1st Time!!!!!


Active Member
We just chopped down our First Lady ever last night. We have the buds hanging in a cool dark closet. My question is how long do we hang them before we start the curing process?

That is her right before we chopped her down. I'll take some after pics soon.

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Active Member
until they're dry on the outside but still spongey on the inside.

Do you have a fan going in the closet? you want to keep air circulating but don't point the fan at the buds

Some will say to wait until the stems snap and that indicates when they are dry enough, In my opinion that is too dry.


Well-Known Member
Just remember....long slow dry but control it so it doesnt mold. it depends where you are but you want the rh 50-55 with mid temps. Around 76-78 degrees you have that it takes about a week to dry . wait til the stems snap but do Not break, ( when you bend it it will snap but will not break in half. Jar it and burp twice a day. 15-30 minutes. Then after a week once a day for 10 minutes then after a week once a week for 5 minutes...with the rh in the jar being 55-60 at this point


Active Member
Do you have a fan going in the closet? you want to keep air circulating but don't point the fan at the buds

Yes I have fan pointed at the top of the closet. Not directly on them.

Just remember....long slow dry but control it so it doesnt mold. it depends where you are but you want the rh 50-55 with mid temps. Around 76-78 degrees you have that it takes about a week to dry.
The temps drop down to about 64 at night in the room and about 72 during the day. I may have to get a little heater to put in the room to get the temp up.

Thanks for the help!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Those temps are fine for drying. I dry aroung 65. You don't want it too warm or they'll dry to quick. Small buds I hang for 3-4 days. Big buds 5-7 days. Good luck. Remember slower the dry better the bud.


Well-Known Member
I dried at 65 degrees 4 days, and jarred. Burping twice a day 10-15 minutes. Cured a couple weeks now, more tasty, better aroma.
Cant wait for a month cured

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Slowly as possible but realistically about 7-12 days. If you can bend a stem and it breaks easy you have to throw them in cure before they dry out too much. In my dry room which holds 68-75 temps and 55-70% humidity I can go 14 days before the stem can snap when bent.
Humidity control throughout the grow is important, but in dry and cure it is really important. You need to find out what humidity range your room is. You want nothing under 50% in dry, nothing under 60% in cure.


Well-Known Member
i like cooler temperatures like other guys here. it prolongs the process of pullingg out moisture. thats how you dry good dank.


Well-Known Member
while in the burping process, (Not during burping) , are the jars to be in darkness?
what would make the bud mold during the dry/cure process so as to avoid mold at all costs