Just finished our tax returns

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Oh yeah, cos the top 50% paying 97.3% of all income taxes is them shitting on you.

Btw, you're not in the "middle", you'd be upper-lower class.
Ya I'm almost in the top 25% but it's only a stat. I don't mind paying my share and I don't need you to tell me what I am. I was middle-class most of my life and still consider myself there.

As for the top 50% paying most taxes why would this be a shocking fact to anyone? Of course they pay more, they, we, earn more.

As for corporations they are mostly under-taxed.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Name one Flat tax scamnario that treats Capital gains and Investments as income.

There is a reason Rich fuckers back a Flat Tax and it has nothing to do with fairness.
My main concern is working folks. Let's call it a fair tax then. Let's just make a flat tax for those 250k and under and we will tax the shit out of anyone over. Is this OK in your scenario of a utopia?
I should of been more detailed. I support a flat/fair tax for some, not all. And I support this to both, keep the rich from getting away with not paying their fair share, and to get those not paying anything something.


Well-Known Member
Not sure of all the credits she took advantage of but only two of her kids are under 16 and that would qualify her for the regular 1k credit per kid, one child is in college and she got more then 2,000 for her alone in some type of college credit. So there is 4k. Being she is a part-time student, works and has three kids she got some kind of educational credit as well.
I just think it's time to end credits period and do a fair/flat tax. I'm all for taxing the shit out of the super rich but if I was king I'd just to a simple flat tax.
Quick Name one Flat Tax Scamnario that includes capital gains


Well-Known Member
i owe almost as much to the state as i am getting back from the feds again. the downside of no sales tax and not taking the standard deduction so my wife can itemize hers.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
How about a 15% tax rate on every cent everyone earns with a 15% corporate tax rate and capital gains at 30%?

(No deductions, no credits, no bullshit...)
I'm not sure why you directed this question towards my comment to CR but since you did, I am against any taxation of wages.

"No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken."

If you work for a wage, you are trading your labor/time/talent for currency. If the state can take a portion of that currency, they are in effect taking part of YOU. If you concede that power, then what is stopping them from taking it all?

If employees had to submit to quarterly payments or even if they had to pay once a year, it wouldn't be long until there would be a new mindset when it comes to income tax. The withholding of taxes is one of the most devious tricks that has been perpetrated on the American people. If you don't see the money being stolen from you, you don't miss it. Everybody adjusts their lifestyle to what their take home pay is and once a year they get excited because they have a check coming their way... woo hoo, it's just a rebate on money that was taken from you. Out of sight, out of mind.

There is no law that says American citizens must pay tax on wages earned in the US. It's a fraud that is purported by ignorance, greed and tyranny.


Well-Known Member
If the state can take a portion of that currency, they are in effect taking part of YOU. If you concede that power, then what is stopping them from taking it all?

There is no law that says American citizens must pay tax on wages earned in the US. It's a fraud that is purported by ignorance, greed and tyranny.
awww, you poor little vagina. you poor, persecuted slave.

that must be so tough to be a slave like that. you should really publish a book or something and become a millionaire by telling everyone how they have been tricked into paying income taxes.

just kidding, you stupid whiney cunt.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Treachery and political bullshit aside, Taxes are what pay for roads and schools.

Would be great if all our taxes went to roads, schools, police/firemen, and such. Fed taxes should go to maintaining railroads, interstate highways, ports, military and so on.

I think the feds give state aid for food stamps and medicaid... but I could be wrong on that.

The government is supposed to provide a service for the people. If they made your eggs wrong, send it back and ask for a remake.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
IMO, the best way for the government to positively influence the economy is to improve transportation so that trade is more efficient.


New Member
I'm not sure why you directed this question towards my comment to CR but since you did, I am against any taxation of wages.

"No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken."

If you work for a wage, you are trading your labor/time/talent for currency. If the state can take a portion of that currency, they are in effect taking part of YOU. If you concede that power, then what is stopping them from taking it all?

If employees had to submit to quarterly payments or even if they had to pay once a year, it wouldn't be long until there would be a new mindset when it comes to income tax. The withholding of taxes is one of the most devious tricks that has been perpetrated on the American people. If you don't see the money being stolen from you, you don't miss it. Everybody adjusts their lifestyle to what their take home pay is and once a year they get excited because they have a check coming their way... woo hoo, it's just a rebate on money that was taken from you. Out of sight, out of mind.

There is no law that says American citizens must pay tax on wages earned in the US. It's a fraud that is purported by ignorance, greed and tyranny.
won't let me rep you :(

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
awww, you poor little vagina. you poor, persecuted slave.

that must be so tough to be a slave like that. you should really publish a book or something and become a millionaire by telling everyone how they have been tricked into paying income taxes.

just kidding, you stupid whiney cunt.
Tricked? Not really. They are fairly open in their threats of what will happen if you fail to comply with their demands. I think when there is an "or else" in the equation, the proper word would be threatened into paying rather than tricked.


Well-Known Member
A man beats his wife, but buys his dog a steak....what's wrong with this picture?

The problem with the extortion system setup known as taxation is you are forced to fund the bad or you will be harmed. Wouldn't it be better to separate "goods and services" that people want from "bads and disservices" that the government tosses into the equation too ?

Ches has no direct say in the matter of how his contribution is used, in the overall, it is used for neutral or good more than it is used for "bad". Your man beating his wife but feeding his dog is not an applicable analogy.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Treachery and political bullshit aside, Taxes are what pay for roads and schools.

Would be great if all our taxes went to roads, schools, police/firemen, and such. Fed taxes should go to maintaining railroads, interstate highways, ports, military and so on.

I think the feds give state aid for food stamps and medicaid... but I could be wrong on that.

The government is supposed to provide a service for the people. If they made your eggs wrong, send it back and ask for a remake.

Of course the services you desire, roads, schools, etc. could still exist and would likely perform more efficiently if those same services were provided in a free exchange and consensual manner, rather than the extortion employed now.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Ches has no direct say in the matter of how his contribution is used, in the overall, it is used for neutral or good more than it is used for "bad". Your man beating his wife but feeding his dog is not an applicable analogy.
You're funny. "Contribution" ???? If a person contributes to a cause, it is normally implied that it is a willful act of giving, not a unilateral "agreement". You expand the meaning of "contribution" to include acts that are imposed on others, whether they like it or not. Your assertion that the "contributions" are used more often for good than bad is debatable.

What we apparently agree on is that if a person disagrees on certain uses of his contribution, he has no recourse. That seems to illustrate the nature of the entity imposing the "contribution" doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
You're funny. "Contribution" ???? If a person contributes to a cause, it is normally implied that it is a willful act of giving, not a unilateral "agreement". You expand the meaning of "contribution" to include acts that are imposed on others, whether they like it or not. Your assertion that the "contributions" are used more often for good than bad is debatable.

What we apparently agree on is that if a person disagrees on certain uses of his contribution, he has no recourse. That seems to illustrate the nature of the entity imposing the "contribution" doesn't it?

I've said it before - There is nothing stopping you from refraining from paying your taxes, you need only renounce your citizenship and move to a place that more suits your standards - that makes this an ultimately free society. So yes, it is a contribution in return for your being able to stay here.

This means he has absolute and full recourse to his current situation, Now I am not inviting you to leave, I am simply pointing out that you do have an option and are not forced in any way to stay and in so staying become obligated to "contribute".

Now I have said it before as well, the price of admission to this particular zoo is $15 bucks, you don't get to pay ten claiming that you don't like zebras.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I've said it before - There is nothing stopping you from refraining from paying your taxes, you need only renounce your citizenship and move to a place that more suits your standards - that makes this an ultimately free society. So yes, it is a contribution in return for your being able to stay here.

This means he has absolute and full recourse to his current situation, Now I am not inviting you to leave, I am simply pointing out that you do have an option and are not forced in any way to stay and in so staying become obligated to "contribute".

Now I have said it before as well, the price of admission to this particular zoo is $15 bucks, you don't get to pay ten claiming that you don't like zebras.
Your answer amounts to "that's just the way it is" . It fails to recognize or address the problems of what happens when a system has coercion at the source.

Also what you are saying VALIDATES my argument that coercion is part of the model used by the government.

So here's a question for you --- How do you personally like to transact business with people? By peaceful mutual agreements or via threats?


Well-Known Member
Your answer amounts to "that's just the way it is" . It fails to recognize or address the problems of what happens when a system has coercion at the source.

Also what you are saying VALIDATES my argument that coercion is part of the model used by the government.

So here's a question for you --- How do you personally like to transact business with people? By peaceful mutual agreements or via threats?

How I "like" transactions has no bearing on the necessity of my making them, "like" is a frivolity, an indulgence, a nugget of chocolate, a refreshment. Anyone who is governed by like has little business in ... business. We all do distasteful things in the interest of our goals.

"that's just the way it is", is, unfortunately eminating from a person who does his best to see things "the way they are". I would certainly entertain a change, I would love for my money all to go to the NEA - ALL of it, every year, now, can tell me a way to make this so?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
How I "like" transactions has no bearing on the necessity of my making them, "like" is a frivolity, an indulgence, a nugget of chocolate, a refreshment. Anyone who is governed by like has little business in ... business. We all do distasteful things in the interest of our goals.

"that's just the way it is", is, unfortunately eminating from a person who does his best to see things "the way they are". I would certainly entertain a change, I would love for my money all to go to the NEA - ALL of it, every year, now, can tell me a way to make this so?

So in order to get the goods you desire, you are saying you must fund undesirable and horrible things too? When people say that is just the way it works, they mean that is the way it functions. "Works" implies functioning properly. The present system seems dis functional at best to me, if a person must fund bad things he doesn't want to.

Mary Ruart called...she said you haven't read her book yet.