Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Thats for sure, we are persistent, innovative monkeys. All we need is a stabilized world, which we generate for ourselves with military force projection with our Allies, including the hard hitting Irish.

Given that stability, which we and friends pay for in blood, as we go, I am sure we will be coding the heck out of DNA.

Without stability, we will backslide and lose the capability to progress the Science. And that is what the Axis of Evil would dearly love.
Thats for sure, we are persistent, innovative monkeys. All we need is a stabilized world, which we generate for ourselves with military force projection with our Allies, including the hard hitting Irish.

Given that stability, which we and friends pay for in blood, as we go, I am sure we will be coding the heck out of DNA.

Without stability, we will backslide and lose the capability to progress the Science. And that is what the Axis of Evil would dearly love.
We "peace-keep" the SHIT out of places.

And don't forget about it!

(Send your tanks...we have Javelins for that ;) )

EDIT: And a link from the same article about how he "watermarked" his synthetic creation.

Im not gonna be able to keep up much longer, just picked up some BOMB "medicinals" ;)

WOW! Great contribution. I had no idea. Very cool!

"Coaxing the software to power a cell proved harder than expected."

Masterful understatement, at it's best.
Historically their own filings against farmers show that more farmers in court is what Monsanto wants so farmers should give them what they want ;)...

"Launching a lawsuit against the very company that is responsible for a farmer suicide every 30 minutes, 5 million farmers are now suing Monsanto for as much as 6.2 billion euros (around 7.7 billion US dollars). The reason? As with many other cases, such as the ones that led certain farming regions to be known as the ‘suicide belt’, Monsanto has been reportedly taxing the farmers to financial shambles with ridiculous royalty charges. The farmers state that Monsanto has been unfairly gathering exorbitant profits each year on a global scale from “renewal” seed harvests, which are crops planted using seed from the previous year’s harvest."
Yeah, it is the rule of Law. If there is a soy beef, that's why we have courts.

So, Monsanto gets to push, the farmers get to push back. But, I have to say everyone in this are adults. Everyone can read the fine print, have access to legal opinions before they sign and quite frankly do not have to buy Monsanto.

So, they signed. If they have a case they will prevail. That is the rule of Law. Meanwhile you and your source are engaged in emotion tampering. Suicide? Yes. Because they signed on with Monsanto's stated program? That's preposterous.
Yeah, it is the rule of Law. If there is a soy beef, that's why we have courts.

So, Monsanto gets to push, the farmers get to push back. But, I have to say everyone in this are adults. Everyone can read the fine print, have access to legal opinions before they sign and quite frankly do not have to buy Monsanto.

So, they signed. If they have a case they will prevail. That is the rule of Law. Meanwhile you and your source are engaged in emotion tampering. Suicide? Yes. Because they signed on with Monsanto's stated program? That's preposterous.
Again, I implore GAYprotection to try pirate any patented technology and see how long he stays out of court for.

It seems ALL of the cases Monsanto have brought against farmers involve the farmers illegally keeping seed for the following year, which they freely signed a contract stating.

If someone broke a legal contract with me, I'd drag them through the courts until I received "satisfaction" too.
Again, I implore GAYprotection to try pirate any patented technology and see how long he stays out of court for.

It seems ALL of the cases Monsanto have brought against farmers involve the farmers illegally keeping seed for the following year, which they freely signed a contract stating.

If someone broke a legal contract with me, I'd drag them through the courts until I received "satisfaction" too.

I really have no familiarity with the particulars...I might be tempted to find out more. There is precident both ways. But, I think the "never happened before" argument is trumped by "you have never had magic corn before."

IAC, a royalty means that increasing yield increases the royalty due, or something. The more you make the more Monsanto makes. It's a lot like a new hit single in the old days. Before it was a hit, you had to work the system of DJs and markets and airplay. Everyone gets some good and some bad, but a hit is GOLD.

If the corn is magic corn, un-availium except thru Monsanto...or if Monsanto cut these farmers in for the sweetheart deal, it doesn't matter. They signed up. And now they try to withhold the Royalty? They only want to pay once like for old corn, so go get old corn. But, the rule of law, you sign you pay. Don't steal seed corn. You said you wouldn't.

Ask Kim Basinger , No Box, Helena? But, still you pay. You signed.

OK, read it. Very interesting. Good contribution. I understand this now a bit better. It is not the dna that's the problem nor are they splicing in the way I had imagined or for the purpose I thought.
We therefore conclude that our data strongly suggests that these GM maize varieties induce a state of hepatorenal toxicity. This can be due to the new pesticides (herbicide or insecticide) present specifically in each type of GM maize, although unintended metabolic effects due to the mutagenic properties of the GM transformation process cannot be excluded [42].
OK, they were not studying mutagens. But, they are saying the process used, leaves residue of pesticides. ((glyphosate and AMPA in NK 603, modified Cry1Ab in MON 810, modified Cry3Bb1 in MON 863).

So, if the corn creates it own synthetic pesticides untested in human trial.....that's a different story indeed.

Or is the corn contaminated and the corn doesn't create it? It's a pretty dense, statistical analysis of Monsanto data, I guess. And it seems to show horrible problems in mice after only 90 days.

I feel a bit ill, now.
Historically their own filings against farmers show that more farmers in court is what Monsanto wants so farmers should give them what they want ;)...

"Launching a lawsuit against the very company that is responsible for a farmer suicide every 30 minutes, 5 million farmers are now suing Monsanto for as much as 6.2 billion euros (around 7.7 billion US dollars). The reason? As with many other cases, such as the ones that led certain farming regions to be known as the ‘suicide belt’, Monsanto has been reportedly taxing the farmers to financial shambles with ridiculous royalty charges. The farmers state that Monsanto has been unfairly gathering exorbitant profits each year on a global scale from “renewal” seed harvests, which are crops planted using seed from the previous year’s harvest."

stopped reading there.

you are full of shit.

you are a fear mongering ignorant twat with an agenda of personal gain.

the same stupid discredited french Onco-Mouse study that has been trotted out nearly a dozen times in this thread alone, and has been discredited again and again.

a "homeopathic doctor" in france used GM mice who were genetically modified to get cancers, as test subjects with no controls, no scientific methodology, and no lab hygiene and no real findings uses his UNPUBLISHED and soundly rejected "work" to claim gmo's cause cancer.

his actual findings: GMO Onco-Mice get fewer tumors and live longer if they are fed with a diet made of ordinary randomly selected grocery store corn, and their water is dosed with glyphosate to about 850 ppm.

roundup is a health potion.

sweet mother of god i just realized youre trolling me.
Well, I'm learning something. There was that part about including Roundup in the diet, for some reason.

I'm pretty sure if you stare at an onco-mouse long enough it will grow a cancer of your face.

They are supposes to grow cancer.
Read the study I posted. I didn't read the clap trap at all.

thats the fucking french bullshit Onco-mouse "study' again. it's been roundly and soundly rejected. it is flawed like a motherfucker.

there are a few studies of BT crops which are a concern, but this is not one of them the lead author is a fraudster and a "homeopathic doctor"

here's his CV.

it's crap, 100% crap.

dude, the BT producing food products have some serious problems, since the BT toxin has been used as a spray for decades and is considered safe as fuck, and a "natural alternative" to chemical pesticides the BT food products got a pass from the usual health and safety testing.

theres been a few studies that show BT food crops may contain a LOT more BT than one would get from pesticide residue, and at these levels BT may not be safe at all.

heres one that suggests BT Toxin may be leeching into the soil from GM crops and could damage the soil's microbial balance (which is already nonexistant on any farm which uses GM crops) it's non-sequitor, but its interesting.

despite all the concern, BT food products are NOT in the human food supply, nor are they used in livestock feed. (a few bushels of "starlink" BT corn gort into a cattle feed, and the whole operation was shut down in reaction)

BT is a concern to me, but its not been approved for human food or livestock feed yet.

the ferench study was NOT on BT corn, it was on NK603, or "roundup ready/starlink"

glyphosate resistance is not anything like production of BT toxin.. glyphosate resistance (roundup ready) allows the use of glyphosate on crops with the promise of only killing the weeds. unfortunately it hasnt worked as well as advertised, since glyphoisate resistance is not immunity, and using roundup damages your own crop when it kills the weeds, and the lower doses needed to prevent killing your roundup resistant crops encourages survival and natural resistance in weed species.

roundup ready crops were supposed to let you hose your feilds down, killing all weeds without harming your crop, like a magic bullet.

it's more of an enchanted flamethrower that scorches your shit, and kills a lot of weeds, but the surviving weeds come back stronger than ever.

roundup resistance has not been linked to ANYTHING, and being resistant to roundup does not allow a crop to receive more roundup than is legally allowed by the FDA.

or in non-farming terms, even if you put your kid in flame retardant jammies, are you gonna let him play with matches and gasoline? i think not.

some farmers may be tempted to over use glyphosate trusting in the resistance to protect their crops, but the PCA still has to do the job, and abide by all existing federal restrictions.

glyphosate resistance means you can use glyphosate on crops which would previously die if you brought a jug of roundup into the same county, but does not eliminate already established useage regulations and residue limitations.

Edit: i read that shit again, he has released more data since his first dump, but still not all.

the french silly "study" feature 2 BT varieties, Mon610 and Mon863, as well as the Glyphosate resistant NK603

they only offered up the detailed results from the NK603 glyphosate resistant subjects, and only at 1 feeding level with a single control group, and the rest was all statistical charting of outliers and texas sharpshooter nonsense for the 2 BT varieties since the results were not dramatic enough.

thats why it was never published, only publicized. frenchy never released all the data or any of the details for peer review since he knows quite well that homeopathic medicine and acupuncture degrees will not help him sell his shit to real scientists.
I woke up this morning to the radio blaring Al Gore seemingly lecturing me on the virtues of 'spidergoat' farming...for a brief moment thought I died and woke up in 'hell'
then I remembered hearing about this bit a year or so ago...

BBC News - The goats with spider genes and silk in their milk

I was reading this letter this morning and somehow I couldn't help replacing the recipients to be Monsanto et al and the issue of the war over the gene pool...

Well, to me it just shows the level of emotional stupidity you operate from and intend to foster here. So, I'm not for that.

I'm for giant quantities of spider silk proteins harvested from Goat Milk.....aren't you?
The new fed bills recently introduced in congress may end up being a perfect vehicle for making fed approved 'safe' cannabis (=Genetically engineered) the only 'legal' cannabis.
Keep a good watch for amendments etc...
If we could get THC in goat milk that would be great! How about a THC, spider strand tea-shirt. So light so comfortable.

And no, you don't wash it...You smoke it! Wear your stash-ware where ever!
The new fed bills recently introduced in congress may end up being a perfect vehicle for making fed approved 'safe' cannabis (=Genetically engineered) the only 'legal' cannabis.
Keep a good watch for amendments etc...

haha.. the gov't can barely afford to do most normal things, and at that.. they're still going in debt - they couldn't possibly check -every- bit of weed from a bust in a gas chromatograph / spec without wasting a shitload more money than they do already. Unrealistic to think that they'd even try to do it just to determine legal vs not...