Just finished our tax returns


Well-Known Member
That would make me a hypocrite and a lazy ass piece of shit.

I work because it is not only the right thing to do, but because I want to be successful. I WANT to work for a living. I want to earn my way.

Again I wasn't discussing corporations, but sure, that does happen. You however can't deny that a Ma and Pa shop might use those profits to hire some extra help so that they no longer have to work 80 hour weeks...

Here is where we run into a big big problem fb360. I see this all the time when talking about "handouts". I ask the individual why they don't simply quit and they all say the same thing - pride, success, earning one's keep. (what I hear far less often from the right - not saying you are - is that they enjoy what they do - it has occured to me that those who moan most about handouts are those who really don't like what it is they do).

So, I doubt that you think yourself superior to everyone else, I don't believe you think you are a hypocrite or a lazy ass piece of shit, but why do you think so many of your fellow citizens are?


Active Member
Here is where we run into a big big problem fb360. I see this all the time when talking about "handouts". I ask the individual why they don't simply quit and they all say the same thing - pride, success, earning one's keep. (what I hear far less often from the right - not saying you are - is that they enjoy what they do - it has occured to me that those who moan most about handouts are those who really don't like what it is they do).

So, I doubt that you think yourself superior to everyone else, I don't believe you think you are a hypocrite or a lazy ass piece of shit, but why do you think so many of your fellow citizens are?
I love all my jobs, because I created them doing things I actually enjoy doing. But that is beside the point honestly.

I only think individuals who do nothing to try make their situation better, and then complain about their situation, to be lazy ass pieces of shit. I think it's fair to say that anyone who isn't trying their best to succeed shouldn't be complaining about their situation. Furthermore, I'm all for helping out the single mother/father who is caring for kids and working 2 jobs. Yes, help them out if they need it. But they should not expect to be helped out in terms of becoming wealthy, or being able to go on countless vacations, eat out all the time, etc etc. Rather, they should expect to only be helped to the point where they can get by. If they happen to get wealthy or do the rest listed, it will be a result of their own hard work


Well-Known Member
Again I wasn't discussing corporations, but sure, that does happen. You however can't deny that a Ma and Pa shop might use those profits to hire some extra help so that they no longer have to work 80 hour weeks...

Yep - Ma and Pa would like to take a break but even that is with purpose, when they are gone, the employees they hire are working at something, they have a reason to have been employed. One wonders what MA and Pa (who now are out of work themselves btw) will do with the extra help and how they will continue to make payroll when they come back from their trip to the Vatican.

But you do glance upon a pertinent issue, especially for the small business owner.

I have a close friend who recently sold his company - I suspect now, he didn't fare real well in the transaction but I have watched him struggle with payroll for almost a decade. He had to make nearly half a million in payroll twice a month. He took the hit, he had to absorb the delays in payment from his clients, he had to pay ssi, medicare, federal and state payroll taxes, child support, health insurance, state disability and all the rest. If the companies that owed him paid 90 days late he had to put up the money until he got his share, then eveyone else got paid before his company did and his company had to be paid in full before HE could get a paycheck.

I have argued with the whiners (not saying you are) who say that there is too much government red tape and regulation. In most cases I laugh at them because they are just spouting a line they heard, having never run a company themselves. In the majority of situations, all those regulations that are born by the small business owner are LOCAL and at most state and these are the same people who are advocates of local government over Federal.

But in the case of payroll, things are reversed, the Federal regs are the ones that are most painful and most prevent hiring. I would be far less reluctant to hire if I knew I wouldn't be subject to the things I would be should I find that I no longer needed the guy after a year. Now I would be subject to continuing pay through unemployment.


Well-Known Member
I love all my jobs, because I created them doing things I actually enjoy doing. But that is beside the point honestly.

I only think individuals who do nothing to try make their situation better, and then complain about their situation, lazy ass pieces of shit. I think it's fair to say that anyone who isn't trying their best to succeed shouldn't be complaining about their situation. Furthermore, I'm all for helping out the single mother/father who is caring for 2 kids and working 2 jobs. Yes, help them out if they need it. But they should not expect to be helped out in terms of becoming wealthy, or being able to go on countless vacations, eat out all the time, etc etc. Rather, they should expect to only be helped to the point where they can get by

Hang on. You talked about folks who close their shop up rather than break through another tax bracket - they stop working. Even at the highest tax brackets they still bring in more money than they pay in taxes - it may not be as much as they think they deserve but that act is no different than what you are saying others do, they are not working to make their tax situation any better, they simply quit trying, now how is that different than your "lazy pieces of shit"?

So far as your claiming that people shouldn't expect to not work and be welathy or go on countless vacations - see the post I made regarding how much welfare people actually get. This isn't the wealth you are talking about and folks can't very well afford a vacation on 500 bucks a month. I think you imagine that people on welfare of any sort get far more than they actually get. True, there are some who manage to milk the system but not many, not enough for anyone to really complain about as some sort of systemic insult to the working man.

Now you say, rightfully, that people who simply can not get by on what it is they are currently doing should get some help. Who should help them? Should we help them if the very act of doing so will put us closer to where they are? If I make a good living and want to help those less fortunate but in so doing bring myself out of that good living status, is that fair?

Or should we get someone who is so far off the scale of "good living" that a ding in his income of say, 800k a year to help a bit more? After all, that is how we started off this conversation. First, we want everyone who is unable to help themselves to the extent that they can survive and be confortable to have that chance. Second we don't want to bring those of us in the middle out of our status, third, we want as few actually lazy people as possible to get the benefit of our labor but fourth, why not expect those who got the most out of our system to pay a bit more? Everyone should be able to stay at this fabulous hotel we have called the United States, they don't all get the view or the valet service but they get a bed and shelter and safety, is it so wrong to expect those who live in the penthouse to pay a bit more than the ones who stay in the double occupancy middle sized rooms?


Active Member
Hang on. You talked about folks who close their shop up rather than break through another tax bracket - they stop working. Even at the highest tax brackets they still bring in more money than they pay in taxes - it may not be as much as they think they deserve but that act is no different than what you are saying others do, they are not working to make their tax situation any better, they simply quit trying, now how is that different than your "lazy pieces of shit"?
It isn't, except for he isn't lazy. I tell him to grow the fuck up and keep his shit open. He doesn't listen.

I explain to him that he is being selfish closing shop to save some $$, while causing his employees to take the hit as well. Maybe what I say will get to him and he will give them an extra bonus or something, but you're right, that is being a piece of shit

Also you mistook my statement about people getting "wealthy" on welfare. I meant it to be that people shouldn't complain that they aren't being helped out enough, because if they are being helped out at all, that should be enough.

First, we want everyone who is unable to help themselves to the extent that they can survive and be confortable to have that chance. Second we don't want to bring those of us in the middle out of our status, third, we want as few actually lazy people as possible to get the benefit of our labor but fourth, why not expect those who got the most out of our system to pay a bit more? Everyone should be able to stay at this fabulous hotel we have called the United States, they don't all get the view or the valet service but they get a bed and shelter and safety, is it so wrong to expect those who live in the penthouse to pay a bit more than the ones who stay in the double occupancy middle sized rooms?
Hey, you just described why I agree with the tax system somewhat, even though it isn't fair.

I mentioned from the start that I agreed to an extent, but I still comprehend that it isn't exactly "fair" all the time.


New Member
I do not agree with any Tax System at all, simply because its morally and ethically wrong (it is stealing).

but lets just pretend for a momment that our taxes went to something other than foriegn mega banks and the debt that we incured from them.

Lets just pretend that our taxes are used to assist others or are for the bennifit of actual human beings.

Lets also pretend that this 'American Dream' is a real thing and that the money changers are fabulous indiviuals with only the best intentions to keep our interest in mind, and that governments are wondefull entity's that have this same interest magically by the grace of gods.

So if I make pretend that and that taxes are morally principled, I agree that the problem left and even from my own personal experience is that our system in its current incarniton is almost by design setup to keep the poor poor, make the middle class poor, and those in power, well in power.

So in this Spirit of being completely morally corrupt - and just kinda "Going with the Flow" - I join you my brothers - I say sure, tax the evil all powerfull corporations spawned by the government but while we are at it, hell, lets tax the fuck out of the government for spawning these scourges upon humaninity which would not exist in a free market.

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, I propose a corruption tax in which we will tax the government and its giant corporation to PAY US and they will be our slaves, Yes they have no money I know but it doesn't matter we will just make them slave for it. Yes, G.E welcome to your 9-5 hell, you will now work your ass off for a pension of 40$ per month, Only If!


Well-Known Member
Thousands of new IRS agents to pay for...


This part is interesting..

Under the law, Americans who lack health insurance will have to pay an annual fee to the IRS of $95, or 1 percent of taxable household income, starting in 2014.
By 2016, that will rise to $695 per person, with a cap that equals the greater of $2,085 per family or 2.5 percent of household income.
the extra agents may have something to do with the 650% increase in tax return fraud over the last few years.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
the extra agents may have something to do with the 650% increase in tax return fraud over the last few years.
The old agents happen to have enough time to audit me and my company three times in over three decades...They seemed to of been well staffed...

I thought I heard the new agents were for the newly added Obama care....


Well-Known Member
So now you are saying that I do not pay taxes? Or are you so embarrassed by your ignorance, that you're trying to divert attention?
You claim to have a monthly income of 900 and live in Mexico. If your being truthful. I pay more on one paycheck. Then you pay all year. So shut your whining cock holster

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
You claim to have a monthly income of 900 and live in Mexico. If your being truthful. I pay more on one paycheck. Then you pay all year. So shut your whining cock holster
So the more one pays in taxes, the more right to free speech? How authoritarian of you.

Do you think that I have never worked full time like you? And paid more than even you pay?

I do not whine about YOU not paying enough, like you do about the rich. I'm trying to point out the corruption and hypocrisy in a system that pretends that they are concerned for the plight of the poor but STILL makes them pony up and pay their fair share.


Well-Known Member
So the more one pays in taxes, the more right to free speech? How authoritarian of you.

Do you think that I have never worked full time like you? And paid more than even you pay?

I do not whine about YOU not paying enough, like you do about the rich. I'm trying to point out the corruption and hypocrisy in a system that pretends that they are concerned for the plight of the poor but STILL makes them pony up and pay their fair share.
1 I just want the rich to pay the same percentage of taxes I do
2 You in a income bracket of those you accuse of being freeloaders and takers. What a Hypocrite

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
That is correct, Chesus has contributed to the bombing of babies, the destruction of towns, the disruption of political situation in other countries.

but he has also contributed some of his wealth to stem the tide of AIDS in other countries, he has helped feed children in every country including his own. He has sent money that was used to improve the health of females, he has helped ease the burden on the aged, assisted the blind and the impared. He has done a small part in ensuring that the air we breath is more pure, the water we all drink more clear and the social situation in this country just a bit more equitable and fair. I am sure you wouldn't dissaprove of these uses of funds even if you consider that his money was stolen, at least some of it has contributed to the welfare of his fellow citizens.
A man beats his wife, but buys his dog a steak....what's wrong with this picture?

The problem with the extortion system setup known as taxation is you are forced to fund the bad or you will be harmed. Wouldn't it be better to separate "goods and services" that people want from "bads and disservices" that the government tosses into the equation too ?

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
8000? wut? she must be getting something else besides a child credit. Each kid is only worth 1000.
Not sure of all the credits she took advantage of but only two of her kids are under 16 and that would qualify her for the regular 1k credit per kid, one child is in college and she got more then 2,000 for her alone in some type of college credit. So there is 4k. Being she is a part-time student, works and has three kids she got some kind of educational credit as well.
I just think it's time to end credits period and do a fair/flat tax. I'm all for taxing the shit out of the super rich but if I was king I'd just to a simple flat tax.