Nigeria (Nairaland)


Well-Known Member
Today I was speaking with a "friend" of mine on FaceBook who lives in Nigeria. He has been randomly speaking to me for about a year and a half now, and just asks how it is in America and says how his day is and says weird things like "May the sun shine on your day". So today when he hit me up I had an idea. There are some legal herbs that are rare in America, but completely common in Africa. So I asked him some questions about the exchange rate and he told me some stuff. Then I looked up some stuff about Nigeria online and found this...
the cost of living in Nigeria... a bit of an odd question as
90% of the population lives on less than a dollar a day but... Appartments may rely solely on NEPA plc (Never Expect Power Again please light candle- the government supply) or have a gen. that runs sometimes, relies on a diesel supply. Water will be from some nearby borehole/ delivered by truck and not potable.
public transport is a bit dodgy. I have seen many crushed bodies of either okada (motor bike taxis) drivers/passengers and mangled minibuses outside Lagos. But using hotel taxis in Lagos is relatively safe because traffic is usually moving very slowly or not at all.
Food prices- yams and cassava are cheap but if you want to eat western food or buy imported goods generally double the price in Europe.
Health insurance? if you get ill make sure your insurance pays for you to be medivacced to SA. Take prophylaxis for malaria to avoid dying.
... Is your husband in the oil industry? If you are in a gated compound with other expats and a school on site (Chevron?)you would be okay. There is nowhere safe to live in Lagos outside guarded gated compounds and it would be difficult with 2 young children as it is quite hazardous doing the school run. $100,000 pa is well below the going salary for an expat. For e.g. a well known major oil company pays a minimum of $250000 pa, 2 flights home pa, double that for non pensionable contractors. safety is a problem everywhere, 2 expat families recently were carjacked by armed robbers near their homes in ikoyi, a quiet residential area, there was a fatality. I would think carefully. It would be an interesting cultural experience but safety would always be an issue, most multinationals supply an armed escort to get their employees to the airport, many expat wives choose not to leave their compounds unless it's to get the airport but you can't do that if you have young children as they need to get to school and it would not be a good idea to send the driver alone (and yes everyone has a driver, if there is an accident the driver is the one who is lynched)
There is nowhere comfy to live as there is no infrastrucutre outside compounds (who have their own often unreliable water/ electricity supply) but it gets easier as time goes on, people are friendly and open but extreme poverty/ greed & a corrupt goverment drives so many to crime. There is no law and order as the police are not paid enough to make it worth their while to provide it, they are all looking to make money on the side, whether it is to turn a blind eye or do the armed robbing themselves. Don't go for less than $300,000pa as a contractor or $200,000pa with the protection of a large multinational...Don't go unless you have family there. No student would voluntarily go to Nigeria for any other reason, every Nigerian student's dream would be to go to Chicago where they don't need a sugar daddy/ have to sleep with their professors/ pay to pass exams and the lecturers would be on a decent salary, get their salary on time so wouldn't be forced to take second jobs/ bribes... You need an employment quota position (visa).You need to be able to do a job that cannot be done by a local or in some cases brought in because although there are many locals perfectly able to do the job they would be more vulnerable to corrupt practices
This is HORRIBLE. I can't believe that there is a place that when you read about it, it sounds almost like they are talking about vaults and the wasteland from FallOut. I really wanted to help the world before, but like, now I really want to do something about it SOON. There needs to be more free trade between regular citizens of EVERY nation, between other regular citizens of EVERY other nation. We need to get rid of the UN and start working in small core groups however and with whatever we can, and work with people of other nations that we can contact. It can't keep being like this.
Today I was speaking with a "friend" of mine on FaceBook who lives in Nigeria. He has been randomly speaking to me for about a year and a half now, and just asks how it is in America and says how his day is and says weird things like "May the sun shine on your day". So today when he hit me up I had an idea. There are some legal herbs that are rare in America, but completely common in Africa. So I asked him some questions about the exchange rate and he told me some stuff. Then I looked up some stuff about Nigeria online and found this... This is HORRIBLE. I can't believe that there is a place that when you read about it, it sounds almost like they are talking about vaults and the wasteland from FallOut. I really wanted to help the world before, but like, now I really want to do something about it SOON. There needs to be more free trade between regular citizens of EVERY nation, between other regular citizens of EVERY other nation. We need to get rid of the UN and start working in small core groups however and with whatever we can, and work with people of other nations that we can contact. It can't keep being like this.

nigeria, like all of subsaharan africa doesnt need "help" they need to stop fucking themselves over with 800 year old tribal conflicts, corrupt governments and self-destructive behavior.

nigeria has abundant arable land, abundant water for irrigation, a sufficiently educated populace and sufficient modern infrastructure to create 419 scam emails, but they cannot figure out a way to fix their own shit?

nobody can help africa but africans, and they have proven reluctant to try. the only way the civilized world could help them would be to invade, and dominate then FORCE civilization down their throats.

all of africa would have to live under a police state for generations, and then slowly be weaned off compulsory civilization until they can stand on their own feet, but that would destroy what little remains of the good things of african societies and cultures.

and of course this would assume that the imposers of social order were not corrupt themselves,, which means the UN is right out, leaving the only two nations who have EVER successfully turned a subject territory or an anarcho-______ist land into a peaceful and prosperous democracy, and thats the US and the UK. and even then, the success rate has been pretty low.

heres the scorecard:

US success:
the philippines
south korea
germany (partial credit with UK)
france (partial credit with UK)

US failure:
iraq (ver2.0)
puerto rico (still stuck to our shoe like a wad of gum)
panama (x2)
north korea
poland (partial blame with UK)
all of post war eastern europe (partial credit with UK)
mainland china

UK Success:
india (reluctantly)
germany (partial credit with US)
france (partial credit with US)

UK Failure:
iraq (ver1.0)
the entire arabian peninsula
all of post war eastern europe (partial blame with US)
poland (partial blame with US)
all of the british west indies
all of british west africa
the US (ohh sweet irony)
actually pretty much the entire british empire went to shit when the UK started circling the drain.
nigeria, like all of subsaharan africa doesnt need "help" they need to stop fucking themselves over with 800 year old tribal conflicts, corrupt governments and self-destructive behavior.

nigeria has abundant arable land, abundant water for irrigation, a sufficiently educated populace and sufficient modern infrastructure to create 419 scam emails, but they cannot figure out a way to fix their own shit?

nobody can help africa but africans, and they have proven reluctant to try. the only way the civilized world could help them would be to invade, and dominate then FORCE civilization down their throats.

all of africa would have to live under a police state for generations, and then slowly be weaned off compulsory civilization until they can stand on their own feet, but that would destroy what little remains of the good things of african societies and cultures.

and of course this would assume that the imposers of social order were not corrupt themselves,, which means the UN is right out, leaving the only two nations who have EVER successfully turned a subject territory or an anarcho-______ist land into a peaceful and prosperous democracy, and thats the US and the UK. and even then, the success rate has been pretty low.

heres the scorecard:

US success:
the philippines
south korea
germany (partial credit with UK)
france (partial credit with UK)

US failure:
iraq (ver2.0)
puerto rico (still stuck to our shoe like a wad of gum)
panama (x2)
north korea
poland (partial blame with UK)
all of post war eastern europe (partial credit with UK)
mainland china

UK Success:
india (reluctantly)
germany (partial credit with US)
france (partial credit with US)

UK Failure:
iraq (ver1.0)
the entire arabian peninsula
all of post war eastern europe (partial blame with US)
poland (partial blame with US)
all of the british west indies
all of british west africa
the US (ohh sweet irony)
actually pretty much the entire british empire went to shit when the UK started circling the drain.
Iv an extra one for the UK Failures list.

Drunk Potato Land.
Iv an extra one for the UK Failures list.

Drunk Potato Land.

nah, they didnt free shit, ireland took it's own shit back, up till the cowards in dublin negotiated away the northern counties.

england didnt have shit to do with ireland's success, and they havent released the northern counties yet, so they havent failed yet either.

thats why the limeys dont get credit for america's success, they didnt have shit to do with it.

they do get to be listed for failing since their aborted attempt to take our shit back in 1812 got their asses handed to them by ole' hickory and the boys down new orleans way.
they did sack washington, but that rubbish heap grew back.
nah, they didnt free shit, ireland took it's own shit back, up till the cowards in dublin negotiated away the northern counties.

england didnt have shit to do with ireland's success, and they havent released the northern counties yet, so they havent failed yet either.

thats why the limeys dont get credit for america's success, they didnt have shit to do with it.

they do get to be listed for failing since their aborted attempt to take our shit back in 1812 got their asses handed to them by ole' hickory and the boys down new orleans way.
they did sack washington, but that rubbish heap grew back.
Lies, the 6 northern counties were annexed in 1912, they didn't try negotiate them back but it wouldn't have happened anyways.

Collins wanted the Irish Free State to rebuild the army because he then wanted to invade Northern Ireland with a modern, legit trained army.
Lies, the 6 northern counties were annexed in 1912, they didn't try negotiate them back but it wouldn't have happened anyways.

Collins wanted the Irish Free State to rebuild the army because he then wanted to invade Northern Ireland with a modern, legit trained army.

see thats why Ireland failed, when youre driving out the invaders you dont stop til the job is done.

they should have pushed the brits back into the sea.
see thats why Ireland failed, when youre driving out the invaders you dont stop til the job is done.

they should have pushed the brits back into the sea.
They're less than two hours by plane...we havnt got the benefit of the entire Atlantic Ocean protecting us.

Same reason the Luftwaffe couldn't bomb LA in WW2, geographic distance.
All I can say is be carefull, in nigeria has a heavy hacker culture, its "cool" to rob people on the internet, they make movies about it were hackers are glamorized driving around in nice cars with 20inch rims etc...This guy is probably in an internet 'cafe' conning people as you talk to him your just another potential victim.
All I can say is be carefull, in nigeria has a heavy hacker culture, its "cool" to rob people on the internet, they make movies about it were hackers are glamorized driving around in nice cars with 20inch rims etc...This guy is probably in an internet 'cafe' conning people as you talk to him your just another potential victim.

that hacker's gonna be pretty pissed when he realizes spammy is nothing but a broke little mooch who can't even afford milk.
nigeria, like all of subsaharan africa doesnt need "help" they need to stop fucking themselves over with 800 year old tribal conflicts, corrupt governments and self-destructive behavior.

nigeria has abundant arable land, abundant water for irrigation, a sufficiently educated populace and sufficient modern infrastructure to create 419 scam emails, but they cannot figure out a way to fix their own shit?

nobody can help africa but africans, and they have proven reluctant to try. the only way the civilized world could help them would be to invade, and dominate then FORCE civilization down their throats.

all of africa would have to live under a police state for generations, and then slowly be weaned off compulsory civilization until they can stand on their own feet, but that would destroy what little remains of the good things of african societies and cultures.

and of course this would assume that the imposers of social order were not corrupt themselves,, which means the UN is right out, leaving the only two nations who have EVER successfully turned a subject territory or an anarcho-______ist land into a peaceful and prosperous democracy, and thats the US and the UK. and even then, the success rate has been pretty low.
We don't need to civilize Africa, that is the WHOLE problem. Look at Mexico, it's RIGHT next to the main white civilization and it's "scary" to most people. We need to stop trying to take Mexican and African tribes and "forcing civilization" (which in this century really just means "guns") down their throats. We don't even need to be sending military, we need to be HELPING and trading with them, and not just people with suits on, EVERYONE. We need to let Africa be Africa, and t you can't say that Africa isn't civilized, that is like oxy-moronic, in the best way. "Africa" STARTED "Civilization", to say "Africa needs to be civilized" is like saying, "Humans should start having babies".
All I can say is be carefull, in nigeria has a heavy hacker culture, its "cool" to rob people on the internet, they make movies about it were hackers are glamorized driving around in nice cars with 20inch rims etc...This guy is probably in an internet 'cafe' conning people as you talk to him your just another potential victim.
I doubt it. He hits me up randomly. I think he's like a Nigerian that wants to live in America, and wants to connect to Americans. He works for the government, because their the college is set up through the government and they have to do a certain amount of government work before their college degree actually gets approved. The way he talks, he is just looking for a better life. And I didn't know it was that bad their till now.
We don't need to civilize Africa, that is the WHOLE problem. Look at Mexico, it's RIGHT next to the main white civilization and it's "scary" to most people. We need to stop trying to take Mexican and African tribes and "forcing civilization" (which in this century really just means "guns") down their throats. We don't even need to be sending military, we need to be HELPING and trading with them, and not just people with suits on, EVERYONE. We need to let Africa be Africa, and t you can't say that Africa isn't civilized, that is like oxy-moronic, in the best way. "Africa" STARTED "Civilization", to say "Africa needs to be civilized" is like saying, "Humans should start having babies".

youre the one who began this thread with an impassioned plea for some "help" for poor oil rich nigeria and their crumbling economy and internecine strife, which is i suppose all the fault of whitey.

africa will continue to wallow in it's own crapulence until africans decide to help themselves.

nobody can help a fool be less foolish save by following him around with a stick and whacking him on the head when he tries to do something stupid or self-destructive.
evil whitey already tried that shit in the colonial period, it failed miserably, and colonial africa is now only slightly better off than non-colonial africa.

africa did not "start civilization"
civilization began in the fertile crescent, with Ur of the Chaldees, and on the banks of the nile with semite egypt.

african contributions to civilization, science and technology have been negligible to date, as have the contributions of polynesia, and the native peoples of north and south america.

you may not like it, it may make you feel bad, but civilization was created by and advanced through the efforts of the societies of asia, the orient, and europe up untill the foundation of the US, and now theres a 4th player.

the entire southern hemisphere is still largely irrelevant to the advance of science, technology and society.
...which is i suppose all the fault of whitey.

nope, you inserted that little bit all on your own. he never said a thing about it.

very revealing as to your mindset though, it's like you're trying to preempt "white guilt" or something.

not surprising though.

africa will continue to wallow in it's own crapulence until africans decide to help themselves.

sounds like something you would hear on stormfront.

african contributions to civilization, science and technology have been negligible to date

more stormfront material here.

you may not like it, it may make you feel bad, but civilization was created by and advanced through the efforts of the societies of asia, the orient, and europe up untill the foundation of the US, and now theres a 4th player.

yep, america had no help at all from africans.

not one bit.

you've gone from bircherism to stormfronting here, mr. kynes.

not surprised though. you loathe multiculturalism.
nope, you inserted that little bit all on your own. he never said a thing about it.

very revealing as to your mindset though, it's like you're trying to preempt "white guilt" or something.

not surprising though.

sounds like something you would hear on stormfront.

more stormfront material here.

yep, america had no help at all from africans.

not one bit.

you've gone from bircherism to stormfronting here, mr. kynes.

not surprised though. you loathe multiculturalism.

then do tell, what great advancement has africa brought to the world?

or polynesia

or the native societies of north or south america.

more mindless ad hominem and illogical cries of racism.

AFRICANS blame the evil western governments for their current plight, for example the claim that somali fishermen have been "Forced" into piracy by toxic dumping and evil western overfishing in their territorial waters despite the simple fact that northwest africa has a long standing taboo against eating fish, and somalia and ethiopia have NEVER had a tradition of fishing nor a fishing industry.

in fact "evil whitey the interloper and slaver" is the cheif boogeyman of the pan africanist movement and the cheif whipping boy for the various groups that make up the movement.

much in the same way mexico blames america for their poverty and corruption. as if we run their elections and rob them of their wealth through their nationalized oil industry. mexico fucks itself through greed corruption and stupidity, just like africa does. they have to fix their own shit since nobody can force them to be less foolish.
then do tell, what great advancement has africa brought to the world?

or polynesia

or the native societies of north or south america.

more mindless ad hominem and illogical cries of racism.

AFRICANS blame the evil western governments for their current plight, for example the claim that somali fishermen have been "Forced" into piracy by toxic dumping and evil western overfishing in their territorial waters despite the simple fact that northwest africa has a long standing taboo against eating fish, and somalia and ethiopia have NEVER had a tradition of fishing nor a fishing industry.

in fact "evil whitey the interloper and slaver" is the cheif boogeyman of the pan africanist movement and the cheif whipping boy for the various groups that make up the movement.

much in the same way mexico blames america for their poverty and corruption. as if we run their elections and rob them of their wealth through their nationalized oil industry. mexico fucks itself through greed corruption and stupidity, just like africa does. they have to fix their own shit since nobody can force them to be less foolish.

i didn't call you racist once, dumbass. i just noted the tone of your birchering.

gee, defensive much?


goddamn multiculturalism.
i didn't call you racist once, dumbass. i just noted the tone of your birchering.

gee, defensive much?


goddamn multiculturalism.

so youre now implying that 'stormfront" is not your personal code for racism?

and again multiculturalism is newspeak for Uniculturalism. the destruction of all individuality in favour of a uniform single mindset and world view which is dictated by our new overlords, the politically correct dictators who decide what is and is not worthy of existence.