
Well-Known Member
i am high lol . . smoked a couple bowls in the bong and hit a blunt roach

edit: anyone else enjoy the buzz from a blunt? i dont smoke cigarettes...


Well-Known Member
I just read online that some stomach med. Pantoloc, the Dr. gave me can cause a false positive for THC. Now I'm fucked......:o:o:o :)


Well-Known Member
I just read online that some stomach med. Pantoloc, the Dr. gave me can cause a false positive for THC. Now I'm fucked......:o:o:o :)

probably protonix... my mom is on it and she fails all the time... she doesnt even smoke... just print out the info you find on the false positive and most cases it will be fine... job drug tests rarely do the next phase test which tests for other cannabis ingredients, but if it is for court, they most certainly will...


Well-Known Member
I don't really care about tests...54...I do what I what and have no boss.................
Just a strange correlation between THC test & stomach med........


Well-Known Member
my girlfriends dog, when it gets pissed at me, will jump on the couch and fart.. then as soon as the smell hits, it runs to another room.... fucking asshole


Well-Known Member
I don't really care about tests...54...I do what I what and have no boss.................
Just a strange correlation between THC test & stomach med........

and i figured you wasnt worried about tests, i was just putting it out there in case someone wanted to use protonix to slide by on tests.. it should work on all but po/court... and it isnt thc in it, it just shows up as that... but nothing works for a bad stomach like thc... :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
my balls are huge
Has anyone told you your av looks like a rapist? I'm sure they have...because it does....

put them in your mouth and maybe we won't have to hear from you anymore. it would be a public service.
DAMN, I think he needs a little ice for that burn. Was that personal or just funny?

Dude, I wish I was better at that game! My friend just flies through it, and I fuck up all the time!

My dog just farted and it smelled so bad he got up and moved ...
I used to have a dog that would run from his own farts.The sound scared him.
my girlfriends dog, when it gets pissed at me, will jump on the couch and fart.. then as soon as the smell hits, it runs to another room.... fucking asshole
lmfao, you guys all just cracked me up. MY dog used to do the same shit, but yeah, he ran from the smell, not the sound, punk ass. Dog was hard core.