I bought some activated carbon for smell control and it worked. But after like a couple days it stopped working. I cant get it to work now
Activated carbon has some great qualities, but it does not last long for the average joe. It can be reactivated but not sure of the process. Google activated carbon and you will learn how it works. On my fishtank, I cut out all the carbon and throw it away when I change filters, the floss on the filter lasts longer than the carbon does. Simply because it only lasts for no more than 14 days. Once it deactivates, it dumps every thing back out that it filtered out in the first place. Carbon has its uses and works well.....for a short period.
Water and air are two separate birds.
Whats the difference between filtering fish poop through carbon verses dust? Its still a solid particle to clog the cavities of activated carbon.Yes, but there is much more debris in the water and the water, I'm sure, is taking a toll on the structure of the carbon. i.e. Breaking it down or w/e
Also, can't you extend the life of carbon by crushing it with a hammer after it starts to slow down on filtration?
*sorry if I am wrong, I don't know much about carbon...but I am using a little common sense*
Whats the difference between filtering fish poop through carbon verses dust? Its still a solid particle to clog the cavities of activated carbon.
Fish poop would certainly take up more of those cavities no? I'm guessing fish crap is on the order of what? 1000x bigger than some dust or odor molecules? 10,000x?
1 gram of activated carbon has a surface area of something like 500 meters squared. Imagine how many dust / odor molecules could fit on 500 square meters?
Filtering air and water cannot even be compared as water has many more contaminats specicially contaminites bonded to hydrogen atoms which by nature tend to be large.
You cannot reactivate it using normal items in a house (not well anyway).
All carbon is not created equal, not even close.
Good activated carbon should be able to absorb 60%of its weight in impuraties
Here is a decent link
Activated Carbon What is a Carbon Filter?
Bottom line, go buy new.