The UK Growers Thread!


yeh rite shes as racist as i am mofo. shed chew u up spit u out then rsape ur baby boy,with a fucking nailgun,, now get a grip and stop actin hard on a website ya fuktard lol

she sounds delightful, but...


besides no one is acting hard but you pigfucker.
she sounds delightful, but...
besides no one is acting hard but you pigfucker.

LOL,, i have no need to act hard, no need to walk round flexin, been ther done it,grown up and dont give a fuck about nobody,well part from me kin, but anyone else, na, any kindness i do is just that,a kindness, coz im a fucking nice guy :)
anyways hows ya crop?dead yet?
LOL,, i have no need to act hard, no need to walk round flexin, been ther done it,grown up and dont give a fuck about nobody,well part from me kin, but anyone else, na, any kindness i do is just that,a kindness, coz im a fucking nice guy :)
anyways hows ya crop?dead yet?

great thanks.
how's yours? killed 'em yet?
LOL,, i have no need to act hard, no need to walk round flexin, been ther done it,grown up and dont give a fuck about nobody,well part from me kin, but anyone else, na, any kindness i do is just that,a kindness, coz im a fucking nice guy :)
anyways hows ya crop?dead yet?

Lol nice guy, yeah all the nice guys I know have women that chew people up and rape boys with nail guns lol
auntie chows rat jalfrezi down by tooting
knobjockey? don't ride knobs but will ride ic3's gammy trenchfoot, sure that hole will be big enough by now

no u eat ya dogs dont ya? corgi korma gos down a treat in bricklane lol

who are u anyway nobjockey, ice is a cunt yeah but hes our cunt so do 1!
no u eat ya dogs dont ya? corgi korma gos down a treat in bricklane lol

who are u anyway nobjockey, ice is a cunt yeah but hes our cunt so do 1!

Ic3 seems to make that many enemy's it gettin hard to know, suppose well just have to call him as kev like the rest of them lol
Ic3 seems to make that many enemy's it gettin hard to know, suppose well just have to call him as kev like the rest of them lol

i aint got no enemys, i just got this magical way with cunts, that only cunts will relate too,, hence why this is a close nit thread. y yes we talk, only us cunts and cunts alike are real,kinda pals,.. and wen i get mobile,, OOOBABY, u better know the bird will be the word and cuntittitus will be getting spread.

DEEERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and i thuoght sambo was a nugget
scroll to the bottom of the main sr page your see it on the right, doubt your stats are good enough to get the freebies tho tbh 2time and mg that white rhino is usa/canada only ya wanker lol

Haha, fuck that made me laugh, I never knew m8 only had a quick browse cos was settin it up for a m8 and showin him a few things, u wer right on it too lol. I was nearly goina throw the laptop on and have a look myself, wont bother now, cheers
Haha, fuck that made me laugh, I never knew m8 only had a quick browse cos was settin it up for a m8 and showin him a few things, u wer right on it too lol. I was nearly goina throw the laptop on and have a look myself, wont bother now, cheers

lmao u no im on them freebies lol theres a few now scamming that way tho nowday charging +postage cost which people fink are still cheap for the sample but them sending fake nothing.