Club 600

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
bump for the Dog, lol who's the Voto that made this?lol :weed: What up Jig [video=youtube;qK1cFMzcF5E][/video] well time to get to work cut my back yard, front, weed-eat, smoke, clean garage, setup 600w, move plants in garage


Well-Known Member
I guess you found my videos haha. I was thinking of making a new one today. Freak all the youtubers out going soil.


Well-Known Member
Sneaked into the pub under the guise of food shopping (pizza purchased, lol). Its fukkin Baltic here.....


Well-Known Member
Who yer Daddy? Bobo is....fuk yeh man. Looking grrrrreat!
Thanks D! Feels good to be able to share some pr0n with all of you again. Hopefully they'll start to come down in a week or so.

You garden is looking damn fine this morn, too. All these Blue x's are looking all time. I'm really enjoying watching everyone have so much fun with the Blue Pits. Might have to drop in on the BB webby for a little purchase at some point. Didn't think I was going to be able to run more than 1 more flower run, but I'm thinking I might be able to pull off 2 instead, which drastically changes things. Guess which strain I'll probably hit up! Two hints: Woof. Woof.

Speaking of woof woof, I need to go feed the fury little guy. I bet he wants his food, lol. "Hurry up, dad! Yaaa jerk!" lol :lol: Hope you're all enjoying your Saturdays. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Mornin fellas, been racking my brain on some new shit.....that was my mind has been super fucked lately>>>>>>>KUSH

anyway my roommate and i decided to switch up our harvest cycle method and i think we are going to replace plants in the flowering room as soon as we pull ones, if we have a worthy vegger we put it in right away after harvesting obviously have to keep a journal with all the start and finish dates but thats no big is going to make things way more managable on the harvest end and a hell of alot more perpetual i guess......never done it this way before, he suggested it and im willing to give it a shot....ive always done runs with all plants starting and ending relatively the same time so im excited......soon il have more soil and il get these chernobyl f-2s underway!


Well-Known Member
absolutely COF i didnt mean to insinuate id be pulling them down when i want il always let them finish, but they are all going to finish at different times. ive got 17 strains right now......

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I run a perpetual with ? different strains. I don't have a journal and honestly don't know how many strains there are 'cause there's always something new...which means that they have different unknown requirements. I date them when they go into bloom and keep an eye on them. I had two tell they were ready when I was expecting next week.....they're drying now.
The date is just a reference point. You're a good grower, like nike says, just do it.....and don't make it complicated.



Well-Known Member
thanks mate il take those words appreciatively and graciously, thanks for the insight. i like your style. being a younger cat i tend to get a little headfucked and then go hang out with my older friends and remember the MELLOW! Most of my friends are at least 10 years older than i am, its always kinda been that way.


Well-Known Member
Mornin 6'rs!!! Hope you are all having a spectacular saturday. Supercross is on tonight, Woo Hoo I just can't seem to get enough of it. I don't even ride anymore but still love watching it. Need More Coffee and Bong Rips.


I run a perpetual with ? different strains. I don't have a journal and honestly don't know how many strains there are 'cause there's always something new...which means that they have different unknown requirements. I date them when they go into bloom and keep an eye on them. I had two tell they were ready when I was expecting next week.....they're drying now.
The date is just a reference point. You're a good grower, like nike says, just do it.....and don't make it complicated.

I tried perpetual once and ended up with every bug known to the universe. One of my plants literally had 3 grams after harvest. I just try and focus on one thing at a time and it work better for me. If I had more space it might be a different story.


Well-Known Member
Well seeing as I'm not getting anything done with my outdoor figured I'd give you guys some pr0n, under age and adult ;)

Here's my new lil ones :D


And now for some vinnie :D Day 73, day 23 12/12


Have a good day guys!! Time to go play in the snow with the boys :D


Well-Known Member
^ i could see your concern, however im confident in my preventatives. i rotate 3 organic sprays, i have an isolation room for all new coming plants, but i tend to stick to my own clones and seed if i can....and i have more than enough space. luckily if i needed to i could increase my flowering space to 10x 15 and have a 6x8 vegging space, but i choose to go 4x4 for veg and 10x6 for flower.....

i had this idea too: since i have an hps and mh side by side il start the plant under the hps then move it gradually under both then finish under the mh, this will free up room behind the plant for new comers, give it a wide variety of spectural stimulation and give the plant maximum cross spectrum and light in the crucial week 5 and 6....just an i -deer what yall think


Well-Known Member
I think it sounds fucking perfect. Maybe it will mimic the different light they get I think the timing is good to. Let the budsites get hefty with the HPS, get some cross light going on when they bulk up, and blast the trichs with the MH to finish off frosty. I'm really digging the idea. I should get a MH bulb to finish the girls with.


Well-Known Member
beautiful giggles! lol i got the same damn heater lol nice clean tent, it reminds me i need to vacuum tonight!
Haha thanks, ya without that heater my girls would die lol. Stupid snow storm! Funny I just cleaned out both my tents 2 days ago haha. They were dirty!

I think it sounds fucking perfect. Maybe it will mimic the different light they get I think the timing is good to. Let the budsites get hefty with the HPS, get some cross light going on when they bulk up, and blast the trichs with the MH to finish off frosty. I'm really digging the idea. I should get a MH bulb to finish the girls with.
I always finish up the last 7-10 days with MH. Really puts the frost on :D