Over 455K members, anyone famous?

not even close to being famous besides how the hell does a famous person do anything with out a camera up in their grill and it being all over the news.
Doubt it. No celebs would have time to learn about marijuana or growing when they could just buy it from one of their celebrity drug hook ups. It takes time and a wanting to learn to join this website (or any growing site). Maybe an old school celeb/flash in the pan who doesn't really work anymore and doesn't have the cash to buy good bud. Maybe then.
You never know who could appear on RIU , anybody who googles weed will end up at least looking at RIU.

Where are the assclown kids who worship Subcool , as he is a celebrity right ? hahaha
Not unless it's my own, women are filthy nasty things

i'm just kidding about that part.

i think our friend "freedomatlast" may be the latest sock puppet of our friend "munchbox", also known as "freedomworks".

i may be wrong though, but he is someone's sock puppet.