The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
3 : deficient in active properties ; especially : lacking a usual or anticipated chemical or biological actions

aka microbes

There is little to no usable food for plants in the substrate, which is why you need to start feeding almost immediately and continue feeding every single time you water.

dont see how anything below proves that you should use molasses lol
Ask on 1 of the coco threads there's loads of peeps using molasses in coco...

Yeh cocos inert but what ever you feed is still there in the coco till you next feed that's why you can water when needed not like true inert mediums like clay pebbles which needs a constant feed....


Well-Known Member
Ask on 1 of the coco threads there's loads of peeps using molasses in coco...

Yeh cocos inert but what ever you feed is still there in the coco till you next feed that's why you can water when needed not like true inert mediums like clay pebbles which needs a constant feed....
And using cannazym promotes beneficial micro organizims or how ever u spell it lol. So surely using mollasses along side it would help.... no?


Well-Known Member
Yeh the cannazym is good for your micro life an speeds up the breaking down of dead roots, can't see why it won't help but probs no need mate if your using the cannazym an cannas boost or simular...

I've used mascavardo sugar before in coco its pure sugar cane an what molasses are made from it's only a quid from morro's too lol...used it to do a 4day flush before harvest....


Well-Known Member
Yeh the cannazym is good for your micro life an speeds up the breaking down of dead roots, can't see why it won't help but probs no need mate if your using the cannazym an cannas boost or simular...

I've used mascavardo sugar before in coco its pure sugar cane an what molasses are made from it's only a quid from morro's too lol...used it to do a 4day flush before harvest....
Yeh man I only use the mollasses last week or so. Because its organic and u can eat it and what not I think surely its better than using all those notes just before your about to consume the goods;-) I don't want all that stinky horrible shit in my bud when I smoke it I want good natural sweet sugars that make your bud taste better!


Active Member
btw not trying to be a dick here, just trying to get to the bottom of this, cos I would like to know the answer too, I thought I did, but we're not all right all the time
unless your name is yorkie ;)

ok so found this, article basically saying that

The results demonstrated that a good sporulation from Trichoderma harzianum could be achieved in only 5 days. It could be interesting to further study the sporulation behavior at moisture levels below 60%, which could result higher productivity of spores in aerated solid state fermentation system.

so I guess if you wanted to increase your trichoderma spores you could ferment your coco in some stinky molasses
the reasons I stopped using molasses was, 1. it stinks 2. personally found it did very little


Well-Known Member
@vice yeh I know what u sayin mate I just like it for flush and shit what I'm gonna do is when I'm ready for harvest I'll do all the rest how I normally do then I'll do 1 with no flush + no mollasses just reduced feed to about 600ppm and I'll do a non biast smoke report ;-)


Active Member
ok so by this logic, you add molasses, it increases trichoderma activity

  • The coconut's organic complex contains trichoderma, a mold which works to keep root diseases in check and stimulates root development

why would this help in the last few days of a plants life? the roots are already developed and should hopefully be disease free by this stage anyway

Yeh man I only use the mollasses last week or so. Because its organic and u can eat it and what not I think surely its better than using all those notes just before your about to consume the goods;-) I don't want all that stinky horrible shit in my bud when I smoke it I want good natural sweet sugars that make your bud taste better!


Active Member
do it blind (ask someone to help with this) otherwise you may be biased by the placebo effect ;)

or even get someone else to try it

will be interested to see the results, I know for me there was no difference whatsoever, but again I may have been biased by thinking it does nothing.

@vice yeh I know what u sayin mate I just like it for flush and shit what I'm gonna do is when I'm ready for harvest I'll do all the rest how I normally do then I'll do 1 with no flush + no mollasses just reduced feed to about 600ppm and I'll do a non biast smoke report ;-)


Well-Known Member
ok so by this logic, you add molasses, it increases trichoderma activity

  • The coconut's organic complex contains trichoderma, a mold which works to keep root diseases in check and stimulates root development

why would this help in the last few days of a plants life? the roots are already developed and should hopefully be disease free by this stage anyway
Because the last few days of its life it takes it nutrients from its leaves so a week prior to this I want to get all the nasty stuff out and give the plant wait for it mollasses so when it pulls those nutrients out the leaves and stuff its not synthetic nutes left over but organic nutes and sugars that's all


Well-Known Member
Mrt how come your gunna put the pot straight in mate? Why not open it up?
because im using clay pebbles mate. if i open them up the pebbles will go every where lol

i just had a knock on the door from the police. fucking propper paranoia. the 10 year old was fighting with a boy up the street and they came about that. i hadnt smoked since 7 this morning tho and the mrs came down the stairs and said she couldnt smell anything anyway


Well-Known Member
sure last night sum1 was saying wait till yorkie posts,thinking hel be backed up about using mollassess in coco lolo,, guess he dident, oh well


Active Member
holy shit... are ye tighty whites brown?

because im using clay pebbles mate. if i open them up the pebbles will go every where lol

i just had a knock on the door from the police. fucking propper paranoia. the 10 year old was fighting with a boy up the street and they came about that. i hadnt smoked since 7 this morning tho and the mrs came down the stairs and said she couldnt smell anything anyway


Well-Known Member
because im using clay pebbles mate. if i open them up the pebbles will go every where lol

i just had a knock on the door from the police. fucking propper paranoia. the 10 year old was fighting with a boy up the street and they came about that. i hadnt smoked since 7 this morning tho and the mrs came down the stairs and said she couldnt smell anything anyway
Ah you'll be alright bet your arsehole was twitching tho ha ha


Well-Known Member
holy shit... are ye tighty whites brown?
ive had the same shit b4, my lodger was wanted sum time ago so police came he said ok lemmi get my bag so coppers went upsairs with him. stodd right next to my grow room was about week 6-7 flowering exo fuckibng brown wasent the word lol