FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
You have missed EVERY point made today. I hope you are REALLY stoned SamWell, because if not, this thread has literally made you stupid.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
You have missed EVERY point made today. I hope you are REALLY stoned SamWell, because if not, this thread has literally made you stupid.

no i hear em, you try try try to make what you do seem more important and elaborate and grandiose then it is

its called


respect? im only pointing out that you say we know nothing about what you are doing,

I know exactly what I am doing
another finfailure.
and your response, before you deleted it , to Dangledo was hes a failure .

i get all the points, especially the ones where you lie for effect

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
protective colouring, mimicry, false appearance, deceptive markings

He looks like everyone else without an image to you. there for he is mimicking others and blending in with them



Well-Known Member
no i hear em, you try try try to make what you do seem more important and elaborate and grandiose then it is

its called


and your response, before you deleted it , to Dangledo was hes a failure .

i get all the points, especially the ones where you lie for effect
:lol: So you miss every point, CLEARLY missed every point, by replying to irrelevant pieces of my posts. Then you claim to "diagnose" me with something due to my replies explaining to you exactly what was missed in the post before. :lol: And you still haven't proven that you understood any of the points presented, you just pretended to be better by throwing around shit that you've heard Buck say because he researched Mania :dunce: :lol: You're completely lost. Either actually reply to something or stop trolling because you suck.


Well-Known Member
protective colouring, mimicry, false appearance, deceptive markings

He looks like everyone else without an image to you. there for he is mimicking others and blending in with them

1) Covering that makes him look like the common "wildlife", not background, which makes it NON protective 2) Not mimicry, that would be stak. Woody was the opposite of mimicry, he was the original, the one that things are mimicking. 3) Not false appearance. That is again, what stak did. He "falsely appeared" as woody. 4) Not dece[tive marking, that was again stak. Woody was the one whos markings were copied.


Well-Known Member
And come to think of it, Buck is actually copying CryptKeeper. That was my original troll. Same personality as Buck, but I don't think they are the same person for a few reasons.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
:lol: So you miss every point, CLEARLY missed every point, by replying to irrelevant pieces of my posts. Then you claim to "diagnose" me with something due to my replies explaining to you exactly what was missed in the post before. :lol: And you still haven't proven that you understood any of the points presented, you just pretended to be better by throwing around shit that you've heard Buck say because he researched Mania :dunce: :lol: You're completely lost. Either actually reply to something or stop trolling because you suck.
an opinoin, or observation is not diagnosis

you are delusional .. its obvious, as you fail at every attempt

stipule are not pistils

once again you are obsessed with UB, i haven't said anything today that he has other then what i already have said

you are a shameless self promoter who begs for money, steals from walmart, gets your pets high and lies for attention, these are not only my observations as they are demonstrable true(you have done them all) . . . .is this hard for you to understand


Well-Known Member
stipule are not pistils
So are you completely going to derail this back to shit from 2 weeks ago now :lol: Are you really that out of trolly ideas? You knew exactly what I meant when I said Pistil or you wouldn't even be saying that right now. I'm gonna go watch Netflix, go like 8 posts back and actually try to reply to something :lol: If you can :lol: .

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
have fun calling stipule pistils while you try to save face, for continuing to promote misinformation

and hey guy, karma is a two way street, im commenting on content you posted, and as i ask each time it takes pages of re education that only ends up with you calling those who comment dunces

you derail and discredit yourself, at least have a adult outlook

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
So you m:lol:iss every point, CLEARLY missed every point, by replying to irrelevant pieces of my posts. Then you claim to "diagnose" me with something due to my replies explaining to you exactly what was missed in the post before. :lol: And you still haven't proven that you understood any of the points presented, you just pretended to be better by throwing around shit that you've heard Buck say because he researched Mania :dunce: :lol: You're completely lost. Either actually reply to something or stop trolling because you suck.
you said light is not a stress . . .. i responded with phototropic repsonse(as it is exactly that lgiht stress)

i know all to well how you work be back in a few with your pages of mis-information to either dispute or disprove as you requested

like 12-12 represents a winter sun to funny i bet someone finds a new quote

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
1) Covering that makes him look like the common "wildlife", not background, which makes it NON protective 2) Not mimicry, that would be stak. Woody was the opposite of mimicry, he was the original, the one that things are mimicking. 3) Not false appearance. That is again, what stak did. He "falsely appeared" as woody. 4) Not dece[tive marking, that was again stak. Woody was the one whos markings were copied.
How many times a day would say things "falsely appear" to you?


Active Member
The plants think they are going die is the point. It's like you're retarded. You missed the entire point.
Why would u want ur plants to think their dying before they have even grown? You shld never have kids i can only imagine what you'd do to them....

EDIT: sorry forgot some of these :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:
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