The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I know what your sayin there mate problems just creep up fast as fuck and if you don't spot it early things can just go from bad to worse but I'm sure the magne cal will sort it out ;-)
Yeah man, ill flush my bigun with 40l of water with calmag,biogrow,rhiz on wedensday since it hasn't been flushed for ages now, must have some salt buildup or summit.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, ill flush my bigun with 40l of water with calmag,biogrow,rhiz since it hasn't been flushed for ages now, must have some salt buildup or summit.
Sounds good to me but if you have to ph down use lemon juice when ya flush I've been told that ph down acid can leave a lot of salts behind in the medium and if ur flushing you don't wanna put it all back in again

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Alright lads don't quote me on this but I think the reason they don't put to much cal mag in the base nutes is because to much cal can bind up other nutes.
On the canna nutes thing in coco all you really need is cal/mag to go with ya A n B, the A n B is a complete feed so you could easily get away with with spending just £20 all the other additives are down to preference and defo not essential, I'm 5wks into flower and have got away with using just the above nutes.
IMO the vast majority of the stuff people will tell you that you have to have is down to marketing and forum bullshit, many people get great yields using nothing more than a solid base nute.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me but if you have to ph down use lemon juice when ya flush I've been told that ph down acid can leave a lot of salts behind in the medium and if ur flushing you don't wanna put it all back in again
I got proper phosphoric acid 1 tiny tiny drop turns 2l milk carton of water from 7.5ph to 6.5 ph, i found that lemon juice doesn't work that well after a day the ph goes back up to what ever it was before adding lemon juice. i have used it before and added 2 bigger drops an it took me ph down to 4 lmao.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, ill flush my bigun with 40l of water with calmag,biogrow,rhiz on wedensday since it hasn't been flushed for ages now, must have some salt buildup or summit.
If your in soil mate and feeding with bio-bizz I would be careful flushing with all that, A low feed with a little cal-mag would probably be more than enough, if it were me and I was worried about build up I'd just water with plain ph'd water.


Well-Known Member
Alright lads don't quote me on this but I think the reason they don't put to much cal mag in the base nutes is because to much cal can bind up other nutes.
On the canna nutes thing in coco all you really need is cal/mag to go with ya A n B, the A n B is a complete feed so you could easily get away with with spending just £20 all the other additives are down to preference and defo not essential, I'm 5wks into flower and have got away with using just the above nutes.
IMO the vast majority of the stuff people will tell you that you have to have is down to marketing and forum bullshit, many people get great yields using nothing more than a solid base nute.
I have already got me canna basket full, A&B an boost an rhiz an that calmag stuff shawzy linked me to, is all i will be usin an i got some h&g pk13/14 so it aint that much realy, i keep promising im not gettin a shit ton of additives lol.


Well-Known Member
If your in soil mate and feeding with bio-bizz I would be careful flushing with all that, A low feed with a little cal-mag would probably be more than enough, if it were me and I was worried about build up I'd just water with plain ph'd water.
i would flush with plain water but i got all these deficiencies showin up i just hope my plant aint rusted by wedensday. might flush 20l of plain water then another 20l with some nutes to keep it on track an not waste 20l worth of nutes.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i would flush with plain water but i got all these deficiencies showin up i just hope my plant aint rusted by wedensday. might flush 20l of plain water then another 20l with some nutes to keep it on track an not waste 20l worth of nutes.
I know what you mean about the additives mate loads of the lads on here do use them but I don't understand it unless they're deficient in the additive needed and it's just been copied over from agricultural practices that don't apply to us, with the flush mate I was only saying to be careful because if something is out of whack throwing a load of nutes at it may cause it to get worse rather than better, in soil with bio-bizz a low feed should sort it out if plain water doesn't, you can't remover a build up by adding more to it if that makes sense mate.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean about the additives mate loads of the lads on here do use them but I don't understand it unless they're deficient in the additive needed and it's just been copied over from agricultural practices that don't apply to us, with the flush mate I was only saying to be careful because if something is out of whack throwing a load of nutes at it may cause it to get worse rather than better, in soil with bio-bizz a low feed should sort it out if plain water doesn't, you can't remover a build up by adding more to it if that makes sense mate.
yeah did i forget to mention i flush at half strength nutes, its defo deficient i been researchin since i got up lol, but yeah i understand what you say, i overwatered so till wedensday ill let it dry out so a water will be needed /flush.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
yeah did i forget to mention i flush at half strength nutes, its defo deficient i been researchin since i got up lol, but yeah i understand what you say, i overwatered so till wedensday ill let it dry out so a water will be needed /flush.
Sounds like a plan mate you can but try, good luck with it and let us know how ya get on.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan mate you can but try, good luck with it and let us know how ya get on.
aye, just hopin the feed i gave it today will last over till wedensday i fed full strength an it should start perkin up on tuesday wen its got over the overwaterin iv put it through this weekend lmao.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man all you need for good growth is the a+b canna boost ok 13/14 and magne cal works fine for me oh and maybe a drop of superthrive here and there


Well-Known Member
Yeah man all you need for good growth is the a+b canna boost ok 13/14 and magne cal works fine for me oh and maybe a drop of superthrive here and there
yeah that is probably what ill end up with, an just use my biobizz stuff for a plant or 2 that i want outside this summer probably some auto freebies.


Well-Known Member
yeah that is probably what ill end up with, an just use my biobizz stuff for a plant or 2 that i want outside this summer probably some auto freebies.
Yeeeaaaahhhhh boy can't beat those outsiders the suns got something those bulbs will never have.....well that's if we het any this year lol


Well-Known Member
fuckin timers need another one of those too ffs, ill get a decent one on wedensday typical fans an timers are allways the ones to go kapoot the light will be next if me timer keeps fuckin up


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha fuckin ell either freeze or drown
my mate had a few outside ended up buddin them inside because it got too cold to finish em haha, lmao at this 2 outdoor plants buddin under a 1k light hahaha he couldnt manage any more under it they were that big an bushy haha


Well-Known Member
shawzy you a cashcropper or stricly personal? im thinkin 50/50 to help fund future grows i hate havin it all out me own pocket.