel, glue board work well for mice, not so well for rats. do not bait the glue boards as the grease will spread through the glue board rendering it ineffective.
Remember pest like humans need 3 things to survive
eleminate one of these 3 and watch the population decrease.
I hope this helps... please let me know if you have any other questions