Nigeria (Nairaland)

so youre now implying that 'stormfront" is not your personal code for racism?

and again multiculturalism is newspeak for Uniculturalism. the destruction of all individuality in favour of a uniform single mindset and world view which is dictated by our new overlords, the politically correct dictators who decide what is and is not worthy of existence.

i was told that coded speech was a falsehood, yet here i sit, being accused of coded speech. interesting.

and yes, we know how you hate a melting pot that could lead to "uniculturalism". i mean, we have to keep the race pure, now don't we?


you're suffering from some kind of paranoia and ranting endlessly about overlords and loss of all individuality and singular mindsets. lay off the fucking meth, ya goddamn nut. you can still breed within your pure lines, no one is stopping you. you just might have to sit next to one of those not REAL americans on the bus or something.

fucking chill.
i was told that coded speech was a falsehood, yet here i sit, being accused of coded speech. interesting.

and yes, we know how you hate a melting pot that could lead to "uniculturalism". i mean, we have to keep the race pure, now don't we?


you're suffering from some kind of paranoia and ranting endlessly about overlords and loss of all individuality and singular mindsets. lay off the fucking meth, ya goddamn nut. you can still breed within your pure lines, no one is stopping you. you just might have to sit next to one of those not REAL americans on the bus or something.

fucking chill.

more not-so-subtle implications of racism and racist thinking.

multiculturalism is not "multi-racialism" it concerns itself with eliminating the differences between groups by imposing a single homogeneous addmixture of all the "good culture" of the world while carefully eliminating all the "negative influences" which just happen to be the western, and european influences which have resulted in the technological society we enjoy today.

multiculturalism in fact celebrates the blending of all non-western cultures into a new universal mishmash based on the postmodern belief that the more alien any belief structure or ritual is from western culture, the more positive it must be.

multiculturalism also celebrates the coming day when all people are a single uniform race which will invariably be of a single hair color a single eye colour and a single skin tone, and then everybody will be equal, since we will all look exactly alike. hooray.

i do not look forward to a future where everybody looks thinks and talks exactly alike. that sounds like something out of dante's inferno not a utopia, but thats where the multicultural elitists are leading.
more not-so-subtle implications of racism and racist thinking.

multiculturalism is not "multi-racialism" it concerns itself with eliminating the differences between groups by imposing a single homogeneous addmixture of all the "good culture" of the world while carefully eliminating all the "negative influences" which just happen to be the western, and european influences which have resulted in the technological society we enjoy today.

multiculturalism in fact celebrates the blending of all non-western cultures into a new universal mishmash based on the postmodern belief that the more alien any belief structure or ritual is from western culture, the more positive it must be.

multiculturalism also celebrates the coming day when all people are a single uniform race which will invariably be of a single hair color a single eye colour and a single skin tone, and then everybody will be equal, since we will all look exactly alike. hooray.

i do not look forward to a future where everybody looks thinks and talks exactly alike. that sounds like something out of dante's inferno not a utopia, but thats where the multicultural elitists are leading.

more paranoid persecution complex nonsense, champ.

go snort some more meth and work on your manifesto.
and again multiculturalism is newspeak for Uniculturalism. the destruction of all individuality in favour of a uniform single mindset and world view which is dictated by our new overlords, the politically correct dictators who decide what is and is not worthy of existence.

You're obviously working from a different definition on multiculturalism...
american flag on t-shirt = racist and exclusionary

mexican flag on t-shirt = multicultural and inclusive

same high school same day. nope im pretty sure im using the actual definition.

Nah that's the libtards view on multiculturalism, not the way it's supposed to work - If you can't wear a t-shirt with the US flag on it in the US well sir, something is seriously fucked up.

It's should work similar to a "live and let live" view of the world - almost "zen" like...
Nah that's the libtards view on multiculturalism, not the way it's supposed to work - If you can't wear a t-shirt with the US flag on it in the US well sir, something is seriously fucked up.

It's should work similar to a "live and let live" view of the world - almost "zen" like...

thats classical liberalism again, where shit that doesnt hurt anybody else is nobody else's concern.

modern liberalism/leftism/progressivism/crypto-fascism demands submission to their view or exile from "enlightened society"

thats where you get zero tolerance laws for everything the PC crowd feels is bad, but particular zero tolerance for intolerance.

or hate crime legislation which punishes Thoughts rather than deeds, and makes certain ideas a crime, like the Australian speech codes which technically do not exist but still sends peiple to jail for denying the holocaust or even publicly questioning certain details, like the mythical human skin lampshades (which really was bullshit). even when i use them as blunt instruments in trolling inside im groaning that THOUGHTS can be banned in a civilized country.

when one has been threatened with firing for discussing shakespear with a co-worker, one comes to despise speech codes rather quickly.

attractive female co-worker: "i was reading that book of sonnets and there was a word... he didnt really mean that... did he?"

Me : which word in particular?

attractive female co-worker: "um..." (whispers) "niggard"

Me: (pokerface) "yes, yes he did. "

atractive female co-worker: "but but... it was racist?"

Me: (trollface)

attractive female co-worker: "what? whats so funny? racism isnt funny!"

Me: "the word is Niggard, it means a cheapskate or miser. it has no relation to the word youre thinking of!"

dumb race card bitch playing two workstations over, listening in: "imma repoat U racist crackahs!" (exact words)

Me: "fucking morons everywhere."
I did not plea for help, I described HOW we can help. And you replied saying bomb them. :lol: You're dumb :lol:

really? i said bomb them?

thats amazing because what i actually said is "they need to help themselves" and "the only way to "help" them would be to invade and force our help upon them whether they like it or not, over GENERATIONS"

this doesnt sound like "bomb them" to me, or anyone else with a functioning brain.

even smok3y1 could not get "bomb them" from that.

the best bucky could do was "thats racist" because the truth makes him feel all icky.

i suspect you may in fact be as thickwitted as rumours have portrayed.
really? i said bomb them?

thats amazing because what i actually said is "they need to help themselves" and "the only way to "help" them would be to invade and force our help upon them whether they like it or not, over GENERATIONS"

this doesnt sound like "bomb them" to me, or anyone else with a functioning brain.

even smok3y1 could not get "bomb them" from that.

the best bucky could do was "thats racist" because the truth makes him feel all icky.

i suspect you may in fact be as thickwitted as rumours have portrayed.
He's twice as thick as you think he is.
american flag on t-shirt = racist and exclusionary

mexican flag on t-shirt = multicultural and inclusive

same high school same day. nope im pretty sure im using the actual definition.

i'm wearing a shirt with the american flag on it right now, dipshit.

glenn beck should invite you on as a guest, you are good at losing your shit over nothing and turning it into a bizarre conspiracy.
i'm wearing a shirt with the american flag on it right now, dipshit.

glenn beck should invite you on as a guest, you are good at losing your shit over nothing and turning it into a bizarre conspiracy.

so that didnt happen?

so there are no speech codes banned books and disclaimers declaring evolution to be "just a theory" in science textbooks?

ohh wait i forgot,, you think speech is only protected if you LIKE what it says. youre as quick as any fascist to scream sqwuak and claim racism when you hear something you dont approve of.

you are a part of the PC machine that thinks multiculturalism means the right to end every idea which does not conform, and silence every voice of dissent unless it comes from your side.

and you are so blinded by your ideology you can not even recognize this within yourself.
We don't need to civilize Africa, that is the WHOLE problem. Look at Mexico, it's RIGHT next to the main white civilization and it's "scary" to most people. We need to stop trying to take Mexican and African tribes and "forcing civilization" (which in this century really just means "guns") down their throats. We don't even need to be sending military, we need to be HELPING and trading with them, and not just people with suits on, EVERYONE. We need to let Africa be Africa, and t you can't say that Africa isn't civilized, that is like oxy-moronic, in the best way. "Africa" STARTED "Civilization", to say "Africa needs to be civilized" is like saying, "Humans should start having babies".

Tampa and Chicago are scarier than your average Mexican ghetto.
I doubt it. He hits me up randomly. I think he's like a Nigerian that wants to live in America, and wants to connect to Americans. He works for the government, because their the college is set up through the government and they have to do a certain amount of government work before their college degree actually gets approved. The way he talks, he is just looking for a better life. And I didn't know it was that bad their till now.

And he has been given an inheritance, but he can't leave the country with it. He needs you to let him transfer it into your bank account and then western union it to him so he can marry the princess and move to America to live his dream of being a minority.
And he has been given an inheritance, but he can't leave the country with it. He needs you to let him transfer it into your bank account and then western union it to him so he can marry the princess and move to America to live his dream of being a minority.

i thought he was siphoning funds off from building the national stadium...

or he was holding onto my dead relative's estate so it wouldnt be stolen by the corrupt regime and he was gonna help me sneak it out of the country as soon as i pay the bribes....
And he has been given an inheritance, but he can't leave the country with it. He needs you to let him transfer it into your bank account and then western union it to him so he can marry the princess and move to America to live his dream of being a minority.

That was the original Super Mario Bros. concept, but Nintendo of Japan didn't think anyone would believe it.
more not-so-subtle implications of racism and racist thinking.

multiculturalism is not "multi-racialism" it concerns itself with eliminating the differences between groups by imposing a single homogeneous addmixture of all the "good culture" of the world while carefully eliminating all the "negative influences" which just happen to be the western, and european influences which have resulted in the technological society we enjoy today.

multiculturalism in fact celebrates the blending of all non-western cultures into a new universal mishmash based on the postmodern belief that the more alien any belief structure or ritual is from western culture, the more positive it must be.

multiculturalism also celebrates the coming day when all people are a single uniform race which will invariably be of a single hair color a single eye colour and a single skin tone, and then everybody will be equal, since we will all look exactly alike. hooray.

i do not look forward to a future where everybody looks thinks and talks exactly alike. that sounds like something out of dante's inferno not a utopia, but thats where the multicultural elitists are leading.

i just have to bump this for the sheer joy of your white supremacist manifesto.