I was adding ph up straight to the water in the beginning... people told me that was wrong so I started diluting it... this was all after draining my res so I was starting fresh. I still had the ph probs with that which is when I switched to veg+bloom...
the calcium is at 18%, that should be plenty... Now everything I've read about this nute, people say to just feed more if any deficiencies come up... Would you think me just feeding it some more could fix these cal issues if it is cal issues? I will agree that was my second thought after nute burn.
You dont need anymore cal.... Never seen that nute before but the ratios between numbers seem fine. In DWC you should not see cal probs this long after changing your mixing routine. So. its not cal def or lockout due to pH up adds. In coco , I have seen them longer awhile and I dont have direct experience with DWC and that prob together but its seems logical that DWC would correct this in root zone quickly,yes? So, you've covered all the bases....roots,pests,ph,no reason to suspect lockout, EC is not too low by any stretch.....time to go with 'harley suggestion of lower EC. Watch it like a hawk. I'd even do a pH rinse of roots if possible. What else would/could it be