no internodes? just node after node, is that a problem, clusterf***ed:)

so I'm growing a critical kush and shes 15 days old. Doing amazing so far, I'm just curious. I am doing 24/7 lighting because im short on height restrictment so i actually am shooting for tight nodes. hahah but is there such thing as too tight.. also i have my light (400 watt mh) around 2 1/2 feet from her. no heat issues or drying.

WELL check this out, my lil girls 3 INCHES TALL with 31 leaves 4 nodes the 5th are their, just not developed. Annnd no space in between nodes. I know critical kush is a bushy strain. and that's why this may be uncommon. I'm not sure if it is or not, never seen any pictures of anything like it haha so lemme no what you think!! any questions ask away!

oh and i just fimmed her today on the fifth node

IMAG0221 (1).jpgIMAG0219.jpgIMAG0222.jpg


Well-Known Member
no there's no such thing as too tight....u may have to trim out some foliage later for air flow but for budding tight nodes is what u want....critical kush is my fav strain....its awesome...
Yup, what he said. Mine were tight like that, stayed that way through the entire grow. The 400w light with a cool tube was always 12" from the top of plants after the seedling phase at 24".


New Member
Tight nodes will give u branches like this....1355929876489.jpgthis is a pic from my critical kush harvest...56 dried n cured grams off this one...vegged for 26 days flowered for 56 days under cfls