How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

jingoists and ignorant dilettantes lack the attention span or the intellect for anything longer than a 20 second sound bite

Yet here you are ridiculing a political philosophy that has been written about by more classic authors than any of the views you espouse and you have not read anything about it. Orwell, Bookchin, Chomsky, Thoreau, Bakunin, Proudhon, just to name a few...

Unlike you, I have the ability to be simultaneously articulate, concise and brief. For every word I write in these threads you write ten or more and convey not a tenth of the arguments. That is why I reduce your diatribes down to your point, which is usually only a half sentence. Why do you write so much crap? Likely because you are the jingoist, not myself.

"I don't understand the philosophy you say you agree with, it is your fault for not teaching me about philosophy"

you couldnt teach a child to shit in a toilet.

your self proclaimed "philosophy" has no basis in reality, and no support in academic literature.

i can find not one shred of discussion about your supposed philosophy save repeated claims that "It's not an oxymoron" followed by contradictory claims and assertions as to it's political and economic theories and goals.

it's not a "philosophy", its not a "political theory" it's not even a "notion" it is a catch-all phrase for assholes like chomsky who want "good things" and reject the "bad things" but cannot ever narrow down their definition of "good things" and "bad things" in any way thats meaningful to anyone but themselves.

"libertarian socialism" is as meaningless as the phase "hangups" which was so popular in the 70's, or "new age" which was the prime market for bullshit in the 80's.

your "libertarian socialism" has no platform or framework, and thus is as meaningless as "anarcho-____________ism" as a political expression.

if im wrong you shold be able to point me to some source which explains your professed "philosophy" besides a contradictory and nonsensical wikipage.
Let's replace state tyranny with unhindered corporate tyranny.

What could go wrong?
So now I am a nihilist?

Actually, the only qualification needed to criticize something is understanding of it.

no, nihilists believe in Nothing, which is at least something. you just dont have any position. having a position requires thought, contemplation and reasoning. you have none of them

and most likely you believe they are all 3 the same thing.

regurgitating somebody else's thoughts doesnt provide you with a belief system, a philosophy or even an ideology. it just makes you a sucker.

like the old cliche goes, if you dont believe in something, youll fall for anything, and you fell hard for the phony "Libertarian Socialist" nonsense despite not understanding a lick of it.

if you understood it you could, and would explain it. instead you pretend it's just too deep for all the rest of us, and we have to let go of all our beliefs and accept whatever it is you offer sight unseen.

youre a bad salesman trying to sell a pig in a poke. you dont even know whats in the bag, but your masters, noam chomsky and the Anarcho-__________ist Workers Socialist Libertarian Front for Whirled Peas has given you a mission, and you simply obey.

if you understood what youre pushing you wouldnt have to hide your agenda.
Once again kynes has derailed a thread because he disagrees.

I told you, I'm a libertarian socialist

I don't ask you what a Republican is, I already know. I ridicule something I know about. Why are you yet again derailing a thread demanding I explain to you what my philosophy is? Seriously, wtf is your problem? Who lit the fuse on your tampon? Why follow me thread to thread ?

this thread isn't even about libertarian socialism
Moral of the story, if you logically demonstrate that anarchocapitalism = voluntaryism = feudalism, worshipers of Ayn Rand, Rawn Pawl and other turtle fucking right wing nuts will endlessly berate you with emotional diatribes completely lacking explicable logic.

Obviously defending your views has been a series of failures, why not derail the thread falsely attributing views to me?

anarchocapitalism is an oxymoron.
Put together a graph outlining the Libertarian socialist view of the political spectrum as I understand it, basically everyone is right wing except libertarian socialist

Once again kynes has derailed a thread because he disagrees.

I told you, I'm a libertarian socialist

I don't ask you what a Republican is, I already know. I ridicule something I know about. Why are you yet again derailing a thread demanding I explain to you what my philosophy is? Seriously, wtf is your problem? Who lit the fuse on your tampon? Why follow me thread to thread ?

this thread isn't even about libertarian socialism

this thread was not de-railed by me, it started out off the rails with your strrawman of "anarcho-cpaitalism" which is a ridiculous oxymoronic label that YOU created and YOU slapped onto forehead of every political figure or political ideal that you disagree with.

i have never heard anyone describe themselves as "anarcho-conservative" since anarchy is a feature of leftism, and is almost invariably rhetorically tied to direct democracy (rabble riots) and socialist/marxist/communist/happybunnyfuntimes utopianism.

your inability to expound upon your own claimed political philosophy (mainly because it does not exist) is quite apropos to this subject, since you demand the disassembly of everyone else's ideas based on your logical and rhetorical fallacies, yet what you want to replace it all with must remain SEEKRIT! until you come down from the mountain with a fresh new copy of Quotes From The Chairman to save us all from our wickedness and unbelief in your One True Political Ideal.

yeah Quotes from the Chairman. Because Das kapital and the Communist Manifesto are TL;DR, but quotes from mao are prefect for ignorant dilettantes who want to sound smart at the student union, and impress some chubby freshman girls.

your "Philosophy" is barely 2 stages removed from Ira Einhorn's silly claptrap. at what point will you begin encouraging freshman co-eds to "get over their Hangupos" and free themselves with the new Liberation" which will invariably result in blowjobs for you, and degradation and regrets for them when they discover youre a stuffed shirt?

your "philosophy" is constructed from trite slogans, quips and quotes taken out of context, and image macros which you think make you sound brilliant and deep.

you started this thread and endlessly bumped it to trumpet your own presumed brilliance and insight, while in reality exposing your ignorance, incompetence, and misconceptions about political theory, political science and philosophy.
from it's first moments to it's dying gasp on the last page of this forum this thread has been all about you, your self aggrandizement, your delusions of adequacy, your ignorance, and your hate filled venom against everyone who dares hold a position which you do not approve. examining YOUR self-proclaimed "Libertarian Socialism" (which is like totally not an oxmoron, really!) is not only germane to this subject but crucial to the issues this thread purports to be about.

edit: and how can anyone derail a thread which is based on a fallacious argument?

since there is no such thing as "anarcho-capitalism" this imaginary leprechaun rainbow fairy fart cannot "break monopolies" cannot "create monopolies" and in fact cannot even pinch off a turd since it is a FICTION created by you.

"anarcho-capitalism" is the very essence of the strawman,, and propping this sad little construct up so you can take wild ineffectual swings at it is not only disingenuous, but pathetic.

and the funny part is, your own strawman kicked your ass.
I'm the only one who has not read Orwell

muy facil.

you cannot argue for your own position, and lack the intelligence and education to argue against anyone else's position so you post images created by people smarter than yourself, image macros developed by people who are much more clever than yourself, and out of context quotes from people more intelligent than yourself.

when you figure out what you believe, in maybe somebody will give a shit about your opposition to those who actually stand for something.

it is unlikely, but there is hope. your current plan, regurgitating marxist rhetoric (which you do not understand) and posting images and memes has failed miserably. why not try something new, and read das kapitall,, the communist manifesto and bertrand russel.

you just might discover what everyone else has already deduced, that if you knew enough about marxism to be a marxist you would join up and embrace the ideological marxism you have been pretending to for all these posts.
when you figure out what you believe, in maybe somebody will give a shit about your opposition

Now I don't know what I believe? This shit changes in your every post.

So if nobody gives a shit, why do you still write me so many love letters? Why do you spend an hour or more, every day, ranting and spewing insults at me? Why are your diatribes so lacking in explicable logic and so full of emotion?
Now I don't know what I believe? This shit changes in your every post.

So if nobody gives a shit, why do you still write me so many love letters? Why do you spend an hour or more, every day, ranting and spewing insults at me? Why are your diatribes so lacking in explicable logic and so full of emotion?

i know very well whats rattling around in that empty head of yours,, you have revealed it in many ways, through your repeated (and generally incorrect) usage of marxist rhetoric and dogwhistles, your use of out of context quotes from leading protomarxist thinkers, hardcore marxists, and marxist agitators, your contant reversion to simplistic marxist slogans and picket signs from the industrial workers of the world party, and your incessant repetition of common marxist strawmen like "orwell was a socialist" and "socialist doesnt mean that, in the 1800's it meant..."

you have a shitload of marxist propaganda sloshing about in your skull but no internal framework or understanding to make that jingoism anything more than a sloppy mess of muddy leftist pablum.

if you kneww enough about marxism to embracce it, you would, but you are neither clever enough nor dedicated enough to read the communist manifesto and das kapital (since even a single paragraph is "TL;DR") so you endlessly regurgitate the marxist agitprop and rote learned slogans as if they mean something to you.

you are a puppet, your lips move at the command of those who understand the meaning behind the words you mouth, and your limbs flail jerkily with every twitch in the strings which suspend your lifeless form.

i have logic aplenty, you simply interpret it as emotion since thats all you understand.

this thread, like every thread you start IS about "libertarian socialism" because you think thats what you believe in, and this thread, just like every thread you start is ALL ABOUT YOU.