transplanting tips?


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm going to be transplanting my rooted cuttings from neoprene pucks into rockwool cubes then putting into a 10" net pot with hydroton. Can anybody give me a bit of instruction on how I can put the rooted cuttings into the rockwool (Do I cut a slit in the side and wrap it around it or do I punch a hole through the middle and pinch together the fibbers around the stalk?). Then when putting it into the rockwool how the heck do I do it without damaging the rootball?

Any help would be awesome!
you can put a rooted cutting directly into hydroton. im sure some people on here will disagree but ive done it multiple times with a great success ratio.


Active Member
you can put a rooted cutting directly into hydroton. im sure some people on here will disagree but ive done it multiple times with a great success ratio.
I've read up on a bit of that, though I'm still a bit concerned with trying to cover the root ball as I don't want to damage it.


Every hydro plant I've ever grown I've put the rooted clone straight into the hydroton and I've had a 100% success rate


Well-Known Member
The idea of trying to jam roots into a block of rock wool sounds a lot more dangerous than the idea of carefully laying hydroton around and the roots as you put them in. I can see how maybe cutting up the rock wool and wrapping it around would be less traumatizing but I'd just try to put them right in the hydroton.