

Active Member
So I normally try to keep my water ph inbetween 6.4-6.8 but from previous advice I think I might be experiencing a phosporus defiency so I checked my soil ph today and saw it was well over 7. What do I do how do I bring it down but keep my ph at a level were my ladies can absorb what they need? Please help!


Well-Known Member
Can you post photos of what you are seeing as a deficiency?

I am growing in soil as well, and am relying (successfully so far) on soil's
being a more forgiving substrate.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
FFOF has an "in-the-bag" pH of over 7. Stop worrying about pH and let the thing grow while you watch and learn. Agree with the pics request.

1 pic = 1000 words from a good writer. Everybody be warned - post without pics and possibly hear this from me. It's nuts for inexperienced growers to get on here and start writing about shit they don't know. Worse yet are ninnies who know even less but are willing to share their ignorance and misinformation and pass it on after reading these half-vague posts.


Well-Known Member
Hey HotRod, you know I'm your bud and you give great advice 99.9% of the time. Nobody gets an ace;-)

I just wanted to point out that there are a few posters on here with like 30 posts that know their shit. And there are plenty with thousands of postings that do not have a clue'.

On the internets you get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
agree with the above soil tends to do its own thing like regulating its own ph..unless your plant is showing you something different


New Member
So I normally try to keep my water ph inbetween 6.4-6.8 but from previous advice I think I might be experiencing a phosporus defiency so I checked my soil ph today and saw it was well over 7. What do I do how do I bring it down but keep my ph at a level were my ladies can absorb what they need? Please help!
if youre using tap water, i would filter it. it will remove some buffers that cause the ph to "bounce" back to whatever the buffer is set at


Active Member
FFOF has an "in-the-bag" pH of over 7. Stop worrying about pH and let the thing grow while you watch and learn. Agree with the pics request.

1 pic = 1000 words from a good writer. Everybody be warned - post without pics and possibly hear this from me. It's nuts for inexperienced growers to get on here and start writing about shit they don't know. Worse yet are ninnies who know even less but are willing to share their ignorance and misinformation and pass it on after reading these half-vague posts.
Harley, you were the one to first diagnose this defiency the other day from a few pics I posted. I don't appreciate your assumption right off the bat bc there is no picture when I have described the situation I'm not trying to answer any questions about it as this is the first time I have ever checked my soil ph. Just need some advice. since we all need to see these picture here ya go



Active Member
shitty grower.

either too hot, not enough water, or too much water.

or nute burn.
WOW you really know your stuff, way to narrow down there for me. Temp no higher than 79 no lower than 70. water every 2-3 days depends on looks this was obviously three days and needed a drink, nute burn...really... no yellow on the leaves, tips just drying and falling off I have noticed a slight brown discoloration and after looking around just on here you could narrow that down to as harley and many others have once before stated on a previous post it is a phosphorus def.


Well-Known Member
def a little nute burn. I am a pro at that after MG. Have you tried a PPM pen? PH test and PPM pen on Amazon. Got both for about 25 bucks. Gotta start with
1) good water 2) good soil 3) good light.
Once you get PPM and PH should work itself out.


Well-Known Member
check your ph and ppm run off..I do it before i put anything into the soil now. Then you know whats going in and out. Process of elimination.


Well-Known Member
shitty grower. either too hot, not enough water, or too much water. or nute burn.
pretty sure i see burning in the second picture.

sorry about the rude comment. kind of drunk
Hi bmeat. So you are pretending to be 40 with the name "Justin"?
You calling someone a shitty grower?
It seems like he is doing much better than your plant.



Active Member
def a little nute burn. I am a pro at that after MG. Have you tried a PPM pen? PH test and PPM pen on Amazon. Got both for about 25 bucks. Gotta start with
1) good water 2) good soil 3) good light.
Once you get PPM and PH should work itself out.
Once again as mentioned before use tap water, pretty stable, sits for about 3 days ph between 6.2-6.8. I haven't checked the ppm as I don't have the pen but as far as soil ffof and light is two 400w hps so i think its a good start oh yea nutes are botanicare.

check your ph and ppm run off..I do it before i put anything into the soil now. Then you know whats going in and out. Process of elimination.
check ph as mentioned no ppm meter

pretty sure i see burning in the second picture.

sorry about the rude comment. kind of drunk
ok well agree to disagree

Hi bmeat. So you are pretending to be 40 with the name "Justin"?
You calling someone a shitty grower?
It seems like he is doing much better than your p

hahahahah ok it all makes sense now thanks trousers! any suggestions or stick with the advice of just letting it grow bc that seems to be the concinsous?


Well-Known Member
I don't grow in soil except outside, so it is not a good idea for me to give advice.
I would listen to hotrodharley.